chapter : 20

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Apo is trying the outfits for his ceremony. He didn’t want to wear a female one but most of the male ones were black. And Ken wanted him to wear a white one.
For once Apo wanted to do something for Ken. So he agreed.

When he came out of the trial room, Ken ran to him and kissed him.
"You have no idea, how much I want to eat you now? You look just like my bride."
Apo smiled, "then what's stopping you?"

Ken immediately started smooching his face and soon they forgot about anything else.
They got intimated naturally.
That's what Apo loves about Ken.
With Ken everything feels natural - homey.

Soon they got lost in each others embrace. Ken never fails to remind Apo how beautiful he is with his words..
The assistant came to call them but she graced with a lustrous scenario in front of her - Apo was on the top of the piano, his kimono was half opened and Ken was in between his legs.

She ran as fast as she could.
"Ken,  she saw us" Apo got shy
"Let everyone know - you are mine"
Ken kissed him with a smile.
They came out if that shop at night.
Apo could not look at anyone.
He was red - Ken was teasing him all the way to home..

Apo was happy - content.
A fear was crawling inside - will it stay like this?

In Mile 's mansion :

Mile is sitting on his large couch - in his pajama and the silk robe.
With a scotch glass in his hand.

In front of him Jeff was talking sweets to Lily - she was breastfeeding the baby. Jeff has used his time with her properly. He is sure that it will work.
"I really want a daughter like you - beautiful. She would storm around the fashion world"
Jeff was caressing her free breast inside her dress.
Lily acted shy "of course master - just like you wish i am willing to give"
They were lost in their own world.

To Mile 's left Bible just sat looking at his lover with adornment in his eyes -
He loves Jeff way too much for his own good.
He knows this relationship is destructive but he is now addicted to this destruction.
He knew soon a storm will rush everythingshouted
Bible could sense it.

Build was out of the mansion with some of his toys. He loves spending Mile's money. He even forgot all the insults Mile gifted him - with only a diamond choker. Mile knew perfectly how to play with him.
Build is his pawn.
Mile has placed his chessboard according to his way....

"Brother, where is your mind wandering?"
Mile smirked "somewhere precious"
Jeff answered "i heard you will be going to attend a wedding in Japan"

Mile paused for few seconds, he stood up gracefully and walked straight  towards - now smirking Jeff - and he poured the whole glass of liquid on his head drenching Jeff's million dollar short dress. Jeff got stiff.
He was always on good side of Mile and Mile has favoured him in everyway possible.

Bible immediately ran towards them and tried to pull Jeff from that place but one sharp look from Mile got him stilled to his place.
"What are you doing?" jeff shouted

Mile leaned towards him,
"Don’t try to outsmart me this time. If you think I have forgiven your rebellion last time then you are wrong." with that he retreated himself. And went towards Bible.

Mile slapped Bible - making him fall on the ground. Jeff ran and hugged Bible in the floor.
"Brother" jeff shouted.
"Just because you are my brother i won't do anything to you. But that doesn’t mean i won't slaughter him. Stay away from any plotting."
"He is also my brother" Jeff roared

Mile snickered "before that he is my Kwan...always remember that- i have forgiven you once,  i won't the next time".
With that mile went towards his office room.

" i am sorry, hubby...for me you had to suffer" jeff was sad.. He never let Bible feel any humiliation but today was way out of hand.
"It's ok. But what wedding you are talking about?"
"No  need for you to know.  Let's go inside and treat your wound. "

They left.
Now lily is in dilemma.
She doesn’t know who this Kwan is.
And what they are talking about.
But she could assume this Kwan can be a risk for her position.
She had to be patient and try to empower her place. She made a plan.

At night :

Lily saw Jeff in his room drinking bottle after bottle. She wore a skimpy slutty nightwear - she knew Jeff liked her boobs so she never fails to show it confidently.
According to her plan,
Lily took the advantage of a very drunk Jeff and made him fu*k her all night long.  She thought she would be able to gain some information but she got nothing. Lily isn’t someone who become restless easily.  She had a poor upbringing - now all this lavish lifestyle is making her giddy..

On the other part of the mansion,
Build has come from his shopping marathon. He saw Bible drinking alone in the swimming pool side.
He slowly approached him,
Bible looked and saw an overly dressed up Build looking at him.
"What are you doing here alone?"

Build sat there silently
After few minutes,
"Do you know who I resent the most?"
Bible asked
"Me" Build answered
Bible shook his head "no.. Me... I can't protect any of my loving ones. I am the pathetic one here"
Build felt a pain in his heart.
No matter how much he denies but he knows he still have Bible in his heart.

"Bible, you are the most reliable person anyone can ever have. Stop blaming yourself. You are not the cause of anything."
Bible looked at him in a daze.
Build felt something in his gaze.
He felt shy.
"Can I have you tonight?"
"You never asked before"

And they went outside the mansion.
They were in their previous condo.
They made love that night, not rough make out.
They felt containment in each others arms. They talked - ate - had tea : just like before without worrying about tomorrow

In the morning,
Everyone was present on the breakfast table, knowing each others night routine silently, no one was talking. Like nothing happened.
This has become a routine nowadays.
Everyone avoids the reality.

The reality of their life....

In Japan - Kanji's mansion :

Mile and Kanji is sitting opposite to each other - having tea.
Silence echoed throughout the whole area.

"I can't help you."
Kanji stated with a straight face
"I have taken a bullet for you"
Mile smirked
Kanji sighed in defeat.

It's true - then he gave his word to Mile, even if it’s his life.
"I can take a bullet but not this"
"I don’t want your life - just don’t do anything. Stay still. The rest I can finish."

Kanji stayed silent.
Mile gave a box to him.
It was a beautiful ruby neckpiece.
"Your wedding gift. I heard you killed his father. Nice."
Kanji starred at him.
Mile smiled "i will take my leave, next time i will invite you for my reception - come with your boy"
Kanji was still silent.
He knew what it meant.

"Just spare his life"
Kanji said from behind
Mile without looking behind,
"Would you spare the one who touches your Yome?"
Kanji was again silent.
"Then how can I?"
With that Mile went out from the room...

Kanji sighed.
He knew the result.
The result that would take place.
It’s not he felt grievance but a burden - that he will bear till his last breathe.

The burden of his brother's death


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