Volume 1; Part 3

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As the cab makes its way to the small cafe just 10 mins away. My mind lingers with thoughts, about Alexia. I remember distinctly how our last deep conversation went. It was like engraved into my mind, because it was the only and last time Alexia let me in.

It was 2 nights before a friendlie game, we had a week camp. Alexia hadn't talked to me once, until that one night. If it wasn't for Jenni to have gone out with the other girls to get a late night snack. I would have never talked to  Alexia that night, especially the way we did. Under the stars and the glistening moon, the atmosphere was different that night. It was a meaningful night to me, and I will forever appreciate it. Alexia had knocked on the door of my room that night, looking for my roommate Jenni. When I opened the door to her. Her eyes were puffy and red outlined the edge of her eyes, her lips were wet as were her cheeks. It was a sight I had never seen, and it was also the last time. She had quickly wiped her eyes

"donde esta jenni" (Where's Jenni?) she asked me as she composed herself.

"Va anar a menjar amb algunes de les noies" (She went to eat out with some of the girls) I tell the girl in Catalan. She only nodded before waking away. I didn't want to ask her what was wrong considering we weren't anything to each other, but I actually cared about her. She was my teammate after all, even we if didn't get along. I opted to stop her from walking away, a part of me wanted to regret it.

I had grabbed at her wrist lightly, earning a stop. She looked back to look at me with a curious face, she was too sad to have gotten angry. She was too tired to fight back at me for even touching her, and I was quite grateful for that.

"Sé lo que te pasa. No tienes que pasar por esto sola. Entra Alexia, estoy aquí para ti." (I know what is going on. You don't have to go through this alone. Come in, I'm here for you) I tell her, she didn't meet my eyes. She only stared down at our hands, at our contact. First contact we've had that wasn't aggressive. I let her hand go, and just like that I had missed the unfamiliar touch. She looked up at me, our eyes finally met. Her eyes glistened, before looking away and nodding. I move aside to let her in, as she walked by me the smell of her shampoo hugged my face. It was a neutral smell of sugary and flower. When she looked back at me, she was even more emotional than before. She looked so small, and the normal Alexia was far from looking like that.

Truthfully I didn't have to say anything, I already knew why she was sad. It was her fathers 3rd anniversary since he passed away. I was the last person she wanted to be comforted by but she still needed it.

I walked towards her and I pulled her into my embrace which she didn't deny. She sobbed quietly on my shoulder, and I rubbed her back gently.

"Crida-ho princesa" (Cry it out, Princess) I tell her softly, encouraging her to let it all out. So she can finally relax and rest. I don't know why I felt inclined to take her pain away, I just know that I never wanted to see her like this again.

"Està molt orgullós de tu, sens dubte en la meva ment. Sabia que seria el millor futbolista del món." (He is very proud of you, no doubt in my mind. He knew you would be the best footballer in the world.) I whisper to her as she holds me tight, I can start to feel her let go. She still had a firm grasp on me, like she was afraid I would sink into an abyss and disappear forever if she let go completely. We stood hugging each other for as long as she needed, until I heard her yawn. I led her to the bed, and had her cuddle into me. I kissed the top of her head, and I could almost have the world at my hands as I held her. It was so foreign to me, yet it felt so natural. As if we were made for each other, like we molded just fine.

I thought she had fallen asleep until she broke the silence.

"De veritat creus que sóc el més gran del món?"(You really believe I'm the best in the world?) She asked me an a mischievous tone, she didn't look up at me but I knew she was smiling. I could automatically tell she was in a better mood then she was 20 mins ago.

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