Volume 2; Part 1

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⚠️⚠️ Warning. This chapter may be triggering to some readers. Please read with caution, give solace to people who have experienced such misconduct. It is sexual misconduct, so if you feel you can't continue. Please skip this chapter!! ⚠️⚠️

I wake up to a distinct snoring, I have never been accustomed too. I look around the bright white room, the light was shining so miraculously. I felt so out of place, and no reconciliation of ever taking my clothes off. I look over to her, noticing she was naked as well. I try to remember what I could of last night, but the last distinct memory I had was— sitting on her couch making out after she offered me tequila. She didn't drink any, but she helped me upstair to lay down. I don't quite remember anything after that, I was blacked out.

Wait, did we have sex?

I get up gently, not wanting to wake her up. My private area was sore, indicating we definitely did something last night. I move the blanket slightly to look for my underwear, revealing a couple of red stains on the bed. Immediately panicking in quiet, I look down to my private area.. seeing small blood stains by my inner thigh.

Truthfully I wanted to quickly change and get the hell out of here. Once I'm off the bed, I tip toe around the room to look for my clothes and belongings. I look back at her, she was turned the opposite to how I was laying originally. I could see a few scars that seemed to have been aggressively inflicted on her. Once I'm changed, I quietly head downstairs to leave the house.  I had no idea where I was, so I quickly look for my own location. Deciding I should call Leila, but she doesn't answer. My 2nd person was Mapi, and she doesn't answer either. The last resort was Jenni, and it rings a few times until her voice spoke up. "Jenni, hice algo a?malo y odio molestarte pero... necesito que me recojan." (Jenni I messed up, and I did something bad. I need to be picked up)  tell her desperately, I was pacing back and forth a bus stop with my hand on my forehead.

"Dios mío Adriana, ¿estás bien? ¿estás herid ¿Alguien te lastimó?" (My god Adriana, are you okay? Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you?) Jenni was never one to quickly lecture me, she first made sure I was even okay before asking what I did.

The black haired women on the other side of the phone, was not alone. She has spent all night holding an emotionally tired Alexia. Both of them, were now very wide awake. I was too preoccupied with my surroundings to realize how her voice echoed— giving the impression she had me on speaker.  Alexia was freaking out quietly in the background, searching for Jenni's keys and her own phone and keys.

"Estoy bien ahora mismo, te envié mi ubicación." (I'm okay now, I sent you my location)

"Lo tengo, nos quedamos en el movil" (I got it, stay on the line) she tells me, I nod my head even though she can't see me. I hear nothing from her side of the line whatsoever but it felt nice knowing she could still hear me in case for any reason. On the other side of the line, a discussion was brewing between Jenni and Alexia. On the idea of Alexia tagging along with her, not wanting to make me feel like they set me up. Jenni wanted Alexia to sit this one out, because she truly didn't want to blindside me. Alexia however, wanted to make sure I was okay.

I sat on the bench, waiting for her to get here. I felt so drowsed and tired from the night before, but my body felt even more sore. I didn't feel clean, I felt.. dirty. I wasn't comfortable with how I was feeling, but my mind hasn't truly processed what happened last night. I try to remember what had happened, but my mind was foggy.

"Adriana?" Her voice ringed out from beside me, from the direction of her house. I was slightly scared, at what her reaction could be. She looked upset, her hair was tied up in a ponytail and she wore black joggers and a baggy shirt. "¿por que te fuiste?" (Why'd you leave?) She asks me sternly, she stands in front of me to tower me. Almost at a very challenging stance, wanting to be the more dominant in this oblivious stand off.

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