Chapter 10

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Giselle drags out that night's trash, hurling the black bag that's almost as big as her to the dumps. She was about to head back to the shop when she heard some bizarre noises.

"Winter-shii?" Giselle steps closer at the girl curled up in the alley crying... "Are you o-" But before Giselle could reach out to her, Winter had slap away Giselle's hand.

"Get your filthy hands off me!!!" Winter snarls

Giselle quickly pulled away... "I...I'm...I'm sorry..."


Giselle nods and walks away... When Winter heard the kitchen backdoor close, she resumed crying, her tears drown out the sound everywhere, yet her tears didn't stop the feeling of someone crouching beside her. She turns and Giselle was sitting there, holding out a coffee cup.


Giselle has her hands stretch out and Winter growls before looking away. But the girl seems pretty determined for her to have the coffee. Winter just grabs it and hurls it at the wall.

"Now leave." Winter commands Giselle.

Giselle pushes herself up and starts to walk away, but not before turning back at Winter.

"Just in case you need one, Winter-shii... I'll be working until late. You know people call you the devil, but I think you're human, who's just smarter than most of us and who never let your emotions get in the way. You're human, Winter-shii... it's okay to admit that you get hurt too..."


Karina glances every so often as Ryujin browses through her notes.

"I guess you'll never forgive me, huh?"

Ryujin didn't even bother to look at her. "I don't give a crap about you throwing yourself at me, but I'll never forgive you for saying those stuff about Yeji." Ryujin finally turned to Karina. "You're in my shit list now..."

"If people that hates Yeji are the people that is going to be on your shitlist, then, prepare to write the name of every person in this school."

"Well let me take out my IPAD and go ahead, Rina... start naming..."

Karina groans and walks to the podium, putting on her smile that was able to silence the buzzing college crowd.

"Good morning..."

Karina was welcomed with cheers and hoots, and Karina stay quiet for a second cherishing the praises and admirations...Everyone in their university would kill to be in Ryujin's shoes, everyone wants her except the person that she would have wanted.

"As you all know our university week is fast approaching and every year we chose our ideal man and girl to represent our school. This poll is conducted by ballots and of course social media. So, let me end the suspense and let me reveal to you, who everyone chose to be our University idol..."

Karina opens the letter...

"How come I'm not surprise? We all love him, good looks, top ranking student and of course bringing our university to greatness by winning the National College Basketball League. Everyone please give a round of applause to the man, Choi Yeonjun!!!"

Ryujin grits her teeth at the sound of his name. The whole school might worship the ground he walks on but Ryujin despised him, hated him to her deepest core. She couldn't bear the thought of this man with his filthy hands all over Yeji.

Yeonjun walks in the stage, enjoying the screams, all for his glory. He was a God to these people. He turns to the dark haired beauty drilling those dark brown eyes intently at him... He wished he could stare back at her, just so she wouldn't know that he wouldn't falter to her, but he turns away.

Yeonjun settled in his seat as Karina opens the other letter.

"Now let's see who is the lucky girl that Yeonjun will pair off with?" She reads the paper, her eyes widen in surprise before looking for a certain girl in the crowd.

So this is what you're planning, huh Winter?

"Well... well... well... who do we have here?" Karina turns towards Ryujin... "I think it's time for the whole world to know..."

Even though no one in the world could curve their lips as deviously as Winter, right now the smile that Karina gives Ryujin looks pretty damn close...

"That the lucky girl is no other than... Hwang Yeji..."

It took every fiber of Ryujin's strength not to get up and rip that letter to shreds but she remained composed, she didn't need to react not when everyone in the auditorium is doing it for her.

Who is she?

Isn't she the one constantly seen with Ryujin-shii?

I heard she's just the kid's help...

"Come on up Yeji.." Karina flashes that carbon copy Winter smile. "Come up on stage and join your man..."

And Ryujin clenches her fist, she was certain that now Karina was pushing it... pushing her to the edge. But just when she's about to react, the sight of Yeji was able to calm down Ryujin's senses. Yeji walks up on stage and everyone's whispers suddenly put on mute.

Because no one could find the right word to say to describe the beauty...

Yeji's eyes lock on Ryujin's the whole time, only turning away when she felt an arm snake around her waist. Within seconds, Yeji turned away from Yeonjun's sleazy smile and overpowering perfume.

"So, we meet again..."

And if Ryujin had her baseball bat right now, she doubt Yeonjun would still smiling the way he is right now...



Yeji steps inside their apartment and sees Ryujin sitting on their couch, lifelessly swirling her wine around the glass.

"Hi..." Yeji walks closer and presses a kiss on Ryujin's cheek before heading back to the kitchen "Hold on, why are you drinking?"

"I had a bad day just needed something to calm me down..." Ryujin says while she sips back her wine to the last drop.

"I didn't know you drink."

"I do... What else do you want to know about me, huh Yeji?"

There was a mocking tone in Ryujin's voice and Yeji chose to ignored it rather than fight back...

"Sorry I got in late, I had to pull out an extra shift." She continues as she arranges their dinner out on a table. But before she could lay them all out, Ryujin's body pressed closely to her, froze her.

"I miss you..."

It almost made Yeji shiver as she felt Ryujin's hot breath on her neck...

"I was only gone for a couple of hours..."

"I can't help it..." Ryujin says planting kisses on Yeji's neck up to her jawline "I just need you too much..."

Ryujin didn't know if it was the alcohol or not, but she didn't think it matter... She needed Yeji badly whether she's sober or not...

Yeji tilts her head sideways to meet with Ryujin's kisses and she didn't know what made it more addicting, the taste of wine in Ryujin's mouth or the taste of Ryujin herself?

"Do you need me too, Yeji?"

"More than you'll ever know..."

Ryujin pushes Yeji up to sit at the edge of the kitchen counter, and within seconds, Ryujin have pulled down Yeji's jeans while Yeji helps Ryujin by shrugging them off her legs. Ryujin bends down and plants kisses up Yeji's thighs, smiling as she felt Yeji tremble at every inch she got closer. Yeji's fingernail rakes into the hard tile, her body begging to stay in control of her but failed as Ryujin tasted her and at the same time controlling her...

And dinner was a thing of the past as the lovers have savored something more addicting and more satisfying.


The two didn't even make it back to their bedroom and instead just fell on the couch, their bodies intertwined underneath the blanket that Ryujin wrapped them around.


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