Chapter 1

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Yeji wipes the bead of sweat with the back of her hand. She couldn't help but groan frustratingly as she looks at the vast grounds that she has to continue raking.

But don't get her wrong, she loves autumn the most among the seasons but she couldn't help but not like this as of now. Not when she has to rake up all the leaves in the Shin's garden.

Yeji turned around when she hears someone scratching the ground with a rake.

"R-Ryujin-shii" Yeji jumps in surprise as she sees the youngest daughter of her boss' family, raking the grass beside her. She will never hear the end of it from her mother if she knows that she has let the favorite child of the Shin's work.

"Ryujin" Ryujin corrected her


"We knew each other since we were kids Yeji, you can call me Ryujin."

"You know I can't do that." Yeji yanks the rake away from Ryujin and forces a smile as she turns around and continues working.

But Ryujin wouldn't give up on Yeji just like she never gave up on her from the start.

"Ryujin-sshii!!! What are you doing?!" Yeji screams as she sees Ryujin down on the ground, gathering the leaves with her bare hands.

"I'm helping you rake but since you took away my rake, I have to improvise" Ryujin smiles teasingly.



"Fine! Here!" Yeji gave up and hands Ryujin the rake.

"Hehehehehe..." Ryujin chuckles triumphantly as she rakes happily...

It's ironic how the people who want to work are those who aren't asked to lift a finger while here she is, who wanted to stop working have to wake up to serve the Shins.

Yeji glance at Ryujin who still has that silly smile playing on her lips as she rakes.

She groans in irritation "You're going to get me in trouble, you know"

And immediately the smile on Ryujin's face fades away and turns into a look of worry.

"I-I just want to help" Ryujin says innocently.

"I know but you know you're not supposed to do that but here you are still doing it"

"Oh" Ryujin says dejectedly and hands the rake over to Yeji.

"Thanks." Yeji quickly turns away from her "Now go inside, it's going to get cold" Yeji continues raking this time harsher and more forceful.

But Yeji stop midway when she felt the warmth of a wool jacket wrap around her shoulders. She didn't have to guess whose it's from, she knows the moment she inhaled the strawberry scent.

And Yeji looks up and sees Ryujin's dark hair swishing as the cold autumn wind blows as the girl walks back to her mansion.


It was sad and kind of obsessive really how content Ryujin was just looking at Yeji raking from her bedroom window. But this time, Ryujin's smile couldn't help but spread wider as Yeji wore the jacket she have gingerly put around the cat eyed girl's shoulders.

Maybe this is it, maybe Yeji is finally giving her -or more of them- a chance.

And it was kind of pathetic really how something as small as that made Ryujin's day, but she doesn't care... Right now, she was the happiest girl alive.


Yeji's fingers dig deep in the wool jacket, gripping the jacket tighter as if it was her only source of strength.

"Awww... is that from your girlfriend?"

Yeji wanted to do nothing but slam her bedroom door on her brother's face. But obviously the sour look on Yeji's face didn't unfazed her brother and instead he walks closer and sits beside her.

"If I were you, I'd go out with her. That Ryujin is foolishly in love with you, I bet if you ask her to sign over to you her inheritance, she would"

"I wouldn't do that"

"But you could, you have that much power over her."

"Don't you have better things to do?" Yeji ask irritatingly as she sees Hyunjin getting comfortable in her room.

"Yeah. I'm talking to my sister about her future."

"Thanks. But no thanks"

"So, this is it?"


"You're contented with this life? Being slaves to this rich people who doesn't give a crap about us? While were slaving our asses for them?"

"No... I'm not... That's why I'm in school so that-"

"That's bullshit Yeji and you know that!" Hyunjin cuts her off. "Mr. Shin pays for our education, do you think he would let us go without some kind of payback? Hell No! We're going to live our lives serving them and you want that Yeji? Huh? To see the life you wish you could have just disappear?"

"N-no" Yeji mutters incoherently.

"Ryujin is your ticket out of here, she could give you the finest things in life" Seeing that his sister is still not convince, Hyunjin move in for the kill. "Fine if not for you then maybe for mom and dad. They work too damn hard to give us a good life but no matter how hard they work their asses off, all we're ever going to be are the Shins slaves."

"I don't feel anything for her"

"Who said anything about feelings? You always wanted to be an actress, so just pretend that you do, that's all there is to it."

"I don't want to do that. Ryujin is a good person"

"I'm not saying she's bad, but she chose this, if she wants to give you expensive stuff then that's not your fault, if she wants to take you to expensive restaurants and vacation that's not your fault either. All you're doing is appreciating the gifts."

Hyunjin moves out of the bed and stretches before heading to the door. But not before giving his sister his lasting words

"Don't believe that crap about people marrying for love, Yeji. Nowadays, people marry the ones that could make them happy and give them things. If they love each other, then that's just a bonus. But other than that, there is nothing really..."

And Yeji was left alone thinking...



Ryujin sits up on her bed and smiles as the cat eyed girl was standing right there by her doorway.

"Ryujin" Ryujin corrected her...

"Oh... okay, Ryujin... ummm... here..." Yeji extends her arm to hand the jacket. "Thank you, I ummm washed it so it won't-"



"You didn't have to do that." Ryujin smiles as she felt as the jacket warm her hands.

" I have to, it's rude if I didn't"

"I guess so..." Ryujin blushes as Yeji smiles then turns away "Yeji"


Ryujin has to try again even if her brain is begging her not to.

"Ummm... nothing..."

"Oh ok..."

"No... ummm Yeji"

"What is it?"

"I ummm... sorry just forget about it..."

Yeji nods and was a foot away from the door when Ryujin spoke again.

"Wait... Yeji"

Yeji turns her heels and sees Ryujin standing in front of her, fidgeting with her shirt.

"Ummm... tomorrow morning, I was ummm wondering. Could I drive you to school?"

And this was it, the heartbreak for both girls are about to begin the moment Yeji opens her mouth to answer Ryujin.

"Yes sure" Yeji smiles back

And Ryujin would jump up and down in glee if Yeji wasn't there...

Yeji hurriedly walks away, trying to still her heart as she was about to begin her series of lies.


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