Volume 3; Part 1

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The 3 woman finally arrived at the private bar, instantly feeling the vibe of the place. It was intimate yet the music was funky, and it suited the atmosphere. Adriana saw the annoying little blonde tips of Marco's curly hair, and Leo's scolding of something Marco probably said. Alba lifted her head up to see who walked in, the look of shock overwhelmed her face. Making Elena stop her talk, and look up to the direction of entrance.

Adriana was engrossed in her own conversation with Alexia, as they held enough eye contact for the glances to go unnoticed. The older sister hasn't noticed her sister at the table, until they finally got to it. Her eyes widen in bewilderment, hoping it wouldn't be here on drive there.

"Alexia?" Alba questions, as she looks away from the glances Marco and Elena were making to each other. Marco got up, to hug them being the dramatic as ever.

"Tan hermosa's como siempre tia" (Beautiful as Always Girl!) He greets Bruna first, who hugs me before shaking hands with his girlfriend. He moves over to welcome Adriana back home "Ya era hora de que volvieras de tu década lejos del paraíso Guapa" (It was about time you came back from your decade long away from Paradise, Cutie!) he kisses Adriana's cheek out of friendly manner. Even though Marco would flirt like a high school kid with her all the time, despite being in a relationship. It wasn't until Adriana threaten to end their friendship, because his behavior contradicted being a good friend.

"lo hice para alejarme de ti" (I did it to get away from you) she joked with him, and he laughed sarcastically before introducing his girlfriend too her, who also happens to be a huge fan of the athlete. They hugged before Adriana went around the table to greet the others until gets to Alba. She was quite fine the moment she saw her sister with Adriana, wondering when that came to be. Questions ran through her head, the main one being.. is Alexia the girl Adriana has been seeing?

Alba decided to play it off

"Alba! Tia! te echado de menos" (Alba! I have missed you) Adriana pulls alba into a tight embrace, the younger blonde accepting it gracefully despite the information never shared. She knows that Adriana hadn't mentioned it too here, it would be for a fair reason.

"Ja s'ha congelat l'infern?" (Did hell finally freeze over?) Alba whispered in her ear, making both of them giggle. Alba knew the extent of how Alexia and Adriana were to each other, in the bases of playing football. She knew that Adriana loved Alexia though, and she had always secretly wished her sister would come around with her feelings too. Seeing them come together in this moment, brought sheer happiness to her.

"Hi ha una sorpresa encara més gran" (There's an even bigger surprise) she whispers back, in their own little world. Everyone else engrossed in many different conversations, only leaving Alexia to watch the other two. She was only standing awkwardly to the side, being noticed by Leo.

"Alexia, Soy Leo, un gran admirador por supuesto." (Alexia, I'm Leo, a big fan of course) he introduces himself knowing the other two woman have gotten caught up in their reunion. It also grabbed Marco's attention.

"Ah, sí! La reina del Barça!" (Ah yes! The queen of Barca !) Marco chimes in with sarcasm, lifting his glass high. It was no story to anyone that Marco was a born Madrista. He was born and raised there after all, a true fan. Before anyone could respond, he was pinched on the arm by Adriana who sat next to him. Leaving Alexia to sit next to her sister since Bruna pulled Adriana to her side. "Ey! Puede que sangres al Barça pero eres un madrista de corazón." (Hey! You may bleed Barca but you are Mardista at heart) He taunts Adriana, who most certainly didn't miss this banter.

Sports was never a topic of conversation amongst the group, considering they were all from different parts of Spain. They favorited different teams but loved the sport together nonetheless. There was also respect, it never reached that topic because they knew it was better for Adriana to have a life outside of it.

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