chapter : 21

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Apo is getting ready for the best day of his life. From morning there is a lingering smile at the corner of his lips. Ken was already dressed - sitting in front of him.

"My bride looks so stunning" he smiled big adorning the bride with his eyes. Apo looked at him shyly.

"Should I apply lip colour?" the makeup artist asked.
Apo nodded. The amount of make up he has applied today a tiny shade of lip colour won't harm anything.
"Red or Nude"
"The one that looks good"
"Then let's apply Red. It looks good on your skin colour"

Apo was glowing today - radiating in happiness. Ken was complimenting him every two to three seconds. The maids were teasing him. He never felt this good in his whole life.
The feeling of home.

After two hours Apo stood in front of the entrance gate with white lilies in hand. It was a grand entry. Everyone was looking at him, he was nervous to walk alone. How he wish his father was here...

He took a hesitant step. But a hand took his hand and guided him. Because of the long heavy veil he could not recognise first.
But when the man whispered his whole body stopped.

"Red looks so good on you - My kwan"

Apo immediately looked at the person standing beside him. What is he doing here?

He shuttered and looked straight if Ken was looking.
Ken was smiling at him.
"Ssshh.. My wife.. Don't talk much. You will need your voice for later. Save it for NOW. Your boytoy is kind of eye candy. Should I take a taste?"
Mile smirked at Apo - apo wasn’t in a condition to utter a word. He was shivering in fear.

Not for him but for Ken.
Mile again took his hand and started dragging him. The sinister smile on his face was saying lots of possibilities to Apo.

"See this moment for the last time"
Apo was trembling.
No he can't let anything happen to Ken.

Ken offered his hand.
Apo was crying silently

Ken came to him "why are you crying?"

Mile answered "he is just too happy to see me."
Ken didn’t recognise him "huh! And may i know who are you?"
Mile smirked "his husband"

At first Ken got dumbfounded
Then  realised "what are you doing here? guards? "
But no one came.

What’s happening!!
All the guests just stood up - hearing our commotion.

This time Mile shouted
Soon lots of guards entered but they were wearing the dresscode from Mile's squad.
It didn’t take me long to realise what's to happen now.

Apo looked at Ken once then at Mile.
He was just gawking at his Kwan with that smirk on his face.

"You look pretty, so much pretty. Just like the first time I saw you."

Apo was trembling.

Flashback :

The crying of a baby heard all over the mansion. The whole family enjoyed this occasion.

Everyone was having sweets.
Firecrackers were shooting in the sky.
The room of the baby was overcrowded by his father, mother, grandparents, and cousins.
Everyone was fighting for his attention.

"Mom, give him to me."
The father is constantly bickering with his mother.
"No my moon will be only with me"

His mother was only laughing at the scene. It was like some comedy show was running.

"Where is my elder son?" the baby mother asked.
The maid was helping her having food.

"He is on the way"
She nodded and shouted for her husband, "was it necessary for your father to take him today also?"
The father started caressing her,
"You know how father is.. He is too much affectionate towards him."

She scoffed "affection or bullshit? he is slowly destroying my son"
"Don't get hyper. I will talk to him."

Before she could talk further...
A knock came.
There stood her eldest son.

His father smiled "son come, see your brother is here"
He was still standing emotionless.

His grandfather came from behind and put his hand on his shoulder,
"Mile. Go and welcome your brother."
Like the robot he was, Mile took steady steps towards the little human on his grandma's lap.

He wanted to take a tiny look and wrap up things but it took one tiny glance on that golden mocha boy.
And his soul was taken.

Mile could not take his eyes away from the smiling toothless face.
He didn’t even notice when he took him from his grandma.

"Awww.... Mile already fell in love with his brother." his grandma dotted on him.  But little did she know what that moment took from his adorable baby..

"Now we should name him, father is also here."

"Apo" everyone looked at little Mile.
"I think it’s a good name. Honey what do you think?" his father immediately supported Mile 's suggestion.

And everyone at last also agreed.
All during the whole time, Mile was only starring at Apo. More like gulping his features.

"Mile, you should go and eat. Give him to mother"
But Mile didn’t like the idea of getting separated from him. He clutched him tightly, due to this Apo winched and started crying. Still Mile wasn’t ready to give him to his Mother.

His grandfather had to intervene.
He whispered something in his ear, then Mile gave Apo back.

Everyone laughed, thinking it was a childplay but one person didn’t like it.
She had suspicion.

His grandmother.
Lady Araasa.
She was an Advocate.
Someone with judgement.
She could tell Mile's gaze hold something more than a child's adornment for his brother.

A glimpse of possession. ..was on his eyes.

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