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Beware of harsh cuss words in these chapters and abuse probably.

"Jeremiah," The boy got up quickly at the sound of his name from his favorite person in the world. He quickly ran as fast as his scrawny legs could take him and jumped into the hands of his father, Jovah Kaleen, with great enthusiasm. His father chuckled, "Good boy," 7-year-old Jeremiah Kaleen laughed. He loved hanging out with his father. His mother despised him, but his father provided him with the love he needed. He enjoyed life despite its odds. His father tapped his nose and he blushed, "I got another one for you boy," His father continued and Jeremiah's eyes shimmered. He liked taking abilities. Even if he had no idea what he was doing he enjoyed it because it made him feel stronger, energetic and above all, it brought a smile to his father's face. Besides that, each power held taste that was unique. It was unusual and honestly refreshing. The taste was enough to lift his spirits. He licked his lips at the thought of another scrumptious meal.

Safely holding him tight in his arms, his father made their way to the door and instantly halted at the sight of the woman he'd married. A sigh escaped his lips as he saw the state she was in. She was evidently angry again. She was glaring at them both and the bottle in her hand was evidence that she's been drinking.

"Give him back," She slurred, "Give it back! It's mine‼"

"It's up to the boy. Let him get older," His father stated and she groaned

"You've ruined me, you lying bastard! I'm going to kill you!" She screamed, standing akimbo.

"Get out of my hair. You should be grateful!"

"You bloody Hrens, I'll kill you all, fucking trust me on that,"

"You know that seems accurate. At this rate, you will be the death of me," Jeremiah had no idea what to do. It was always this way with his parents. He was both terrified and confused but he simply hugged his dad tighter for comfort.

"I'll tell them all, you'll see,"

"While you're at it, tell them you watched and enjoyed what I gained from it. Also, add how much of a selfish bitch you are. Oh, and how you were the crux of my plan and happily accepted it," There was tension in the air as the two adults glared at each other. They both fought the rest of the battle with their eyes and by the smile that appeared on his father's face, he had won.

"Can we go now," Jeremiah mumbled, wrapping his hands around his father's neck as he tried resisting the urge to cry or scream. His father's eyes softened as he glanced at the child and he scoffed at the woman before pushing past her. Jeremiah stared at his mother with guilt in his eyes. He was never sure what she was angry about or what exactly they were arguing about. He didn't know what she wanted, but he was certain he was in the middle of everything. How? By the look of hate that settled in the eyes of his mother every time he so much as looked at her. He waved at her despite this look and mouthed an apology.

Once the two were outside the house, his father settled him in his black BMW patting his head and shutting the door before making his way to the driver's seat. He turned to look at the boy.

"It will be tricky this time, son," His father stated as he revved up the car, "But just go with it. I promise you it will all be okay,"

"Okay," Jeremiah mumbled, even though he knew something was off. The ride to their destination was silent, prior to other days when they would laugh and talk all through. He knew something was definitely wrong. When his father parked his car right in front of a building, he knew that the procedure this time would prove different. His father stepped out, before returning in and placing a beanie on his head.

"Don't get out till I signal you to," He stated and despite the feeling to complain, Jeremiah nodded and stayed shut.

His father came out and knocked on the door. Few minutes after, another man came out of the house, immediately shaking hands with him. The man's eyes lingered to the car and then back to Jovah. The man said something, Jovah replied. A few documents and a briefcase were placed in Jovah's hands and it was then he signaled for his son to come. Jeremiah listened quietly, stepping out of the car and fumbling with the hem of his sweater. He didn't understand so being obedient was the only way to get an answer. Jovah barely looked at him before handing him over to the other man and opening the briefcase. His eyes shimmered at what he saw and then he smiled and shook the man again.

"Nice doing business with you," Jovah stated and the man nodded.

"How many Initials again?" The man asked

"So far, he has fifty nine. One includes Identification," The man nodded repeatedly and Jonah made his way to the car. Jeremiah became alerted.

"Father...?" Jovah sighed as he heard his son's voice. He turned and rubbed the back of his head.

"Look Jeremiah... you have to stay strong okay. I'll be back. For now stay with uncle Furner," Jovah stated a bit annoyed.

"Uncle Furner...?" Jeremiah looked up at the man and Furner gave him a smile.

"You are a good boy, Jeremiah," Furner stated and Jeremiah immediately turned to look back at his father who was already reversing out of the compound.

"But, father... I—" Jovah whined down the window and pointed to his son.

"Obey," The words were strict and alarming and different from how he usually got spoken to. He immediately became silenced and all he could do was watch his father drive away. Tears sprang up in his eyes as he tried to assure himself.

'He said he'd be back' He thought and squeezed his eyes shut. 'He'll be back,'

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