Volume 2; Part 10

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"Come on Adriana, it's very good for your mental health to reconnect and spend time outside of your comfort zone" Bruna was trying to convince her to go out with a couple of their friends, since they haven't in a while. Adriana hasn't felt ready to go out anywhere since that night, even avoiding nights out with the team.

"I know you're scared, but you'll never fully live if you stay in with all that fear Minha" as someone who has gone through the same situation. Adriana was thinking hard about the situation, maybe finding comfort in one's voice might give her the strength to do what she's been afraid to do. "Dame un momento" (Give me a minute) she walked outside her parent's house to make a phone call.


"Alexia, com estas?" (How are you Alexia)

"Estic be i tu?" (I'm good and you?) Her voice sounded cold, distant as if they were back to the cold place they once were. Adriana notice a hint of it but decided against mentioning it. She hoped it was just Alexia being tired from practice, but if only she knew it was deeper than that.

"Mal, mis amigos quieren salir pero he tenido miedo de hacer algo como esto" (Bad, my friends want to go out but I'm afraid too) she opens up to Alexia, breaking through Alexia's upset interior conflict. Now receiving the opportunity to be able to be what Adriana needs in this moment, clicked. Completely changing Alexia's tone of voice, to a more compassionate version.

"Lamento que te sientas así Amor, desearía poder hacer algo para quitártelo" (I'm sorry you feel that way Love, I wish I could take it away) she hated that she couldn't just change the course of that time, so that Adriana hadn't gone through it. "pero lo que puedo hacer es animarte a dar este salto sin importar lo aterrador que sea. Eres libre amoricito, no dejes que nadie controle cómo debes vivir, ni siquiera yo" (but what I can do is encourage you to take this leap no matter how scary it is. You are free sweetheart, don't let anyone control how you should live, not even me) Alexia reminded Adriana, hoping that the advice she was giving could help Adriana decide that this night could be a good thing. The picture, the comments and the speculations were thrown out of her mind as she believed that Adriana called HER because she trusted her. "Este es un paso para sanar tu corazón y las personas que te rodean estarán ahí para mantenerte a salvo." (This is the first step to heal your heart and the people around you will be there to keep you safe) Not knowing fully who she was going out with, but knowing the extent that Bruna will be there for sure. Even through her jealousy, she was positive that Bruna would not let anything happen to the girl she loves.

"Gracias Alexia , Por todo tu apoyo" (Thank you Alexia, for all your support)

"Sempre" (Always) Alexia tells her, Adriana was about to say something until her childhood front door opened. "Adriana, are you okay?"Alexia heard from the other side of the line, cringing at Bruna's voice. The jealousy started brew all over again, imagining them getting back together and Alexia in the backseat of the car again.

"Yes, I'm just talking to—you know what- Alexia Per què no vens amb mi?" (Alexia why don't you come with me?) Adriana impulsively made the decision to invite the Catalan athlete with her, feeling safer with Alexia being there. Bruna smiled at the idea of Alexia coming with them, wanting to get to know the blonde more. There's no doubt that Alexia is an amazing footballer, but from what Adriana has told her; she knows Alexia is even a better person. Maybe she could spice something's up in them, to help boost their romance. She chuckled to herself at her own idea, watching Adriana's face light up.

"Bueno, t'enviaré l'adreça a casa dels meus pares, Vale?" (Alright, I'll send you the address to my parents house okay?) Bruna waits until they're completely off the phone before she voices her excitement. "This is good!" She says with a devious smile. Adriana could read it easily, returning a suspicious look back at her friend with a hint of humor.

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