I Have This Human Love (It Shattered Once Or Twice)

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                            By: ThornedRose44
Kara uses the word 'love' for nearly everything.

There was nothing she didn't love.

She loved her family, her friends, her boss, her work colleagues, random animals she met in the street, the rain, films, all junk food, the pizza delivery guy, the Chinese delivery guy and the Thai delivery girl. Kara loved everything, and would say it to just about everyone.

Lena was not the same. She had used the word love for only one person. Her brother. Her favourite food is chicken wings (yes, I know you were expecting something more pretentious) but whenever she conveys her preference for the food she uses the word 'like' and if she is feeling particularly affectionate she throws in a 'really'. The word has meaning and power like no other word to Lena. Her brother said it to her... and that's it... no one else has ever said they love her. So Lena guards that word like she would a nuclear weapon cache (no, L-Corp does not have a secret nuclear weapon cache before you ask). Lena has promised herself to never use the word, it meant too much to her and saying it to someone would give them far too much power over her.

Anyway... back to Kara. Lena should've expected it. Was expecting it. But just because she was expecting it doesn't mean it didn't break her heart and send her soaring at the same time.

Lena was at Kara's on a Saturday night to continue her childhood film education that Kara was schooling her in. Lena had seen films, obviously, just not kid's films. The Luthors didn't approve of low brow animated flicks and so denied their children ever seeing one. When Lena had admitted in passing to having never seen an animated film, Kara had gone nearly catatonic for a full minute. Lena was convinced she would have to phone an ambulance before Kara had snapped out of it and asked the dreaded 'why?'. Lena had shrugged and merely muttered the Luthors, hoping to leave it at that. Kara had changed the subject at Lena's abject attitude; Lena, however, had noticed the steely glint in Kara's eye for the rest of the conversation. That following Saturday, Lena was invited over to Kara's in the afternoon and gasped at what she found waiting for her. Kara had constructed a huge blanket fort in the living room and there was an array of snack food laid out for them.

(Okay, so if we're being honest, the gasp was more due to the scandalously short pyjama shorts and strappy pyjama shirt and let's just say biceps and leave it at that. If I hadn't already known Kara was Supergirl, the muscles on display that day would have convinced me.) 

Kara had quickly dragged her into the apartment, handed her a pair of the fluffiest and cuddliest pyjamas Lena had ever seen and told her they were starting with 'The Lion King.'

(So, back to the current Saturday when it finally happened). Kara, halfway through 'Anastasia', had to run out for 'more ice cream' (I knew the freezer was fully stocked) and knowing a 'run to the store' would leave Kara exhausted, Lena put in an order for Chinese, ensuring the order for potstickers was double Kara's normal amount. The food arrived a few minutes before Kara returned, and Lena laid out the food in the fort she had constructed (blueprints were made and everything, it was the most technically planned out and executed fort ever, and I would fight anyone who questioned that).

Kara arrived back (without ice cream) and a black smear on her cheek. Lena chuckled to herself as Kara's eyes lit up at the fort and the food and sped (slightly faster than humanly possible) to Lena's side before wrapping her up in a warm hug. Lena 'really likes' (shut up, I know what you're thinking) Kara's hugs. They are warm, and all consuming, as if Kara was trying to push her feelings of affection through to you with her arms alone.

Kara had pulled back with that twinkle in her baby blue eyes that Lena 'really, really liked' (don't you dare comment) and said it. It being, "Thanks, Lena. This is why I love you."

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