Epilogue 1st half

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"Mama? Where's my Yeji?"

Shin Ryujin sounded more like a toddler searching for her favorite toy rather than an heiress who's about to take over the multi million Shin empire. And of course, as her nanny, Mrs. Kang has to make sure that Ryujin is well taken care off and got anything she wanted.

It took some time for Mrs. Kang to get used to this demand from Ryujin. She had been Ryujin's nanny from when she was born until now that she has finally taken the reins for their family business. She has cared for Ryujin like her own child. That's why it came as no surprise that Ryujin would call Mrs. Kang mama when she was younger rather than her own mom.

And Ryujin would be forever thankful for that. But she wasn't just a nanny, for Ryujin Mrs. Kang was the only one who felt like a parent to her. She was the only one who could discipline Ryujin.

When Mrs. Kang heard that Mr. Shin took all of Ryujin's money and possession, she expected that Ryujin would return in an hour or the most, the next day. That she will wake up and do her daily routine of serving Ryujin.

But days and nights had come and gone and she didn't even caught sight of Ryujin's shadow. And the longer that Ryujin didn't have to come back, the easier for her to accept that maybe Ryujin was not the person she always thought she knew. Or maybe she was, and all it takes was someone so damn amazing to change the stubbornness in Ryujin.

When she came back it was if she was another person, she was less demanding and more independent. And if she would have wanted something, the only one who she wants it from was Yeji. Of course the inner brat was still there, but one squeeze from Yeji and Ryujin behaves, hesitantly of course. But the fact that Ryujin would listen to someone else was a miracle on itself.

"Yeji?" Ryujin continued her search for her baby.

"She is in the balcony right now..."

"Oh okay..."

Ryujin gives Mrs. Kang, the only woman she considers to be her mother a light squeeze on the shoulder.

"Don't work yourself too hard, mama... You still have to take care of Yeji and our baby..."

Mrs. Kang couldn't help but smile at that thought, a little Yeji or a little Ryujin screaming and running around might be what this mansion needs to finally make it a home.



Yeji couldn't help but think how adorable Ryujin looks walking around with her small eyes barely open. Ryujin tries to get the drowsiness away by rubbing her eyes, but Yeji's arms around her shoulders was better than any wake up call.

"Ready for breakfast?"

"I was. " Ryujin pouted. "But when I wake up, you weren't there..." Ryujin's sleepy eyes were instantly replaced with lust.

Yeji slaps Ryujin in the arm just to hide her blush, and the fact that she secretly delights at the thought that Ryujin still has this insatiable lust for her.

"Behave yourself and eat your breakfast... you have a big day ahead of you... CEO"

Yeji slides the omelet to Ryujin's plate as Ryujin huffs in frustration for not getting what she wanted and just plops in the chair in defeat...

"PFFFT. It's only the title that sounds fancy... The amount of work and stress could drive anybody mental."

The moment she wakes up the first thing that Ryujin would crave was a touch from Yeji. Like right now, where the breakfast on her plate was being ignored and all she did was pull Yeji on her lap, softly nibbling on Yeji's neck...

"You're the only one that could calm me..."

Yeji smiles at Ryujin's sweet confession, and she was glad that even after all these years that they were together, they were still in love. She gently lays her lips on Ryujin and their lips met in soft, sweet kisses. But when Yeji sense that the innocence was slowly igniting to passion, she hesitantly pulls away.

She slices a piece of omelet before feeding it to Ryujin.

"You got to eat. I don't want your stomach to make all that grumbling sounds when you get up on the podium..."

Ryujin laughs at the thought and chews thoughtfully, just enjoying the feel of having Yeji on her lap.

"Are you going to come?" Ryujin asks before Yeji feeds her again.

"Of course... but I... ummm..."

Yeji gingerly rubs the engagement ring on her finger, wondering how to approach Ryujin with what she's about to say.

"I'm planning to go somewhere before I head there."

Ryujin looked up at the girl on her lap. "Where?"

"I want to go visit mama and papa..." Yeji barely said it in a whisper. But with the way Ryujin's clench on her arm got tighter, it was obvious that Ryujin heard her perfectly.


It's been almost three years but Yeji's family still didn't even bother to try and contact her. Just to call and say hi or to see how she was doing, to see if she was okay, or to even see her walk the stage during her graduation. Ryujin knew how much it hurt Yeji, even if Yeji tries to mask it all with a happy smile.

And with everything that they have done or more of failed to do as a parent, Ryujin couldn't understand why it has to be Yeji who needs to try and fix things.

"Because..." Yeji didn't know what to say, instead she just focus her attention on her finger circling around Ryujin's arm. "Because I want my family to be ok with us."

"Then, let me go with you." Ryujin said in determination. If Yeji had to face her parents, then they will do it together.

"No..." Yeji shakes her head. "You have this to worry about. It'll be okay..."

"But what if-"

Yeji presses Ryujin's hand to calm down the other girl.

"Let me talk to them first and then if everything goes well... then, we could go there."

Knowing Ryujin's fearless personality, Yeji knew Ryujin wouldn't hesitate to fight back in case her mother would spit harsh words at her. And Yeji didn't want to sever anymore of what remaining relationship, if there is still even one existing, between her and her parents.

Ryujin's frown only showed that she wasn't pleased of Yeji's plan. But as Yeji gently squeeze Ryujin's hand, the frown slowly went away.

"Ok." Ryujin lied...

Yeji kisses the tip of Ryujin's nose as a thank you note.

"I'm done with breakfast..."

Yeji didn't even feel Ryujin tugging on her hand, because right now, all that was registering was the look of lust brewing in Ryujin's eyes.

"Now let's go shower..."



It took a good few seconds before Mrs. Hwang recognize the stunning woman standing in front of her. She could blame this on poor vision and old age or maybe her daughter has just grown up beyond recognition.

This woman in front of her wasn't the shy and meek Yeji that she could remember, instead it was a woman captivating and beautiful that anyone would fall at the sight of her. And a part of Mrs. Hwang regrets not being there to watch her daughter grow up.

"What are you doing here?"

Yeji's eyes mirrored the hurt she felt when she heard her mother's question. When does a daughter need a reason to visit her mother?

"I just want to come to see you and papa..."

Mrs. Hwang was about to let Yeji inside their home, but she stops when she sees the exquisite round cut diamond platinum ring on Yeji's finger.

"Did she give you that?"

Yeji bites her lips just so she couldn't snap back. Her anger which she thought was long buried, would always resurface everytime she hears her mother talk about Ryujin like she's an infectious disease.

"Yes mama... me and Ryujin, we're going to get married..."

Mrs. Hwang felt like everything surrounding her just darken and all she could see was the fury of wanting to rip the ring out of her daughter's finger. All she asks in prayer at night is for her daughter to come back and get back to her senses. And it infuriated her, that her prayers were ignored and what's worse, here was her daughter committing herself forever to the Shin's daughter.

"What is wrong with you? Don't you have any shame? Marrying a woman?"

All the vile words did was broke Yeji's already fragile heart. She wished she had answers, something profound that could convince her mother otherwise. But the only answer she had was the same answer that she had years ago...

"We love each other..." Yeji softly whispers...


The hostility between the two women were severed by the gentle voice. And unlike her mother who welcomed her with such animosity, her father without any hesitation wrapped her in a loving embrace.

Yeji have grown up believing that her father was the strongest man in the world. She smiles as she remembers those distant memories. When he would come home from work, and even if he was so tired, he would greet her by lifting her up in his arms and swirling her up as if she was dancing on air.

But time wasn't too kind on her father, though he still has those gentle eyes, still his face shows sign of old age and weariness. And it hurt her a bit to feel that her father wasn't as towering as she always thought he would be. But as different as it is physically, still she have never felt so protected like right now.

Yeji could make every father proud of how beautiful and confident she had become. Mr. Hwang regrets it terribly how he wasn't there to see her transform from this playful, young tomboy to an elegant young woman.

Mr. Hwang eyes twinkle as he looks at his daughter. "Look at you now, you are so beautiful..." He hugs her again. "You have always been so beautiful..."

Yeji could feel her father's back heaving as he wraps her back in an embrace. And in a few seconds, she heard him softly cries.

"Have you eaten already?"

"No... she won't be staying..."

Both Yeji and her father turn towards the spiteful voice of her mother.

"Darling..." Yeji could hear the pleading tone from her father's voice. "Please dear... Yeji just came to visit us, can we forget about everything and be a family for once?"

"How can I forget?" She growls through her gritted teeth. "When she walks in here wearing that engagement ring from Shin?!"

And never did his heart break just like the way it's breaking now... The moment he saw Yeji in that hospital more than 20 years ago, he had forgotten his dreams and had work all his life just so Yeji could accomplish hers. But if there was one dream, he holds dear, it's that someday he could walk Yeji down the aisle, to give her away to someone deserving of her...

His heart broke at the thought that this dream would only be tarnish, when his daughter would marry another woman.

"We... we're going to get married next month..." Yeji whispers softly, hoping her soft tone could somehow reduce the anger her parents feel. "It's going to be a small, private ceremony."

Both her parents realized why, Ryujin was now being put on the pedestal as the heiress to the Shin empire, this news might easily ruin Ryujin.

"Ryujin have wanted to come here and asks but I told her-"

"We don't want to see her." Her mom cut her off so harshly.

Yeji turns toward her father hoping to get his approval, but his gaze remained on the ground. Obviously he felt the same as her mother, only difference was, he didn't have the heart to break Yeji's heart.

"We don't want to see the woman who destroyed our daughter... You know what kind of girl she is?"

"You don't know her." Yeji had finally had enough of her mother talking viciously about the one she loves. "So, don't judge her..."

"I don't need to know her! That girl grew up in my eyes!"

Here they were again, the two Hwang women screaming at each other about Ryujin.

"She doesn't pick up for herself, leaves everything scattered around, parties all night then comes home drunk, one time I accidentally walk into her room and found her with two women in bed. Two!!! Yeji!!!" Mrs. Hwang tries to shake some sense into her daughter. "Is that the kind of person you want to spend forever with?"

"Mama please... Ryujin is not like who you think she is..." Yeji says in one shaky breath.

Her father finally steps in when he sees Yeji's tears taking over her.

"Dear please..."

"You know I have enough of this! I'm so tired of looking like the enemy here, when all I ever wanted was the best for my daughter!"

Her mother regrets having this conversation and storms away, leaving her broken hearted family behind.

"I..." Yeji brushes away her tears, she sees no point in staying anymore. "I have to go, papa... it was nice to see you again."

She gives her father a soft kiss on the cheek, before stepping away politely.

And just when he thought his heart was broken earlier, he realizes that nothing could match the hurt that he feels right now, when he sees his little girl walking away in tears. And here he was, her father, who can't do anything about it.


Hyunjin gritted his teeth as he furiously wiped a table, he didn't know that taking care of a business would take this much time and effort. He poured his everything out on this, but it felt like the restaurant was barely drifting afloat instead of rising up. But in a way he was thankful that at least his business was stable instead of crashing down.

"Could you get your ass up and at least help?"

He got on Felix, as the man has his legs up on a table, his eyes lock on the television.

"God Damn... that Shin Ryujin is hot..."

That name managed to steal Hyunjin's attention from the wet rag.

"What are you talking about?"

Hyunjin walks closer to watch what's on the news, and he felt his breath being taken away as he saw how gorgeous Ryujin was. He had the privilege to see Ryujin up close, but it still didn't bode well to his racing heart whenever he sees someone as beautiful as her again.

Ryujin was standing beside her father, both the picture of power and control. Mr. Shin was commanding everyone's attention as he announces the taking over of some major assets over to be handled by Ryujin.

"Mr. Shin just named Ryujin-shii his co chairman... or should I say, chairwoman... like damn..." Felix let out a low whistle. "..beautiful, powerful and rich... What can you do to marry a woman like that?"

"Hmmm..." Hyunjin's brows creased in thought.

"Imagine marrying a girl like that. You will be set for life."

Hyunjin knew nobody stood a chance with Ryujin. He might not marry her, but at least he could be her brother in law.



Ryujin felt her heart ache seeing Yeji, lying motionlessly on their bed, with only her tears being her only sign of life.


Yeji quickly wrap herself around Ryujin's arms. There has always been something soothing about being with Ryujin. Somehow for Yeji, it's enough to take away everything the pain, the anger, the hurt. The pain might still be there, but at least it didn't hurt that much...

Ryujin didn't even have to ask what happen. She wanted to say something to at least make everything feel right. But right now, no words seem to be fitting of this situation.

"I'm so sorry for this Yeji..."

Yeji finally let out a smile, and somehow it both comforted their aching hearts.

"You have nothing to be sorry about..." Yeji brushes the hair out of Ryujin's face to get a clearer look on Ryujin's face. "I choose us anytime."

Yeji softly brushes her lips against Ryujin.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't make it."

"Hey... that's ok..." Ryujin shrugs nonchalantly. "As long as you come to our wedding, I'll be ok"

Yeji have finally found the strength to chuckle, wrapping her arms around Ryujin's shoulders. And Ryujin saw this as an invitation to take things further. Ryujin knew that Yeji would tease her for being such an addict, and she does admit that she is, Yeji just seems to do that.


Yeji tries to sound authoritative but the sound of the moan escaping through their kisses, somehow didn't convince Ryujin...

"Babe..." Ryujin teases Yeji in a husky voice, her hands begin to travel at every inch of Yeji's body...

"S- stop..."

Yeji tried again but the smile on her face tells a whole different story.

"No..." Ryujin whines, kissing the soft flesh on Yeji's neck while her hand still working its magic, drifting to body parts that Ryujin knows ONLY BELONGS TO HER.

"Hey wait baby... I want to tell you something..." Yeji pulls away from their kiss...

"I'm listening..." Ryujin mumbles as her nibbles starts going down.

"No... look at me..."

Yeji tries to suppress a smile as she sees Ryujin with an adorable pout.

"I was wondering if we could try to contain ourselves..."

Ryujin didn't like where this conversation might lead. "Contain ourselves?"

"Yes... like I was wondering if we don't do it..."


Ryujin couldn't help but almost let out a scream, that idea was simply preposterous for Ryujin...

"Well, not until our wedding night..."

"B-but..." Ryujin reasons with Yeji. "That's still a month away... That's too long..."

And it was and Ryujin was desperately trying to change Yeji's mind.

"I know... but... It's just that... when I was sixteen or around that age where I knew about these things, I always promised to myself I would have want to save it until my wedding night."

Ryujin smiles softly as she sees Yeji chuckling.

"I think we both sort of know what happened..."

Yeji turns to Ryujin with a mischievous glint on her eyes.

"I guess this hot girl sort of ruin your promise, huh?"


Ryujin couldn't help but find it so adorable when Yeji was being mischievous.

"It was the car..."

Ryujin scoots closer to Yeji until the tip of their noses was touching each other...

"Do you... regret it?"

"Regret what?"

Ryujin had to turn away, knowing how badly she blushes having Yeji that close.

"That... it was with me... and we ummm... well, we did it in the car?"

"What's wrong with doing it in the car?"

"Cause you dream of doing it on your wedding night, probably with candles all light up, rose petals on the bed... You know the whole thing and look what happen? Your first time was in the car..."

"I secretly wanted it to be you..." Yeji softly confesses. "But during that time, I knew with how different we are, I'm even scared to wish for it...So, when it happened, in your car, I didn't care about anything else, about where we are, what our parents might think, all I could think of Ryujin, was us and how wonderful it feels to finally be with you."

Ryujin reaches out for Yeji but quickly pulls away fearing she might unintentionally break Yeji's promise again.

"It has always been you too..." Ryujin softly confesses...


Ryujin wraps her arms around Yeji's waist, pulling herself closer to the girl.

"When I saw my brother kissing this girl when I was around 12, I..." Ryujin smiles as she drew circles on Yeji's waist with her finger. "..I said to myself, I wanted that... I wanted that with Yeji..."

Ryujin kisses the lips she has always dream of until now to wake up to and kiss...

"Then, I realized that, what I was feeling... it wasn't just friendship anymore, it was something else, something I would wish forever with you..."

And Ryujin melted in another kiss....

"And you... you didn't make it any easier..." Ryujin kisses Yeji's nose before rubbing their noses together cutely. "I would see you around my house, helping your mom and I just wished I could talk to you. Well, I tried but you wouldn't even give me the time of day."

"I thought you were just being nice..."

Ryujin lifts her head so she could look clearly at Yeji's face.


"That you would just say hi to be polite. I saw you bringing home these beautiful girls and I always say to myself, that's the kind of people Ryujin should be with, not me, not a maid's daughter. I told myself I should just be contented that for once in our lives, you considered me to be your bestfriend."

Ryujin press closer whatever distance they had left, her lips finding their way back to Yeji's.

"I stop considering you as my bestfriend." Ryujin smiles before pressing their lips together. "The moment I understand what love was, I only see you as the love of my life."

And when Yeji heard what Ryujin have just confessed, she felt like she lost the strength to breathe. She crash their lips together, trying to find her strength back in Ryujin's kisses...

Until now, Yeji was left wondering how could Ryujin be her source of strength yet be her weakness at the same time?

Ryujin hesitantly pulls away before they could break Yeji's promise, letting out her frustration by burying her face in the pillow.

"What should we do now Yeji?"

Yeji's eyes twinkle as the thought of it comes to her mind.

"Let's go grab some snacks..."


"I'm sorry Yeji..."

Yeji couldn't help but chuckle as Ryujin have apologized to her for almost a millionth time.

"I told you Ryu, it's ok if you're not here for the fitting, it's bad luck for their partners to see the brides anyway.."

Now it was Ryujin's turn to chuckle as she hears Yeji's line.

"Yeji... Our live is much worse than a Korean drama, the universe is running out of bad lucks to throw at us."

"Yes... I guess that's true."

Anyone who sees the way Yeji was smiling as she was talking to the phone would instantly realize how in love she was. And Karina was no different, she smiles along just watching Yeji giggle and laugh on the phone with Ryujin.

"Don't worry Ryu... Karina is here, she's really helping me with the dresses. She has really good taste in fashion."

"Hey!" Ryujin says jealously. "I got good taste in fashion too..."

Yeji didn't bother to argue, she knows Ryujin is like a kid anyway refusing to lose to anything.

"Yes you do..."

"Can I talk to Karina for a bit, baby?"

"Sure... Rina, Ryujin wants to talk to you."

Yeji hands Karina the phone and walks away to get her dress fitted.

"Hey Ryujinie..."

"Hey... Rina... thanks so much for doing this..."

"Hey... you're my cousin in law now... Well, sort of... so don't worry about it."

"I have thought of asking Lia or Yuna to do it but I'm scared they might turn Yeji into lady gaga on our wedding day, or worse knowing those two, probably sneak and watch Yeji dress up."

Karina let out a laugh, this was probably one of the things that have attracted her to Ryujin before, how charming and funny she is. Even if Ryujin and her girlfriend were related, she has to admit that Winter's sense of humor can be quite puzzling sometimes.

"Yes... I could totally imagine that... and look, it's no problem...Yeji is like a living doll, it's fun to dress her up."

Karina's eyes were then casted at the sleeping girl on the chair.

"And besides take this as my apology gift because my girlfriend was such a bitch to you and Yeji before."

"Hey." Karina's 'sleeping' girlfriend heard it perfectly. "You're quite a conniving witch too..."

"Winter is in there?" Ryujin asks surprisingly. "What is she doing? Sleeping?"

"Well... Let's just say your cousin can't be away from me..."

"Yes... I can..." Winter objected.

Winter could but she would probably go insane so she just chooses not to.

Karina then could hear someone talking on the background at Ryujin, and by the sound of Ryujin's voice it probably meant that she needed to head back to work.

"Hey... I need to finish some paperworks... Take care of my wife for me, Rina..."

"I will..."

"Can you give the phone back to Yeji please?"


But before Karina hands out the phone to Yeji, Winter yanks it out of her hand.

"You better work yourself hard Shin, the dresses Karina is picking is expensive..."

"Even if it cost a million dollars, if that's what Yeji wants, then it's not a big deal."

"Cheesy idiot..."

Winter hands the phone over to Yeji, and after a few hushed I love yous, see you later, more I love yous and goodbyes, Yeji finally hangs up.

"Hello Ms. Hwang..."

The young woman who just walks in, ignores the piercing stare of Winter and instead turns to the gorgeous cat eyed beauty.

"Someone is outside for you Ms. Hwang, he said you know him."

The three girls shared confuse looks, everyone secretly knows who Yeji is now, and everyone just seems to want a piece of her knowing Ryujin wouldn't mind paying anything if it was for Yeji's happiness. To simply state it, the way to Ryujin's millions was winning over Yeji's attention.

"Really? Who?"

"It's a Mr. Hwang Hyunjin..."


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