Volume 1; Part 5

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My parents are a key part of who I am. They always encourage me to be a better person, to never judge others. My parents can be religious but not in a pressuring sense. They however, always taught me to respect everyone's opinion and beliefs. I'm grateful I was raised to think that way, it made me into the person I am. The result of them being the way they are, has always given me a safe place. I tell my parents almost everything, my parents know that Alexia and I do not get along. My mom knows about my special night with the Catalan however. My mom swears by what Karri said about Alexia.


My current conversation with her, at the restaurant.

"Com està l'Alexa? Has parlat amb ella recentment?" (How is Alexia? You talked to her recently?) She asks me genuinely. My mother has no resentment or anger with anyone. You'd think she'd be very upset about how everything has happened with the blonde. Like I said, my parents are a key part of who I am. She has always told me to just be a better person, not for anyone, just for myself.

"Vaig parlar amb ella ahir, com sempre... el mateix resultat. No crec que millorarem mai, mare" (I spoke to her yesterday, as always...same result. I don't think we'll ever get better, Mom)

"Ho faràs, en el seu moment. Sincerament, estic preparat per al casament." (You will, in due time. Honestly, I'm ready for the wedding)

I gasp, and it caused my mother to laugh. She swears that Alexia is in love with me too. I guess everybody but us see it, probably cause it's not true. I'm the last person Putellas wants to marry, she can't even stand my voice.

Truthfully, I have always loved Alexia. Even before that night that we talked and she cuddled me. When I saw her play with the U-17 Spain team. The only thing that had gotten in the way of being friends, was the fact that we were competing for the same position. I won starting 11, for the first year. That is probably where it all started.

Besides all that, I fell in love with who she was. Alexia is a great person, and she's kind. Passionate, and ambitious, and sweet to her teammates. The only thing that stood between us, was the unspoken envy of my career she probably had with me. I don't think she ever wants to be mean to me, I think it's just her actions based off of envy.

After I realized how I felt about the Catalan , I tried to move on. There was a point in time, that she might have known. I had distanced myself completely, no back talking, no remarks, no acknowledgment. The result of that, made me find interest in someone else with unfair urgency. I dated Leila Ouahabi and we dated for 8 months, quickly ending in heartbreak.

I never wanted to hurt Leila, and she was the first person to point it out. She had played along side us both, and managed to see the tension we had. Neither Alexia and I, would ever act on it. Well.. Alexia tried too before I rejected her. That could also be another reason as to why she doesn't like me now more then ever.

"Mare, saps com prefereixo parlar d'una altra cosa" (Mom, you know how I'd rather talk about something else)

"Creus que portaria el teu cognom? o quedar-se amb ella?" (Do you think she would bear your last name? or stay with hers?) My mom keeps going, and I groan desperately. Wanting to change the topic of conversation.

"Coneixent-la, conservaria el seu cognom" (Knowing her, she would keep her last name)

"Així que ho has pensat." (So you've thought about it) My mom declares. I groan louder this time, dramatically hitting my forehand on the table of annoyance. She wasn't wrong, I thought about how Alexia and I would look together. We would be a power couple, but to only those that mattered. I am a very private person, and I don't doubt Alexia isn't. When I was with Leila, the whole world eventually found out just months after we started. She was very open about anything, and had obviously let out that she was in a romantic relationship with me.

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