Volume 1; Part 6

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On our way to Barcelona, was a joyful ride. My father was so happily on the passenger side after a slight issue with him wanting to be the driver. I preferred him as a passenger, He was my partner in crime when it came to music. He knew what music I would want to listen to, even if it was a very modern song. My dad keeps up with the media and everything going on, so that he may discuss it with me. Our phone calls are never boring, and I'm grateful for his efforts. Despite his language barrier with English music, he knows my favorite song of all is Sky Full Of Stars by Coldplay.

When we arrive at the facility, I have to check for Clarence. When they approve me, they welcome me in. I walk along side my father, walking at his pace. We walk down a hallway, that should take us on an elevator.

The receptionist leads out of the elevator once we got to our floor. Joan Laporta,'s name was on the door, reading his name gave me nerves. This man is a legend, and the president of the prestige successful Club. When she knocked, we heard a quiet "Endavant" which meant Come in; in Catalan.

She opens the door, revealing a rather well dressed man behind a desk. He gets up excitedly, walking around his desk to greet us. "La reina! ¡Qué gran placer es tenerte aquí!" (The queen! What a pleasure it is to have you here) He brings his hand out with an encouraging manner. I put my hand in his, and he proudly wraps the other on the other side.

"El placer es mío, usted me dio la oportunidad de jugar en este club Sr. Laporta." (the pleasure is mine, thank you for giving me this opportunity to play in this club) Our hands are free from each other, and he moves towards my father. They both shake hands rather friendly, which to me is a good sign.

"Has criado a una niña con buenos modales, deberías estar orgulloso." (you raised a well mannered girl, you should be proud) He tells my father, and my dad nods with a great confidence.

"Lo soy, más de lo que nadie piensa." (I am, more then anyone thinks)

We talked about my stay, and if I was getting around okay. Once we get settled in, he talks to me about what the club expects for me. Which was an inevitable, I am here to win Barca.

"Eres un jugador completo, pero este equipo no lo es. Tenemos altas expectativas de su liderazgo, amabilidad y ambición." (You are a complete player, but this team is not. We have high expectations of your  leadership, kindness and ambition)

I'm here to make Barca the greatest club in the world. I am here to make women's futbol stronger and advanced, that seems like a lot of pressure.

Good thing, I thrive off of pressure.

"Estaré donde me necesiten, con todas mis capacidades. Quiero hacer crecer al Barça y lo haré. Yo también vine con expectativas de este club. Eres un solo hombre, pero un hombre que se sienta en una mesa con los hombres más poderosos del fútbol europeo. Sin embargo, estoy aquí ahora. Si recibo lo que pido, tendrás el trono."

He smirks at my confidence. He knew I was named Queen of football for a reason, and it wasn't all because of my skill. It was because of my own confidence, and the energy I bring.

Mount Everest ain't got shit on me.

He looks at me, to my father and then back at me. He chuckles, he gets up from his seat. I get up at the same time he does.

"¿Cuál es tu petición Reina?" (What is your request, Queen?)

"Quiero que apoye plenamente a las niñas, mejor capacitación, mejores prácticas médicas y mayor equidad. Invierta en nosotros, señor, porque lo valemos muchísimo." ( I want you to fully support girls, better training, better medical practices, and greater equity. Invest in us, sir, because we are very worth it.)

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