Volume 2; Part 5

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Adriana's pov

I quickly push through the doors to escape the noise consuming my very mind. It felt so overwhelming, constantly hearing the same voices in my head. I'm not crazy or anything, I just have the constant reminder that I'm no longer enough for the world. As soon as the referee blew the last 3 whistles, it's like my mind could hear the noise I had desperately avoided for 90 mins. The field really was my escape, and I didn't want to leave it.

As I walked down the hall, there was a conference happening that i didn't know about 3 seconds ago. I ran right into it, and every reporter and journalist wanted to hear from me. It was starting to get louder and louder, causing my breath to start to pick up, and my body was getting warmer. Questions were being thrown my way, but they were coming out muffled as the loudness kept obsessively burning into my head. I push through the crowd who eyed me in confusion and voiced if I was okay. I left the hall, and walked into some room I didn't really know. As I looked around, it was the kit-man's room, where our gear was. I picked a spot in the corner, I sit on the floor trying to regulate my breathing. My head felt like I was spinning, I didn't feel like I could think right but I could clearly hear the voices that penetrated.

'Her glory is behind her'

'Can't believe she indulged in drugs'

'Is this the end of the Great Adriana Torres?'

'No seas aguafiestas, vive un poco' (Don't be a party pooper, live a little)

The last one repeated over and over. Her words reopening the wounds I fought for them to finally scab over. Bruna did admit to me that, I'll never truly heal from it. It will always be there. I just couldn't help but want to fight it, to forget about it.

I just wanted to feel like me again.

As a min went by, and I was still trying to suppress the thoughts in my head. My fight fell too short, I began to cry uncontrollably.

I heard a noise, and then a sudden sound of the chaos outside until it was muffled out by the door closing. I looked up to see who came in, an unexpected intruder.


"Esta no es una sala para celebrar" (This is not a room to celebrate) I quickly tell her as I wipe my tears. I didn't want her to see me vulnerable like this, deciding she's already seen it enough. She took the spot in front of me, completely unaware of how unapproachable I looked.

"Quiero celebrar donde quiera que estés." (I want to celebrate where you are) She whispered gently, Adriana a month ago knees would have given out at those words. The one I am now, felt numb to her words. It's not her fault, I was just broken right now.

If Bruna's words had no affect to me, I don't think Alexia's would make a difference. She didn't know me anyway, just only that I'm in love with her.

"Habría apreciado esas palabras hace un mes, pero no significan nada para mí. Y mucho menos de ti, a quien, para empezar, ni siquiera le agrado." (I would have appreciated those words a month ago, but they mean nothing to me. And much less from you, who doesn't even like me to begin with)

"Estas equivocada sobre mi" (You're wrong about me) she says with a hint of sadness behind her voice, but still determined. "Me preocupo profundamente por ti" (I care about you deeply)

I chuckle a bit bitterly for my own taste.

"¿Sueles empezar a preocuparte por alguien después de que dice que está enamorado de ti?

¿Preocuparte por mi?

ni siquiera me conoces." (Do you usually start worrying about someone after they say they are in love with you?

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