Volume 1; Part 4

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Bzzzt bzzt bzzzt bzzzzt

I groan at the sound that kept bringing me out of sleep. I open my eyes for the first time, with annoyance.

Bzzzt bzzt bzzzt

I finally grab the vibrating phone from the bed side table. Who could possible be waking me up before my alarm, because I had an alarm for a reason. Meaning it hasn't ringed, so why bother my beauty sleep!

Without looking at the caller ID, I hit swipe.

"Dime" (Tell me) i tell the other side of the phone.

"¡Amiga! ¡Un pajarito me dijo que por fin llegaste!" (Friend, a little bird told me you finally arrive!) the all too familiar voice told me. I don't want to push my buttons, and think the little bird is a certain Catalan. That would mean, she must have told Jenni everything that was said and done yesterday evening. I don't care that she told anyone, probably because I would have said it in front of just about anyone. I care that she didn't even have the respect to keep the conversation between us.

"El único pajarito que sabía. Como estas hermoso" (the only little bird that knew. How you doing Hermoso?) I let go of the bird situation, knowing Hermoso would not. She can be very prying and convincing.. sometimes. I mean, look how that turned out.

Exhibit A. (Communication in Spanish)

Jenni told coach it could be a good idea to put me as forward assisted by Putellas.

And scene.

We were having a light scrimmage during practice.

"How did you know not read that play?!"

"Oh I don't know Putellas, maybe because you didn't communicate it to me?"

5 mins later

"¿En serio la vamos a poner como delantera? ¡Ni siquiera fue lo suficientemente rápida para recibir después de mi servicio!" (Are we seriously putting her a forward? She wasn't even quick enough to receive after my serve?!"

"¡Porque lo pasaste demasiado corto!" ( Because you passed it too short!)

End of scene.

"¡Muy bien, ahora que podemos jugar juntos!" (really good, now that we get to play together!)

Jenni and I are so good on the front. We were such a great duo, Once countries realized it. They would create back lines for the sole purpose of us, we could easily break down through defense. It was like we could read each others minds, and know what the plan was without discussing it. We were great, but we both couldn't voice enough how trailblazing it would be if Alexia could be part of it. Spain could be a very dangerous team, if all 3 of us could play at the same time. We already have a great backline, we just need a little boost in attacking.

"Quería darte la bienvenida de nuevo! Así que haremos una conferencia juntos este mediodía."

Like I had said before, I knew I would be doing so much these couple of days.

We talk for another 5 mins about my last week at Roma. We both had to go, her because of practice. I was getting ready to pick up my mom, and take her out for some breakfast. Karri had dropped off a rental car for me to use while I waited for my car from Italy. When I get dressed into a tank top overlayed by a beige button down shirt and skinny blue jeans with sperrys. I take a quick picture of myself, and caption the location I am in. Which is Barcelona.

I go down and head to the guest parking garage which is below the hotel.

I spot the rental, and unlock it. I look up the easiest way to get to my beloved city, it was an hour away. On my way there, I play the conference Barca had with Alexia this morning, upon my first practice with the girls in a few days.

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