Volume 1; Part 1

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I annoyingly wake up to my blaring alarm, I was honestly dreading this day. Should I hit snooze? So I stop it? I mean am I really going back home?

I should be happy right? I've played so far from home for my entire career. Does Italy still need me? Should I leave everyone behind?

Just in time to shut all the questions running through my head, my phone rings. I finally grab it from the lamp stand.

Favorite Italian calling ......

I answer immediately, knowing that if I didn't. She would blow up my phone, heating the phone up in the process.

(Conversation in Italian)


I hear shuffling in the background, and then she finally speaks up.

"It's time! Get dressed, you better have everything packed!" After those words left her mouth, I sat up and looked around my room. It was so vacant and empty, It was so bizarre to me. "Yes Elisa, I have literally packed everything" I sounded sad, with effort enough to prolong this inevitable conversation.

"You sound like you are about to make the worst decision of your life right now"

"Probably because I'm about too"

"Adriana, this is has been your absolutely dream. It is in your hands, what could possibly hold you back?" She asks me with passion behind her voice.

Italy, that's what holds me back. It became home away from home, the atmosphere and the people. I had grown tremendously as a footballer here, as a person. The club here, put a lot of effort in me and they trusted me. I felt like I was leaving them behind, and their work was for nothing.

"Adriana, you are the greatest footballer in the world. Do not be afraid of change, do not be afraid to grasp what's in front of you. We will be fine, we will keep going and it's not because we don't need you. It's all because of you, you gave us something to keep going for. You made this country love football all over again, and it will not change when you leave. You left an impact here, and we will take after it now."

After my call with her, her words lingered in my head all morning. It was something I needed to hear, regardless of who it was.

I called a taxi, and when it got here. It was setting more in my head that I'm leaving. My apartment no longer had a touch of a human, it was vacant. It was ready to be home for someone else, someone who would most likely stay forever. Reminding me that, I was easily replaceable.

I went down to the lobby, handing my keys over to the receptionist.

"Hey, I don't think you know this but your apartment will be getting a plaque indoctrinated on the wall. That will say the greatest female footballer in the world stayed here"

I was surprised, I didn't know they thought of me that much at least. The questions and the doubt was starting to subside when she had told me. It was like the world sending small little signs that indicated that Italy was going to be okay. It was going to be okay without me, and maybe that's what I wanted?

"Oh wow, that's incredible." I mention and once the conversation was over. I went outside as the staff were helping me move everything inside the vehicle. I take one last look at the apartment complex before I duck my head into the car, and ascend to my new journey. I admired the city and the people one last time before I left, I didn't know when I'd be back but I know deep down this will not be the last time I'd be in Italy.

When we get to the airport, we had to meet with a couple of staff that weren't sent to help me. My agent was going to meet me here as well, since she'll be heading back to Barcelona too. It was difficult to get through the main entrance of the airport, so many people were crowding the car to get a look at me. I didn't know how my departure was going to be but I didn't expect this. The staff had to call for security to safely escort me inside. The airport had already made a walk way for me, as I get off. There was a barrier between the fans and I. I could barely hear what they were instructing me too so due to how loud they were cheering for me.

"Hi Everyone!" I said loud enough for some to hear. I waved and started helping the staff get stuff out. I was quickly rejected by them, letting me know that they were okay. I walked over to a couple of kids and started signing away. There was one girl in particular that caught my eye, she has a foreign yet familiar jersey. As I made my way over to her, I pointed out her shirt. She turned around to show me the back. My last name split between two jerseys. In Barcelona and AS Roma. This little girl is wearing half a Barcelona jersey.. here in Italy. She didn't care what team I played in, she just wanted to be like me. I give her a hug, and her father took a picture. I offered to sign her jersey as well, and her dad caught the moment in video for her to look back at.

That moment was enough for me to understand that my job here was done. This little girl knew she could be just like me, if not even better. She knew that it was okay for a little girl to play futbol, and to make it her world.

"Adriana!?" I turn to my left, and notice my agent of 10 years. She approached me, I noticed a folder in hand and her bag hanging off her shoulder. She had a blazer on, and her hair neatly pulled back into a fancy bun. I compare her outfit to mine. I was wearing a white Nike shirt crop with burgundy track pants and white air maxes. I was appropriately dressed for a flight, comfortability over fancy discomfort.

"Estas lista?" (you ready?)

"Sí, només sentia que necessitava apreciar aquest últim moment" my Catalan came out, but since she was also from Barcelona she understood me. She nodded, and we started walking along into the airport. Where I was also met with fans who wanted autographs on whatever they could have it on. I was fortunate enough to be able to say goodbye to many as I could before getting inside the plane. Which the airlines told me it was totally fine to be a little late. Even though I could, I didn't feel as if it was right for everyone else on the plane. When I had walked into the plane, everyone stood and applauded. It was truly meaningful, and I gave everyone recognition as I walked to my cubicle. My agent trailing behind me and making sure to let me know she was there for anything. I peak over to a window nearby, and I took in the moment. There was no going back, no running away. After 15 more mins, the plane was setting off.

"Us suggereixo que dormiu aquest vol" (I suggest you go to sleep)

""Lo haré, pero estoy pensando en la conferencia de Alexia esta mañana. Le preguntaron cómo se sentía acerca de mi llegada al Barça." (I will, I was just thinking about the conference Alexia was in this morning. They asked her about me coming to Barca) I mentioned to her, I'm already sure she saw it. She takes care of media issues or contacts, sponsors and control management. Alexia told the media today, that she was not surprised about my transfer to Barca, she knew I would eventually come back to Spain. She was adamant to have me, but she wanted to keep this professional. She said she expects us to be cordial like we are in the national team.

"Estoy a punto de decirte que Alexia Putellas tiene que estar enamorada de ti." (I'm at a point to tell you, Alexia Putellas has be in love with you)

"Estás loca Karri, esa chica no aguanta mi presencia" (You're crazy Karri, that girl can't even stand my presence) we both chuckle.

Alexia and I would never fully get along, we just have a mutual understanding of distance. We mind our business, and not speak at all. She doesn't know me, but I know her however. I secretly admired her from afar, and I listened to her. I observed her, and her habits. She was a great leader, ambitious and strong.

I admire her and she hates me. Nothing new, but at least we have managed it without bringing entire chaos to the team.

"Estás pensando demasiado allí desde que mencioné su nombre." (You've been in thought since I mentioned her name) She teases me, she nudges my shoulder playfully. I glare at her, unamused. She couldn't be wrong, I did think about my rival. I have been trying to figure out what the issue has always been, why she didn't like me.

"Espero que sea una broma lo que dices." (I hope that's a joke you're telling)

We left that conversation at that.

I reach into my travel bag, for my headphones. I plug them into my ear, playing soft music. I lean my chair back and quickly fall sleep.

Sleep through this 1 Hour and 45 min flight to Barcelona.

GreatnessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang