The Best Boss

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                                  By: Karalena90
Lena sighed as she looked over the paper work to the new company she had just brought.

If anyone asked her why she brought it, she would tell them it was an investment, a way to keep the press free from corruption, which in all truthfulness it partly was. The real and more prominent reason though, was that she had brought CatCo for Kara. She didn't want Kara to have to work underneath that – monster – Morgan Edge. She would do anything she could to protect her best friend from the slim ball of a man, even if that meant spending a ridiculous amount of money buying the company out from underneath him.

She had been excited at the prospect of working with her best friend, at spending more time together after Kara had been so distant since Mon-El had been sent away, but now it seemed that wouldn't be happening.

After Lena had told Kara the news, Kara had told her that she had quit her job earlier that day after a fight with James. Lena had tried to push her for more information on why, promising to make the photographic journalist go through the fun of a disciplinary for upsetting her ace reporter, but Kara had refused to diverge any more information. Opting instead to tell her how she had already accepted a job offer Miss Grant had set up for her abroad.

Lena was happy for her friend, really, she was.

The offer sounded good, great even.

She knew Kara had been struggling, she knew she should have insisted on being there for her more rather than letting the blonde-haired reporter push her away and giving her the space she thought the girl needed. She couldn't help but wonder if she had been there more for her friend, if she had made herself more readily available then maybe that conversation wouldn't have happened and Kara wouldn't be leaving.

Remembering back to when she lost Jack, she could have kicked herself.

Kara had been there even when Lena herself had acted distant trying to shut her out.

Kara hadn't let her do so, and kept coming to her office bringing her dinner and doughnuts and just spending time with her until she was ready to talk and to work past the hurt.

She should have done the same for Kara, but she hadn't. She had let the reporter push her away.

Well, not anymore.

She was going to make sure that Kara knew to never doubt their friendship again, that Kara knew that she would always put her first.

She was going to make sure Kara wanted to stay.

She would get her way.

She was a Luthor after all, and a Luthor always finds a way to get what she wants one way or another.

She had one week.

Seven days, to find a way to make Kara see that leaving National City was not the solution to her problems, that the only way for her to deal with the pain was to stay where she was and let those around her help her.

Kara wouldn't be leaving in a weeks' time, and Lena would be able to live her dream of them working together, two powerful women keeping the media free and truthful.

Day One.

Day one was a disaster.

It was day one for Lena at CatCo as well as day one in Lena's plan she had labelled in her mind as 'make Kara Danvers stay'.

Both had failed miserably.

Kara had been running in and out of work every chance she got until Lena had called her on it, which had resulted in Kara closing off to her even more and Lena having to pull the boss card on her.

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