And To All, A Very Happy New Year

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                                  By: Karalena90
It was New Years Eve and in National City crime was quiet, the bars were full of drunken people celebrating the start of a new year coming and the streets were full of happy laughter.

It seemed tonight was the one night where people would let go of their grudges and their problems and just come together as one, come together to see in the start of a new year and hope that it would be prosperous and full for all.

Everyone was out celebrating with family and friends, everyone it seemed except for Lena Luthor who as normal was still working away in her office at L-Corp.

It wasn't as though Lena hadn't been invited out to celebrate, she had many invites.

All of which she had turned down.

Including the one from her reporter best friend Kara Danvers.

However now, as she sat in her office at 11:52pm at night she was beginning to regret turning down the invite.

Being alone on the holidays had never bothered her before, but being alone while hearing all the people out there enjoying themselves and celebrating with their loved ones was starting to make her think that she should have gone.

Yes, it would have been awkward at first with her not really knowing all Kara's friends that well and with her family being there, but Kara would have been there.

Right now, she would give anything to be able to celebrate the new year with Kara.

This year had been one of the hardest years of her life.

She had accomplished a lot, she had done great things, but she had also had her fair share of disappointments and heartbreak.

Throughout it all though she had one constant.

One constant that had only come into her life half way through the year, but those six months had been the best she had lived through in a long time.

Because of Kara Danvers.

The younger reporter had burst into her life so fast and made such a big impact so quickly that Lena had barely had time to keep up with what was happening around her.

Kara had been the one to help her be her best possible self.

Kara had trusted in her when the rest of world turned their backs on her and condemned her.

Kara had saved her, not only from villains as Supergirl, but also from herself.

She had saved her from despair, from giving up hope, from the darkness she feared in herself every day.

Kara had taught her there was more to a person than just their name.

Kara had given her so much and in return Lena had given her heart to the blonde, not that the poor girl had any idea.

Kara Danvers was Supergirl, Lena knew this even though Kara had let to admit that fact to her.

Kara Danvers was smart, kind, beautiful and so many other things.

Kara Danvers was also oblivious.

Completely and utterly oblivious to the feelings that Lena had for her, and Lena herself was too afraid to act on those feelings.

She was afraid of losing the one person who had come to mean so much to her so quickly.

Ring, ring.

Ring, ring.

Ring, ring.

"Hello?" Lena said, answering her phone, not bothering to check the caller ID with a sigh.

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