Volume 3; Part 3

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It was the morning of the game.

Adriana received a text this morning from Cortés, expressing his desires of winning the game today or she would have consequences. She immediately screenshotted it, and the email he had sent her days prior about how he would sabotage her relationship with the team if expectations weren't met. She knew that this was bad on his behalf, and she would use it at a weapon when she needed it. She went as far to send it to her team of lawyers, who advised to go with the plan they had. She was to wait to retrieve more evidence but to also cut back on training outside of the Barca Facility so she wouldn't get injured for the excessive training.

She felt a bit of stress leave her shoulders when her attorney assured her that he would always seek justice for her. Her trainer who was informed of the situation, suggested to just recover with that free time, it would be important for her down the line. She was going to go through this without anyone else knowing, they didn't want to risk it getting to anyone else. It would blow her cover if word got out to him that she was taking all this to court.

"Es un puta locura" (This is fucking crazy) Adriana says to her trainer as he massages her legs, he's been  there since telling him last night. Being there for her as a friend, and trainer. She told him to go back home, so he could spend time with his husband but he didn't leave. He insisted to be there for her, so she set up the guest room for him for as long as he needs it. He was family to her, after all. She met his family, his husband and he even learned Spanish for her. It was nice to know that someone she trusted would only be a door away from her. Despite what had happened to her, she knew he wouldn't be ever do that.

"Esto es por una causa mucho más grande que tú." (This is for a cause much bigger than you) He reminds her why she's doing this. Adriana was getting stuck in her head too much, needing that extra reassurance. This was for something much bigger than futbol, it was about how the federation, the coach's or even staff want to control the careers and bodies of female athletes.

"Lo sé, es tan agotador" (I know, it's just draining) she sighs, now leaning up to stretch the rest of the time. He moved to sit next to her, always willing to hear her thoughts. He always expressed how much he loves her, from her strength to her laughter. He always knew Adriana was special, since the moment she arrived to his gym in Italy. She meant so much to him, as far as to even train her remotely anywhere she went. Of course he had hoped that she would stay in Italy but he was glad she got to live out her dreams at Barca.

"It's like I can't enjoy futbol the way I had before" she says in English, with a strong foreign accent. As she leans towards her leg to push her arm out, she continues rambling about everything she felt. He only sat back and listened to her, knowing that this is the best way for her to talk about everything. Adriana always often being the strong reserved person, no one took for granted when she would open up. That's something he always admired about her, she always just kept going no matter how hard life got. "Quizás debería haberme quedado en italia." (maybe I should have stayed in Italy)

He scoffs

"You sell yourself short Tia, Tu sueño era jugar en el Barça, ganar una Champions con el Barça y ahora lo harás. Siempre estuviste destinada a estar aquí, even if it feels impossible" (Your dream was to play for Barca, to win a champions with Barca and now you will! You were meant to be here-) he switches in between languages to express how much he disagrees with her. Adriana takes a deep breath, to let his words process in her mind.

To the world, Adriana had a strong mindset. She was a fighter, an achiever, someone who never fell short. A firm supporter on mental health in athletes, she always had to be.. strong minded. Only a few people knew how much she had to train herself to have a fit mindset, it wasn't done over night. She had to build it as she grew into being one of the best in the world. When the rest of the female athletes were at point C, she had to be at point A, regardless. There was a standard for her, everywhere she went.

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