chapter : 11

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Apo looked at the mirror for like four times already.
He wanted to look good today, but he was also nervous.
It's been two weeks he and Ken became friends - but he always liked the attention he was getting from Ken.
He liked the little care Ken gave : like fixing his collar, picking the basal leaves from his noodle, dropping him home and so many other small stuff.
He smiled remembering a recent incident where Ken tied his shoelace.

His phone beeped with a massage announcing his arrival.
Apo ran fast downstairs.
Ken was waiting with his cycle as usual.
Ken smiled big - waving his hands.
"Hello. Someone 's looking nice today"
Apo only smiled shyly.
At least Ken noticed his efforts.
"Where are we going today?"
"Somewhere special"
Apo nodded happily and sat behind the seat.
"Hug me tight. We don't wanna ruin your pretty face"
He joked - like the basic Ken.

We arrived in front of an ancient house gate - but it was huge.
The door opened like someone was waiting on the door.
Apo never imagined the scene in front of him - he thought Ken was from a very normal family.
There were guards everywhere. He clutched Ken's shirt tight.
He still didn’t lose hope. Maybe Ken's family works for this rich master.
He nodded in his head with this possibility.
But soon it shattered.
When the cycle stopped, a servant came and bowed to Ken
"Master everything is prepared. The family is already present"

Apo felt numb. Did he do wrong?

Ken was shaking Apo's shoulder to get his concentration.
"Let's go. Lunch is already served"
Apo was still hesitating.
But Ken wasn’t having it.
Ken took Apo 's soft hands in his rough ones - very gently.
"Come. I know it’s sudden but my family is bugging me to introduce you. It’s nothing to get afraid of."
Ken smiled at his usual heartwarming one.
Apo felt slightly relieved after hearing those marshmallows from Ken.
He melted.
Ken guided them inside the really large corridor.

"The 4th young master is here"
A servant announced our arrival to the people inside before opening the sliding door.
Are they royalty or what?
What's with all of this etiquette?
The opened door revealed a table filled with Japanese foods and some really dangerous looking grumpy people - some of them are wearing Kimono.
Ken bowed and introduced me as his close friend : no one even bothered to answer except one chirpy girl dressed in a very beautiful saree.  Her name is Shreya - as she introduced herself. Apo assumed she was Indian.

He sat quietly. There were about twenty people. But no one was eating - more like they were waiting for someone.
After more than ten minutes he asked ken,
"Why is no one starting?"
"We are waiting for Kanji"
He didn’t understand, but shut his lips as the Big man was glaring at him.
As an aged person he sure doesn’t have the decency to welcome a guest with warmth.
So Apo just gazed down. But his stomach was forming knots.
He never starved for this long.
He sighed.
Another ten minutes passed.

Then a huge sound came to Apo 's ears. More like a scream.
His inner trembled.
More screams were coming - it was becoming closer and louder. Apo got afraid. This sounds brought back to his memories. He was sweating.
He looked around but no one was even giving a damn at that pleading cries. He wanted to go but got stopped by Ken's hand. Apo looked at Ken in disbelief.
"Don't. I don’t want you to get in trouble" Ken whispered - that made Apo's inside burning in rage.
He again thought about his own situation. He can't get on the spotlight now. So he sat trembling in anger with tears in his eyes.
He felt - that pleading. He was the same as that.

Suddenly the door opened and a young - like really young guy came inside with a sobbing boy in his arms.
The chains were dangling from his legs - as the guy was carrying him.
That guy just sat in the head chair.
With the crying guy on his lap.

"Sorry. I am late. My Yome needed my attention. Please start" he smirked.
That vile - disgusting guy.
Ken was putting food in Apo's plate but hunger was long gone from Apo 's mind. He wanted to vomit.

"Is this your friend, brother?"
That guy asked feeding  the half unconscious guy .
"Yes Kanji"
So this is Kanji. He is an important guy - Apo came to a conclusion.
"Nice to meet you. I hope you are enjoying the food"
Apo just nodded.
"He isn’t much of a talker, I see" that Kanji guy smirked.
What's his problem?
Apo again saw the boy mattering some inaudible whispers. He wanted to help really badly.

The boy looked really handsome. Like really young.
"I need to talk to you"
"Kanji i think it’s not necessary"
Ken tried to interven.
But failed miserably.

Apo was scared. He wanted to run away from there. But the security is tight. So he just went inside the room and was told by the maid.
The room is maybe a tea room.
Kanji was now caressing the boy making the boy shiver.
So beautiful is this boy.
Despite his condition he smiled at me.
And said "Annyeong Haseyo"
Apo greeted him back.

"Sit"Apo startled - maybe he was staring for more than it’s necessary

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Apo startled - maybe he was staring for more than it’s necessary.
He sat on the pillow.
A maid offered tea.
"I know you don’t know why I summoned you"

Kanji flicked his finger once and a giant man in Kimono came inside with an envelope in his hand.
He handed over the envelope to Apo.
"What's this?"
He enquired.
Kanji kissed the frightened boy in his lap, "it’s for you- read"

Now Apo was more scared.
Why would something come for him - here???!
With shaky hands he tore the envelope.
And the letters inside made his mind blank -

"My Kwan,
I hope your vacation is going smoothly. But I am missing you so much.
Still being  the good husband I will permit your little tour. Don’t worry I am managing well.
I have a surprise for you - waiting.
I will give you our star like our dreams - like you used to play with me in our garden. Our star will be waiting for you in our home. Till then enjoy.
Love be a good boy ; or you know how I am. Never mind enjoy as much as you want.
Tell Ken my wishes.

Your one and only loving husband. "

Apo didn't know how to react - what to say.
"I hope you have your answers"
"I...I..." Apo was now hyperventilating.
This is too much for him.
"I just wanted to say I can't help you nor I would risk my family 's name in this. Mile is my associate. So it’s my duty to support him"

The hidden threats were clear to him.
He was sweating - very much.
He collapsed on the floor trying to breathe. But nothing was in his favor.
Everything was blurred after that.


A man came knocking inside Mile's office.
Mile was now doing the paperwork.
Build was also near his feet - licking his favourite lollypop.
He can suck it all day long.
"My king" the man bowed.
"Is it already done?"
The man just placed a report on his desk.
Mile smiled big after seeing the results.

"My Kwan,  the star is prepared to come" he smirked....

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