Volume 3 Part; 2

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"Te ves áspera" (You look rough) Mapi tells Adriana, who just walked in like she had a hungover. She woke up this morning with only a few hours of sleep, to take care of a certain brunette. She got her fed and out of her house in no time, since Bruna realized the disaster she left behind. She couldn't undo what she did, even if she apologized a thousand times.

"Eso es porque-" (That's because-)

"Adriana!" A male voice was heard outside of the locker room. Recognizing the voice, she flinched because she totally forgot about her punishment. She quickly grabbed her belongings, and rushed out of the room. Bumping into a particular blonde on the way out, and feeling absolutely awkward.

"Lo sein-" (I'm sorry-)

"Mira hacia donde vas!" (Watch where you're going!) She was told, and felt the retaliation back as she bumped her shoulder as she walked away. Alexia was back to how it was originally between them, she could feel that energy. Adriana didn't blame her, she hurt her. Not meaning too of course, but the blonde will not give her the time of day she was sure.

"Estoy realmente decepcionado en ti-
(I'm really disappointed in you-)
His hand reaches for her arm. He held it with gentleness, surprising her.

"Te has estado esforzando por ser mejor... o eso pensábamos. Este equipo creyó en ti, depositó su confianza en ti. En lugar de eso les fallaste, ¿mal desempeño en el entrenamiento? ¿Luego te vas y vas a un bar con una chica cualquiera sólo para emborracharte?"  (You've been striving to be better... or so we thought. This team believed in you, placed their trust in you. Instead you failed them, poor performance in training? Then you leave and go to a bar with some random girl just to get drunk?)   He looks around to make sure no one else was around, he looked back down on her. She instantly felt so small under his hard gaze. His words burned into her chest, he knows what words would hurt. He knew what would get to her head.

"Si le fallas a este equipo, me refiero a si veo un poco de perturbación debido a tus acciones. Te lo prometo, habrá duras consecuencias" (If you fail this team, I mean I see a little disruption because of your actions. "I promise you, there will be harsh consequences)   this time his hold turned firm, and was tightening as he spoke. The words he spoke was enough to provoke her, she didn't want to fail this team by any means. The desperation of making it up to the team brewed inside her longing dedication  to the team. She needed to set it straight, make it up to them.

"Cómo puedo compensarlos?" (How can I compensate them?) She pleads

He smirked.


"Reúnanse, su compañero le gustaría decir algunas palabras" (Get together Girls, your teammate has words to share) everyone stopped what they were doing, listening to their coach. They looked around confused wondering what this could be about, except Alexia. She thought Adriana was about to announce to the world about them, so she stayed far away behind some of the girls who gathered a half circle around their coach and teammate.

"Anoche salí con un par de amigos a un bar, después de dejar la práctica." (Last night I went out with a couple of friends to a bar, after leaving practice) Adriana clears her throat, afraid to continue because she knew they would be upset, she didn't go when she was being invited. "Lo que debería haber hecho fue quedarme hasta el final y estar allí con vosotros. Me siento muy decepcionado conmigo mismo, nunca quise fallarte. Lo seinto mucho." (What I should have done was stayed until the end and been there with you. I feel very disappointed in myself, I never wanted to fail you. I'm very sorry.) She looked at couple of her teammates as she voiced her apology, a part of her meaning more than just last night. She looked into Alexia's eyes with her last line, but the blonde just scoffed lightly and looked down to her cleats. She didn't want to hear what Adriana had to say, so she decided to speak up.

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