And maybe, your heart still stops when you see me

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By: thewaterymellen
"Lee, help me!" Kara jumps with both feet onto a brittle leaf, grinning goofily when it crunches satisfyingly under her boots.

"With what?"

"Gather a bunch of leaves into a pile so I can jump into them!"

"Can't you just, I dunno, use superspeed?" Lena picks up a limp leaf by the stem, twirling it between her thumb and forefinger distastefully.

"But it's more fun if you help me! And everyone else will see." The Kryptonian gives her a pleading look, cerulean eyes widening, mouth twitching into a pout that makes her heart flutter. Just a little bit.

How could she say no to those eyes?

"Please, Lena?"

"Fine. But you owe me lunch from... Paris."

"Okay!" The superhero hops from browned leaf to leaf, giggling softly as they crackle under her shoes, eyes crinkling at the corners.

She vaguely wonders how Supergirl, the Girl of Steel, Hero of National City, Champion of Planet Earth can be so childlike, in an annoyingly endearing way.

Lena sighs. No point in resisting now. She bends down, looking awkward as she grabs a few damp leaves in her hands.

"No, not those! You gotta get the crunchy ones or it's going to be sad."

"Fine, fine." She drops them, shaking her hand with a frown of disgust when they stick to her fingers.

The two spend the next half hour gathering crunchy leaves into a pile, well, Kara does most of it. Lena just wanders under the canopy of fiery foliage and watches her best friend dart back and forth, possibly dipping into super-speed when no one else is looking.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Huh? What?"

"You're just standing there smiling. Why?" Kara wonders curiously, skidding to a stop in front of her, not even close to breathless.

The Luthor's mouth opens, and a faint blush colors her pale cheeks when incoherent stammering just comes out, "Uh, uhm, your leaf pile just blew away!"

The reporter whirls around immediately, eyes widening in dismay when she realizes that her leaves are now scattered across the grass, no more than a pathetic mass of leaves.

"Stupid Santa Ana Winds," she grumbles, stomping over to what's left of the meager pile, kicking them together with a foot.

As if responding to her, a gust of wind sends the remains of the fire-colored leaves spiraling into the air, one into her mouth.

Lena bites back a chuckle when Kara splutters then pouts, crossing her arms like a petulant child.

"Stop laughing at me!"

"I'm not laughing at you."

"Yes, you are!"

"It's funny," she bites her lip when a few giggles escape.

"You're cruel."

"Well, I guess, sometimes, my Luthor genes just shine through."

Kara marches to her, clearly intending to scold her but her foot lands on a particularly wet leaf and her legs fly out from below her and suddenly, she's laying on the leaf-covered grass.

If her best friend weren't so indestructible, she would have panicked, but she may as well have been steel because Lena's pretty sure the ground dented under the blonde hair that splays out in all directions, covered in leaf fragments and grass.

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