Volume 2; Part 3

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A week later...

No one's pov:

As the story finally revealed itself from the closed curtains. Adriana's reign took a turn, as people questioned her ruling. How can a queen indulge in drugs, how could she date a woman? How could she have gotten assaulted by a woman let alone? Is this who are kids are suppose to look up too?

As the common folk questioned, the queen locked herself in the highest room of all. She imprisoned herself in her own self guilt, every second of the reminder of why it was important to stay perfect. One night of "so called" fun ruined her entire reign.

She finally snapped, as someone had said just a few days ago. The queen to never fall under pressure, who was never afraid of the depth beneath the surface. The one who everyone looked up too, who would take it with pride on her shoulders. Never letting it slip... until now.

"¿Ha hablado contigo?" (Has she spoken to you?) Jenni Hermoso spoke to Alexia as they were taking a break by the sidelines. They look towards the isolated black haired woman, who look to be in her own little world of quietness. She hasn't spoken to them outside of practice, let alone the facility. "No... ¿por qué lo haría? Tiene razón. No puedo decidir cuándo estar en su vida sólo porque ella admitió que me ama" (No.. why would she? shes right. i cant just decide when to be in her life just cause she admitted she loves me) Alexia says it rather sadly, looking down to the caddy of water bottles. Contemplating whether she could walk up to her, offer some water after such a tiring drill. It wasn't unknown to anyone how hard Adriana has been training, because that's all she did every second of everyday since the media tore her up. Teammates around her, whispered things about her when she was merely away. Nothing negative, more so.. questioning if she was truly okay. Every time they'd ask her, her usual replay "I'm fine". She was breaking, and it was getting worse. It was getting closer to her starting game, and she knew she had to be sharp.

"¿Crees que se enojará cuando se entere de que sus padres se han quedado conmigo?" (do you think she will be mad when she finds out her parents have been staying with me?) Alexia admits out loud to Jenni. She had mentioned it quite a few times, but Jenni brushed it off as a joke. "¿espera ? ¿Estabas hablando en serio?" (Wait you were being serious?)

Alexia only nods, making Jenni gasp in realization. It wasn't a joke, Adriana parents were indeed staying at Alexia's. It was only because Adriana hasn't talked to anyone in her family. She only talked when she needed too, and only involved herself when she had too. Her parents have been worried, but they didn't want to be far either. Alexia got into contact with Adriana's father just after she was kicked out of the hotel room a week ago. She stayed most nights at her home, but some nights.. she fell asleep against Adriana's hotel door.

"Si soy sincero, nunca había visto a Adriana así. Me preocupa y tomé el asunto en mis propias manos. Llamé a alguien que probablemente pueda comunicarse con ella." (If im being honest, I have never seen Adriana like this. It worries me, and i took matters into my own hands. I called someone who can probably reach her.) Jenni confesses, however she knew Alexia would not like the idea. Deciding to tell her after the fact that she already set it up, before the brunette could intervene. "quien?" (Who?)

"Su ex novia" (her ex girlfriend)

Alexia's eye lit up like a Christmas tree, angery and confused. She wanted to get involved but she remembered, she had no place in your life. Through gritted teeth "¿Por qué su ex novia?" (Why her ex girlfriend?)

"porque a ella le pasó una vez y sabe lo que necesitará Adriana" (Because it's happened to her before, she'll know what Adriana needs) Jenni turns too look at Adriana, who was passing the ball around with another teammate. The team was called off break, and assigned a new drill. As the group was spilt, and directed in different ways. One side was Alexia and jenni, and the other was Adriana. The pair had hoped to be in the same group with Adriana but fell short. As the groups began their drill, it didn't take long until 2 star players shined brighten then everyone else. Making their teammates excited to see what both of you could on the field together.

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