chapter : 19

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Two human bodies were busy sucking each others mouth.
Jeff is now constantly on the mission to make Lily pregnant. He is always inside her for the last two days.

He took Lily in his showroom as the new set of clothes are being with the models today.
He just had one week - exclusively with Lily. In this period, Mile won't touch her. So he had to use it.
He sat on his chair with her on his lap. He threw her on the table in front and was banging her from behind.
When he released third time, he stopped but still inside her.
Lily was so high, she was floating.

Her today’s outfut was given by Jeff.
It was expensive as hell but didn’t cover anything.  Even Jeff was wearing a really short skirt. If anyone wants, they could see his Mr banana through it.

"Master the models are ready"
"Send them inside"
Lily thought he would pull out but no they were on the same position.
One by one the models came but no one dared to eye Lily.
Lily smirked internally.
She made it big.
She can live her her life tension free.
She has owned in her heart.

Lily was smiling - the smile of victory.
Her one breast spilled out, exposing it to the models standing in position.
All the models were really professionals, they didn’t stare once.

"Master, can you give me a break?"
Lily was trying to be cute in front of Jeff. But he knew perfectly what type of woman she is.
Instead of pulling out he thrusted more vigorously trying to break the table...

She whispered smiling "give me more.. More seeds of yours.. I will give you as many kids as you want"

Inside Mile's bedroom :

"King all the arrangements are done. All new glasses are placed. Everything has been completed. Just the curtains are left. If you recommend the color we will finish it today."
Mile was sitting in a towel inhaling the burning smoke.
There was three well suited person was standing in front of him.

At this unusual color the decor team slightly fumbled. These days everyone uses pastel colours.

"Excellent choice my King. We would go for that color. If you agree, we will start the work. "
One designer tried to reason,
"White cream colour would brighten the place"
Mile looked at that designer with blank face.

The head immediately bowed "sorry king he is new.. still learning.. we will immediately put the curtains"
His reason for saying constant sorries was beyond that new designer 's mind.
Mile just signaled with his hand.. They ran immediately from the place.

After their departure, he stood and went to his bad.
Where Bible was half sleeping.
"You satisfied me good, brother in law" Mile smirked
Bible just looked and pulled him for a kiss......
"I can do more than just satisfaction"
Bible smirked.
He just wanted to know what Mile had that Build was so mad about it.
He wanted to take revenge on Build.
At this point, taking Mile's precious time from him would be the best one.
And it worked.

Build literally created a huge scene in the morning.
He came to have tea with Mile, like every morning but instead he got shocked. Mile was literally breaking the bed with his exercise on Bible.
Build then refused to leave them alone. But Mile being Mile didn’t even acknowledge him.

Build cried a river that gave immense satisfaction to Bible's heart.


In Japan :

"Love how about we order a huge palace cake"
Apo stared at his husband.
Sensing that Ken smiled "what?"
"Tell me the truth"
Ken tried to act normal "what truth"

"You are literally arranging another wedding ceremony"
Apo tried to act angry.
Itching his hair Ken smiled nervously.
"Sorry love. You know how my family is. They didn’t like that we held the wedding ceremony privately. They just want us to get married before them. I am really sorry."

Apo didn’t say anything more few minutes.
Ken kneeled infront of him
"If you don’t like the idea then i will say no to them. I just want you, no one else."
"It's ok. But you should have asked first."
Ken kissed his hand "then do you agree?"

For Apo, ken is more than his husband. Ken always gave him things but never asked in return.
So if Ken wants he would go through this.
Ken smiled big "thank you love, how about we try the kimono?"
Apo gave him a questioning gaze.
"Yes. We wear kimono. You would look gorgeous in bridal kimono"
Apo laughed "what if i want the groom ones"
"You can have anything but i think you look great in red.  We should get the red one."

You look great in red

This sentence triggered him really bad. He was shaking in fear, unconsciously.
This very sentence he has been hearing from childhood.

Flashback :

Thirteen years old Apo was sitting on the floor of the gigantic marvel  floor of the King's hall - in a pearled top and a white fishnet slitted skirt with the long white gold embroidered veil, which wasn’t enough to hide the dazzling beauty of the boy.

In front of him Mile was standing with the sword of power in his hand.

The hall was filled with advisors and bodyguards.

"So you guys are refusing to accept my Kwan as the Queen?"
One of advisors said with courage
"My king we are nothing to refuse your order. It's just he is your brother"

Mile smirked and went towards that man and in a swing of his sword he cut the head of that man.
"Anyone else?"

With fright in their heart everyone started screaming but Mile was on his mission to butcher everyone.

Soon the hall became a river of red.
And Apo was trembling - finding it hard to breathe.
He got drenched in red liquid in this process.

Mile threw open his veil with his sword and smiled
"You look great in red"

For Apo from that day Red was the sign of his misery....


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