chapter : 14

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Today is really peaceful. Ken took to the lakeside camping - the sunset looks amazing.

Actually I nagged him to take me here - I know Mile will take me soon.
And I won't be able to survive this time. So I want to enjoy my last days with Ken. I have set everything in my mind what I will do.

I looked at Ken - sitting beside me in the bench. He looks beautiful. If someone judges his look, then he would be a below average guy. But in my eyes he looks the most handsome.

Ken looked at me,
"Wanna say something"
"Ken, wanna marry me?"
His smile vanished. Like he was shocked.
"It’s ok if you don’t want"
He immediately kneeled before me,
"No no I want. I eagerly want"
"Then let's get married tomorrow"
"But what's the hurry? Let's meet your family. Then decide a date."

My inside shooked.
"Ken, do you know what am I doing here away from home, alone?"
"I know you are running from a dangerous man but not precisely."
"Did Kanji say anything about Mile Phakphum Romsaithong?"
"I just know he is someone big shot and related to you. Kanji warned me to stay away from you. But I can't."
He took my hand in his and kissed it.
"I am his younger brother"
There was a nagging in my heart - how to tell him. What if he feels disgusted by me?

He was looking at me - with a question in his eye. He deserves to know.
"I am not only his brother....... "
I couldn’t form the words.
"It’s ok if you don’t want to"
I took a sharp breathe,
"I am his Kwan - his Queen"
I shut my eyes immediately - not wanting to see his expression.

After a pause - I felt a hand weeping my cheek. I opened them,
"Why are you crying?"
I sobbed loudly, "I am disgusting. My brother used my body everyday - like a whore. He caged me inside a room, all my life. I wasn’t even allowed to go outside : not even my parents could meet me."
"None of these were your fault"
"You don't get it. He had sex with me everyday - : from my twelfth birthday " I shouted, resonating the whole lake valley.
"He is a monster. He killed my father, just because he wanted to see me."

He stilled, as expected.
"I am sorry, I asked you to marry me"
I stood up and went inside the cabin.
I was sobbing my heart out sitting in the bed.

He suddenly burst inside the room,
And started kissing me. At first, I was dumbfounded - I couldn’t reciprocate.
But when my senses came, I kissed him back with fullforce.
No one said a word. We were just engaged to each others pleasure.

This is new for me.
Mile always broke me. He was rough, always. On the other hand, Ken was gentle. He took his time - it felt good.
Like he worshiped me.

The whole night we were loving each other. He was careful. He took me four times, but I couldn’t complain.
With a big smile and warmness in my heart, I slept in his arms.

When I woke up, it was 11 a.m.
But I was alone. My heart soured.
Did he leave me?

But to prove me wrong, he came inside after a few minutes .
"Oh.. You woke up" he kissed my head
"How are you feeling?"

I just nodded "good"
He  smiled big "get ready" he gave me a packet.
"What's this? Where are we going?"
"Just wear this. And come out"
He just left me alone, saying this.

I opened the packet, it was a blue color suit. The fabric is nice.

After getting ready, I came out

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After getting ready, I came out.
I saw there was no one. I walked further and noticed a signboard,
Please go right

With confusion I walked to the right.
There was flowers spreading on the road. Where did this pink patels came from? There was again a signboard,
Ride the boat

I saw a boat was there tied, and a man was there.
"Please sit down. Sir is waiting"
He took us on the opposite side of the lake. I walked ahead.
Again  a signboard,
Please come forward

Here also pink flowers were touching my shoes. A big smile came to my lips.
It touched my heart. No one has ever done something like this for me.

I saw Ken standing in a white suit,
amidst a flower decorated stage, and a prist was also standing there.
Did he really do all this for me?
Am I this lucky?
Tears came automatically in my eyes.

"Ken what's all this"
"My love asked me something. How can I say no?"
I hugged him tight "thank you"

The prist started the ceremony.
"And I pronounce you as Husband and Man"
Ken immediately kissed me deep.
"Thank you, husband"
"Now where do you wanna go for honeymoon?"
I was red in embarrassment. The prist is still here. Ken took me in a bridal style and went inside a tent.

"What's this?" i looked around.
It was a white big tent, covered in flowers.
"Our honeymoon suite"
I laughed, "when did you prepare all these things?"
He looked at me and took me on his lap, "when you were crying inside the cabin yesterday?"
I was shocked.
"Love. I won't ask you anything. But just know this much I will protect you at any cost "
My heart swelled in happiness.
Do I deserve this happiness?

The whole week we spent inside this tent,  having all to each other.
Forgetting the upcoming storm.

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