chapter : 16

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Apo is roaming around the garden area. This mansion is really big.
But scary sometimes.
A lot of guards are scattered around.
A maid was always behind him - following around.

Actually Ken is over-protected these days. But he loves it. He loves Ken. Before he didn’t even know the meaning of love. In his young days he thought Mile 's craziness for him - is called love. And he used to believe that. But one day his mother explained - it’s not love. If you love someone you don’t hurt them. Still he refused first to believe that. But with time he realised he was wrong.

"My love what are you doing here in this cold weather?"
Apo looked behind - it was his love, his husband. He smiled and kissed him on the lips.

"Nothing I just wanted to have fresh air" Ken side hugged him.
"But love it’s really cold now. You will get sick. And I noticed you can't tolerate coldness well. Let's go inside"

Hearing Ken was concerned about him - something flipped inside Apo . A memory, a dark memory flashed in his eyes. A dark night of his life. It was also a breezy night like this.
He started trembling.
Ken immediately noticed and took him inside the mansion.

"Love are you feeling sick, do you need anything?"
Apo was still dazed.
Ken got more worried, so he called the doctor. Everyone was in panic mode seeing the mistress of the house like this.

The doctor examined him,
"Anything to worry about doctor?"
"No. He will be good in a minute. Did something happen before his attack?"
"We were just talking"
"Maybe something triggered. Try to talk to him. Then inform me"
"Ok doctor"


It was now night - 10 pm....

Apo stirred from his sleep.
He sat on the bed - the room was dark.
That feeling of dread came again.
He went to the balcony - the moon was big, really big. He looked mesmerized with the beauty of the night.

A flashback came in his vision...
A dark night like this...
Which was not beautiful at all...
A cursed night....

An eight year old  Apo was sitting on the floor, playing with the only doll he had. In this small room - only a bed was in the corner, nothing else was there. He doesn’t even have any clothes except the one he was wearing. It was a red frock.

Today at dawn suddenly his father took him from his brother's room. He was sleeping there, like everyday.

He was confused what was happening.
He didn’t know where his father was taking him, nor where Mile is.

His father told him to stay in this room in the ground floor.
He refused first but his father scolded him. So he was crying for a long hour.
Now he was playing.

Suddenly a thud noise came.
Apo got conscious and got scared.
Then another sound came.
His eyes were big now - trembling.
He was terrified now.

A loud scream followed from the opposite side of the door.
Three more times came.
The poor Apo started crying,
But when the door jerked making another sound - he ran and hid below the bed.

After another loud noise the door broke. Apo was sobbing - sweating profusely. He saw a pair of shoes came towards him. His breathe hitched.
He closed his eyes, thinking the monster will go away.

But alas!
The monster picked him up from the ground. He started thrashing around.
A vicious smell hit his nose. He got more scared and screamed loudly.

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