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Tanalya lay on her bed completely exhausted. She had had the worse yet most exciting day ever. After the boring walk she had been told a few details about what was going on with her. She had been told those things by a poodle named Chuck.

It felt almost imaginary now she thought of it. She hadn't had time to dwell on it because right fret the dog-sitting she had another long tiring job to handle. She had cleared her head completely and the thought of a talking dog- or her being able to understand them- didn't enter her head. Now that's all she could think about.

"It's a gift," Chuck had said and she had raised a brow.

"What is?"

"You have been giving the gift to be able to understand and commune with animals, not just dogs. Your one of the many,"

"There are more people with this gift?"

"A whole community or even probably a city of people with diverse powers,"

"What?!" she hadn't been able to say any other thing. She had been shocked.

"They are called Specials- their groups in them though. The Mundanes... Birthas..."

"Why is it all of a sudden occurring now? I couldn't understand what animals said before..."

"Maybe you've been blessed. You must have really surpassed the Writer's expectations,"

"The Writer..." Chuck did a weird doggy nod.

The door swung open suddenly and Chuck ran into the arms of his true owner.

After that she had received her pay and left.

Now she had many questions she didn't know the answer to. It upset her. She sighed, feeling suddenly weary. Her day was going on weird, first starting with Jokx and now this gift business.

She smiled and her mind wandered off to the things Jokx was probably doing at the moment. He didn't seem like someone who slept early. He was a late sleeper surely, and it was just 10pm. He could be going through his phone or playing with Polarie or having a night bath...

Tanalya stood up grudgingly and found her way into the bathroom for a light shower.

At the same moment, somewhere near Tanalya's apartment, Jokx sank himself into his bed and thought of his experiences in the day. He had only taken a shower and now he was drifting to sleep as he stroked his dog's fur.

"TG..." He let out a light chuckle even though his roommates must have thought it quite absurd of him.

"Can you be my friend?"

It felt weird remembering her words... how she said them, how she looked. She was silly- he thought of her that way yet he found himself loving it.

She had actually asked him... he's never been asked before... not that he couldn't remember, His memory was quite sharp, but there is only so much a brain can do.

His closed his eyes to give them a little rest. He had only this night off and he wanted to use it wisely, yet there was so much curiosity in him. Was he her friend?

He hadn't officially said yes.

He didn't think he could handle lying over and over to a friend, and his job required a lot of lying. He would have to take advantage of her honesty and kindness. He didn't want that.

He looked at Bish in his arms and chuckled again. He finally realized they hadn't settled on a name for her.

Polarie sounded better, but he liked Bish.

He simply hoped to see her again to settle that'd He had no intention of visiting her or breaking into her house ever again. The day was just shitty to him. He smiled looking at the adorable mutt.

"You like her too, don't you?" You could hear the dog whining and then it barked, "Yeah, me too,"


Tanalya's apartment reeked of smoke. The window was open and thick clouds of smoke were allowed out. Inside Tanalya was coughing furiously. She sighed when she saw what was supposed to be pancakes on her plate. It was her first time ever trying to prepare something and even if it was something as easy as pancakes she didn't seem to get it right. She we down to her fifth try and yet she kept burning it.

Now at this same moment, her neighbor in the apartment opposite her was getting ticked off by the foul smell of smoke. Her name was Beatrice Xona. She was Spanish and had black hair and shiny brown eyes. She was a single mother with two kids. She had only just come back from dropping them off at the community school and now she had to endure the smell of smoke. She hadn't ever bothered to meet up with the other people living in the apartment block. She had recently just moved in herself and she liked the isolated kind of life. She stood up from her couch and opened her door, taking a short walk over to Tanalya's apartment. She knocked hard on the sturdy door.

Inside the apartment, Tanalya looked at her door and a wave of excitement filled her. She hoped so hard it was Jokx. She certainly had no plan when she sent him away three days ago without taking his number. She dropped everything she held and basically ran over to her door. She cleaned her hands on her jeans and opened the door with a huge smile on her face, only for it to fall. She was seeing someone she hadn't seen ever before and the lady was pissed- Tanalya could tell from the frown on her face.

Xona looked past her and at the smoky filled apartment, and then she shook her head disapprovingly.

"Do you need some help honey?" Xona said trying to put away the frown on her face- she failed though and it ended up lopsided in a weird way. Tanalya was now completely sure the woman was furious.

"Oh!" Tanalya started in a playful way and then a nervous chuckle, trying to air out the tense moment. It worked; cause in no time Xona was less awkward and simply waited for an explanation, "I had some trouble with..."

"Cooking? I can help child," Xona welcomed herself into the apartment before Tanalya old reply.

A sudden annoyance grew in Tanalya's heart. She didn't want to jump to conclusions, but she despised the woman for her rude gesture.

Xona picked up the burnt pancake and it crumbled in her hands. She shook her head disapprovingly.

"How does a person burn a pancake?" Tanalya blushed at the question and pushed back a strand of her wispy white blonde hair behind her ear.

"I've never made any before..." Xona gave her a questioning look then eye rolled.

"Rich kids," she muttered, just loud enough for Tanalya to hear. Somehow, it made her want to cry. She couldn't say anything against that. She had spent her whole life getting spoilt. Xona's remark only gave her determination. She would learn to cook, even if it killed her, "Pancakes are the basics of every cooking. For you to mess that off you must have never gone into the kitchen in your life," Xona paused, "Sorry for the intrusion though. I'm your neighbor from the opposite apartment. I go by Miss Beatrice Xona. What about your child?"

"Tanalya Greenewod," Tanalya replied as she walked over to the island Xona stood by. She stretched her hand for a handshake but Xona only glanced at it before facing her pancake mix.

"May I taste that?" Though annoyed, Tanalya nodded and Xona tasted her mix with a bland look. Her face scrunched up.

"Of all the kids I know your age, it has always been the same problem, but you just have the opposite problem," Xona shook her head disapprovingly again. Tanalya felt it was a bad habit, "There's absolutely no sugar in this mix!" Tanalya watched as the short woman poured in more sugar to her mix. After a taste, the woman nodded her approval and looked at her.

"You need lessons. I'll teach you for a small fee," Xona said.

"Actually... ma'am, I don't have the finances to be able to keep up any there pay as of now, so I will have to turn down your offer..."

"Do not worry; I don't want your money. Your fee will be to never cook without my supervision. The place is really choking. It's inappropriate for everyone in this building." Tanalya couldn't hip but smile.

Xona wasn't so bad after all.

TANALYA GREENEWOD: World 10حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن