Seeing Red

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                     By: Baby_Darth_Dalloway

Seeing Red

Lena's working late when the text from Alex illuminates her phone. She was minding her own business, putting the finishing touches on a project proposal when she quietly picks it up, eyes scanning the message quickly. Her face drops, eyes go wide, and she immediately types out a response. Once it's sent, she deletes her message and the most recent one from Alex in the conversation.

This was definitely not good.

She takes a deep breath, her mind racing as she wonders what is going to possibly happen. As she hears a gust of wind and feet touch down on her balcony, she already has her answer. Kara is here. Lena finishes scribbling something on the pad before her as Kara walks into the room, her black one-piece House of El uniform adorning her body. Lena freezes for a moment, but knows what she needs to do.

"Play it cool," she tells herself.

At the end of the day, this is still Kara Danvers before her, still the woman who has fallen madly in love with her, and visa versa. So in response, Lena simply smirks as she quirks a brow, leaning back in her chair and letting her eyes roam over her girlfriend.

"Well. If it isn't Ms. Danvers, all grown up," she teases.

The calm and cocky smile on Kara's face widens, and she walks up to Lena's desk, palms going flat on its surface, staring into her lover's eyes. It's there where Lena first sees it, the small flash of red in Kara's eyes confirming Alex's warning text. Kara was definitely infected.

"Grown up in more ways than one," Kara whispers to her, and as much as Lena wants to control herself, she can't help the shiver Kara's smooth and husked voice causes as a chill runs down her spine.

Lena bites her lip, and feels more comfortable as she sits there. Even if this is Kara infected with Red Kryptonite, it's still Kara, her Kara, and she loves Lena.

Lena's aware of Kara's observation of her. Alex's warning text informed her that yet another Cadmus agent working for her mother's cause, despite the woman still being safely locked away, had infected Kara. Kara had opened up to Lena months ago about the incident, how horrible it all was, how she wished it never happened, explaining how she felt throughout the entire fiasco.

However, this time around is different. Alex's text was a warning that this Kara? This Kara remembered what happened last time. After tearing apart the DEO and putting Jo'on through a serious beating, Kara Danvers under Red Kryptonite was not taking any chances. She would not be deterred again. And so, Lena knew she had to go with the flow, had to play it cool. As she had messaged Alex, she would stay with Kara and go about as if nothing was wrong, try to keep her calm and occupied as Alex came up with a plan. She explained her message deletion, and the fact she would likely be out of contact if she wanted Kara to stay in the dark. The last thing they needed was the Kryptonian to feel betrayed by Lena, potentially setting her off further. And so, there Lena sat, slightly scared but also still oddly comfortable. She hoped deep down that even with the Red Kryptonite, her lover's affection for her would pull through.

Lena stood up slowly, pushing her chair back as she walked around her desk to Kara, the girl leaning back slightly. Lena's green silk button down blouse brought out her eyes, hips swaying in a tight black skirt. She could see the lust in Kara's eyes. It didn't take Red Kryptonite to notice. She smirked her devilish smirk, Kara's nostrils flaring. Lena walked right to Kara, sliding in right in front of her to lean back against her desk, crossing her arms.

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