chapter :6

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It’s been five weeks since I started working in phi korn's bakery....
That day he thought I was some rich kid running away from home. And i didn’t rectify him.
He is a really good man.
He gave  me a place to stay with phi gun, his son.
I really love it here.
No one looks at me with fear.
I interact with every one here
I love here.
Everyone loves me.
I don’t wanna go back.
It feels like home.
No one forces me to wear makeup nor dress up like a girl.
I can wear a simple t-shirt.
I even styled my hair.
It feels good to be a man.

"Porsche table no 5"
"Yea coming"

Yes i said my name is Porsche.
I didn’t want to take a risk.
But i think p korn knows that i am lying.
He just doesn’t question.

"What would you like to have sir"
And my day started.

"Porsche come have some rice"
P'gun called for me.
Lunch has become the happiest hour of my life now..
Everyone eats together.
Laugh together.
Gossip together.
It’s the best..
I will live here forever.
"Hey gun stop doing this"
"What..  I am just only eating samuel"
"You bitch! You are spitting everywhere"
"Then just sit far from me"
"You two stop or i am gonna make you"
Everyone obeys p'korn here.
It’s just the respect.
He provided us with shelter, food and family.
"Porsche eat more. You are too skinny"
I smiled.
I will live here.
They are family.


"Have mercy king.. Please.. "
Mile didn’t pay any attention.
He was busy cutting a man open.
The whole room is covered with red liquid.
Bible was pacing around.
He wanted to say something but didn’t have the courage.
"Bible either you tell him or i am going inside"
"No kim...  Please. He is already on a rampage. He would not even flinch to cut you"
"I don’t care. My brother is missing. All thanks to him. Actually i am happy for p'apo. But it’s dangerous for him. He never went out.  He doesn’t know anything about outer world."
"I know but just wait till he showers"
"Bible.  He didn’t shower for the whole week. He is only drenched in blood. And the amount is increasing."
"Ok fine i am going inside. But you don’t come even if there is noises. You understand?"

Bible timidly went towards the table.
Mile didn’t even look once.
He was slicing a scalpskin.
He was so immersed like it was a painting.
Bible was afraid.
"Mile you should shower now. It’s so long. You didn’t come out of this room"
Mile stilled suddenly which made bible more anxious.
He stared at bible.
"Come here."
Bible went to him at slow pace.
Mile was looking like the satan himself painted in red.
"Did you find any clue?"
"Did you or not"
"We are close.  So don’t worry"
"Yes or no"
Mile again concentrated on his scalp pilling.
"Mile please.  We will find him. Just come out of this room"
"Send build inside"
Bible stilled.
He knew what it means.
"Please Mile. I will find him. Please stop torturing Build"
Mile smirked.
"I am not torturing him. I am giving him pleasure.  You should thank me. I am properly satisfying your husband.
So you don’t have to worry about him"
Mile came really close to Bible and clutched his back hair with the blood dripping hands. He pulled bible 's ear close to his mouth"so that you can find my kwan without worrying about him"
He left bible with a jerk.
Bible sat on his knees infront of Mile and joined his hands
"Please I will find him. Just spare Build.  He can't take this anymore"
Mile didn’t even look.
"Send him inside"
Bible knew what is the affect to argue with him.
He will kill Build.
Bible just nodded.

"Baby he is calling you"
Build was on bed covered with multiple bruises.
"Please no.." he was crying.
Bible was also crying hugging him
"I am sorry..  So sorry. Please endure for some time. Or he will kill you"
"It’s disgusting the way he touches me.. Please.  Before i wasn’t married. But now you are my husband. How can he do this?"
Bible only sobbed.
"I don’t want Apo to come in this hell"
"Don’t say this. I am begging you. Mile will skin us alive."
Both husbands were crying loudly.
In the meantime there was a knock on the door.
They both knew it was the summon for Build to go and satisfy the satan.


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