Volume 1; Part 8

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Jenni walked me to the field to meet with the rest of the girls. I was really excited, I know some people would normally be nervous to meet their new teammates. Always far from normal as I can be, I was happy to be with this team. I've admired a lot the players from a distance, it's even more special to play with them. I also know some of the players, grew up looking up to me. Mostly the young players in this team today, and I can't wait to meet the result of my hard work. I do what I do, for the future of women's futbol. Sometimes, selfishly for myself too, I love to win. Reality. Who doesn't?

I admire the stadium of Johan Cruyff, with Jenni just ahead of me. She was guiding me to the group of girls in training gear. They were all lounging, some on the floor talking, others standing and drinking out of water bottles. My eyes quickly landed on one person in particular, Maria Pilar Lèon.

"Mapi Tu amante por fin está aqui!" (Mapi, Your lover is finally here!) Jenni yells towards the blonde, and she instantly looks up confused. Until her eyes meet mine, she drops her bottle to run towards me. She jumps on to me, my arms automatic wrap around her lower back to keep her up. She kisses my cheek, before I put her down.

"No puedo creer que estés aquí"(I can't believe you're here) she tells me with her signature smile. Others gather around us, wanting to see me and meet me. Ironically, for someone who happens to be one of the closest people to Alexia; Mapi is my best friend too.

"Bueno, créelo, ¿no? Porque estoy aquí y no voy a ninguna parte, Cheva."(Well believe it, because I'm here and not going anywhere) I push her shoulder lightly. She steps back, giving those who knew me access to hug me. Those who didn't approach, were quite noticeable. So I walked up, and introduced myself. I could tell some of them seemed nervous, and I couldn't tell why. The new teammates surrounded me, cause I kindly asked them too.

"Si alguno de ustedes alguna vez necesita algo o ayuda. No tengas miedo de preguntarme, estoy aquí, utiliza mis recursos" (If any of you ever need anything, or help. Don't be afraid to ask me, I am here, please use my resources) I tell them, and they give me a good reaction. I could tell I sort of earned their trust. Of course they need to get to know me better, but this is progress. This team will be complete, just like I promised the boss.

"Saldremos esta noche, ¿te gustaría venir? Tal vez tomar una copa de celebración." ( We're going out tonight, would you like to come? maybe we can have a celebratory drink) Patri wraps her arm around my shoulder, including me into a conversation taking place with the girls. "Deberías venir! Ha pasado un tiempo desde que salimos todos" (You should come! it's been a while since all of us gone out) Leila speaks up, coming around the girls to stand by me. It was quite weird being around them again, let alone Leila. We had a mutual breakup, but it was still awkward. Even through we were no longer together, there was a point where we had friends with benefits. It wasn't until, she had caught feelings for me again.. and I didn't. By the time she had them for me again, I had finally came to terms for my undying feelings for Alexia.

"Tenemos práctica mañana por la mañana, ¿estáis seguras de que será una buena idea salir esta noche?" (We have practice tomorrow morning, You girls sure going out tonight is a good idea) A firm voice talks from behind the group, causing everyone to look behind me. It was the Captain herself, and she made everyone groan. I'm going to assume the blonde wasn't invited because she would have not approved.

"Estoy seguro de que podemos salir y no tener que beber para divertirnos. ¿Verdad chicas?" ( I'm sure we can still go out and not have to drink to have fun. Right girls?) I encouragingly tell the girls around me. I get agreeing responses, and nods.

"Entonces Adriana, tú estás a cargo. Si alguna de las chicas llega mañana con resaca o tarde, TÚ serás la que sufra el castigo." ( Then Adriana, you are in charge. So if any of the girls come tomorrow morning hungover or late. YOU will be one to suffer the punishment) She challenges me, and the girls looked at one another. Probably not expecting the new arrival of the team to already seek punishment.

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