Chapter 21

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America felt like two different worlds for Yeji...

There is this one world, where when she's with Ryujin it seems that the hands of time just spin uncontrollably. Whether they're touring the city or just cuddling on the couch with a good movie, time seems to go by so quickly. Yeji loves every second of it. But nowadays, she dreads for morning because that's when Ryujin have to leave.

Since Ryujin have the drafts to take care of, Yeji would be left alone in their home. And in that world, is when the clock ticks by too slowly, that sometimes Yeji would wonder if it even ticks at all.

Yeji don't like the feeling of it, of being tagged as a damsel in distress waiting for prince charming to come. So, she would brave out and see what America has to offer.

But she wouldn't last more than two hours outside and she would shrink her way back to their home. She didn't tell Ryujin that the first time she went out by herself she got lost. She knew a thing or two about the language, could understand it if she took the time but America just seems so fast for her. And she tried asking for help, but she could never seem to find a connection between her and people who were trying to "help" her. So, she just wandered around, hoping she could find her way back home and luckily she did.

From that day on, the only place she would go to was the store and the nearest mall, keeping her conversations with other people minimal to yes or no or sometimes barely a nod. She memorized the bus line and when she knew she had nothing better to do, she would walk back home.

She always heard from other people that not everyone is meant for America, and she couldn't help but wonder, is she one of those unfortunate ones?


Yeji turns away from the TV to the girl who jumps into her arms. They saw each other this morning and that was just a few hours ago, but it was ridiculous how much they just miss each other.

"Do you remember that Yeji?"

Ryujin asks while nuzzling her head cozily on Yeji's lap.

"What?" Yeji wonders as her fingers find themselves lock in Ryujin's dark locks.

"Remember which girl always said that?"

Yeji swallows her lips to keep herself from smiling, the thought of it was kind of embarrassing for her.

"Ummm no... not really..."

Ryujin turns her head to Yeji.

"You don't?"

Yeji shakes her head, obviously trying to held it in.

"Well, it's this little kitten who got stuck on a tree when I was young..."


Ryujin laughs triumphantly and Yeji ends up tickling Ryujin as revenge for unearthing such embarrassing memories.

"I was like... that's the world's cutest kitty... I would like to own her someday...hehehehe..."

"I said stop!"

Ryujin was doing an awesome job in making Yeji blush in embarrassment.

"Why don't you call me that now, Yeji?"

"Call me what?"


Ryujin chuckles triumphantly as Yeji slap her playfully in the arms...

"Stop..." Yeji warns her and Ryujin clamp her mouth shut, though it was obvious from her heaving back that she was trying hard not to let out a fit of giggles.

Yeji wished she could shut up Ryujin, and she knows one perfect way to do it.

And one lingering kiss and that's all it takes for Ryujin to shut up. Ryujin smile through their kiss, she smiles at the thought of how her little monkey grew up to be a perfect girl.

But just when their kisses were getting deeper, the sound of Ryujin's phone vibrating interrupted their moment...

"I have to go..."

"What?" Yeji didn't realize how dependent she was of Ryujin until now. "But you just got here..."

"Well... they're taking my cast off today, do you want to come with me?"

And Yeji was glad to be back in that world again, the one with Ryujin is in it.

"Let me just go get dress."


"So, you have been busy lately..."

Karina tilts her head away from her laptop and sees the gorgeous girl joining her for coffee that afternoon.

"Oh me?"

"Is there anyone else in this room?"

Winter and her sarcastic remarks, in a way, Karina would miss it...

"Such a charmer, huh Winter?

"I'm just born with it..." Winter answers so nonchalantly.

Karina couldn't help but smile at the over confidence, though she have to admit, it was true.

"What are you busy with?"

"Ummm... paperworks..."

Winter waited for Karina to continue but obviously the girl wasn't planning to say anything. But Winter didn't care, she was going to know.

"Paperworks for what?"

Karina sighs before leaning on her chair. "To go back home..."

That took all of Winter's attention, making her put down her coffee...


"Yes... Korea is nice, I met a lot of great people, made really good friends... but they're not family."

Winter has heard a million definition of the word family, but still she would want to hear Karina's definition of it.

"Why? Tell me what's family?"

And Karina didn't have to think any longer, she knew what she was missing and she was going to tell Winter about it.

"Just going home to a place where you know you won't get judged, protect you when you're hurt. Just a place where you're not scared to be at your weakest because you know they will still love you."

"That's the cheesiest thing I ever heard..."

It was cheesy, but it made Winter wished she had one...

"How about you?"

"Me? What about me?"

"You never talk about your family..."

Winter shrugs, the topic of family always seems to mess up her day. "They're alive somewhere. The closest family I had is..."

The thoughts of the raven haired girl suddenly crossed Winter's mind.


"Yeah her..."

"How is she by the way?"

"She's good... last time I call it was nighttime there, so she got piss at me for ruining her moment with Yeji."

The two let out a laugh, before they suddenly grew quiet again. They tend to do that a lot, not because they run out of things to say, but they're just comfortable in their own presence that words weren't necessary.

"Everytime I think about Ryujinie and Yeji, I just couldn't help but wonder."

Winter lifted her gaze away from her drink and looks at the girl staring thoughtfully outside the window.

"About what?"

"If there is someone like that for us..."

Winter answers by sipping on her coffee.

Karina let out a chuckle. "I thought it was going to be Ryujin..."

Winter felt something clench inside her chest that she didn't have the strength to say anything back.

"Do you believe in those things, Winter?"


Winter answers bluntly before turning towards the window. And Karina should have known that even if Winter have slowly broken her walls, still she was the same Winter who remained callous when it comes to dealing with emotions.

She decided not to pry anymore and continues whatever she needed to get finish in her laptop.

"Until now..."

Winter's voice was barely louder than a whisper that Karina wonders if she was even meant to hear it. But she did, and a part of her was relieved, that it wasn't just her who felt it too...


It was ridiculous how she never felt so free until now when her cast was removed from her arm. Ryujin looks intently at her arm, as if she's a bionic woman who's fascinated about a new body part. She slowly moves her fingers, before twisting her wrist. Now, all that's left unanswered is if she's ready to play baseball again.

But before she could ask, the doctor already beat her to it.

"Your arm might finally be out of the cast, but try not to stress it out that much."

Ryujin couldn't help but frown, it's as if this doctor just rained on her parade.

"Doctor... what about..."

Ryujin turns to the cat eyed girl who stepped in and started conversing with her doctor. Yeji seems to be more concern about Ryujin's limitations than Ryujin herself, asking the doctor all kinds of questions about what Ryujin can and cannot do.

Judging by the doctor's intense stare at her girlfriend, Ryujin could clearly tell that it wasn't patient family- doctor relationship that keeps her doctor talking to Yeji. But Ryujin just smiled, there was no point being jealous, instead she just let out a confident smirk. This doctor could try to charm Yeji all he wants, but Yeji would always be hers.


After a few more warnings, questions and an underlying flirting move from the doctor, the two finally stepped out of the doctor's office. Their hands automatically link together and Ryujin tightened their grip, playfully swinging their arms in motion.

"You heard what the doctor said, right?"

Ryujin pretended not to hear Yeji and instead starts humming a soft tune as they walk in their home. Yeji gives Ryujin a few seconds to answer, but realizing that she was going to end up ignored, she nudges Ryujin's arm.

"You did, right?"

"I did... I did..." Ryujin frowns irritatingly...

"And are you going to do it?"

Ryujin frowns get deeper but Yeji wasn't backing off. Ryujin could be quite stubborn and her stubbornness sometimes leads her to getting in trouble or worse, getting hurt.

"Yes I will." Ryujin sighs exasperatingly. She could have argued, but seeing how unbelievably cute Yeji was that day, she decided not to. That and of course, she wants to get lucky tonight.

Not that she thinks it would be a problem. Since Yeji arrive last week, the two of them haven't been exactly catching on some sleep. Let's just say they were busy...

"You say that but you don't do it." Yeji mumbles under her breath...

Ryujin pouts at Yeji and Yeji had a wistful smile before turning to Ryujin with a pout too.

"I'll do it, okay?"

Ryujin never really liked when other people tell her what to do. But since it's Yeji, she just let it slide. Hopefully if she puts the volume of the TV to the highest, Yeji would get the hint that she doesn't enjoy this conversation.

"Don't just say it Ryujin, do it..."


"I just don't want you getting hurt..."

Ryujin frown got deeper. "You're not the boss of me."

But instead of putting up a fight, Yeji already mastered how to handle Ryujin's personality. Yeji walks towards her and sits on Ryujin's lap, and by the sound of Ryujin's gulp it was pretty obvious, Yeji was the boss of her.

"I need you to be mature about this, Ryujin. We're not high school kids who avoid each other when we need to fight. If we fight then I need us to talk about it."

"What do you want me to say?"

"What do you think you need to say?"

"I'm right, you're wrong?"

Yeji chuckles softly before pressing their foreheads together.

"How about we're both right and we're both wrong?"

This seem like a tricky situation for Ryujin, she raises her brow in suspicion. "But I am more right?"

Yeji could only chuckle with Ryujin's ridiculous competitive streak. There was no point on arguing with her.

"Fine, I'll make a compromise." Yeji nips Ryujin's lower lip, instantly making Ryujin shudder. Ryujin leans closer, wanting to forget about this silly war. But when she was about to take Yeji, Yeji stood up from her lap.

"Where are you going?" Ryujin demanded...

"To sleep".


The moment Yeji heard her shirt practically rip off, she smiled to herself. Another one of Ryujin's endearing qualities is her impatience, Yeji wanted to laugh when she sees Shin Ryujin, pouting cutely as she got her head stuck on her shirt. Yeji leans closer, helping Ryujin pull her shirt off. And when she sees the cute frown underneath the shirt, she couldn't help but awww...

And in the middle of their lovemaking, Ryujin whispers...

"I forgive you"


One of Winter's strength was knowing exactly how she feels. It may not be pleasant, it could be mad, hate, despicable vulnerability, but at least she knows.

Winter believes it's what separates the strong people from the weak. Strong people knew what they feel and what they need to do about it, while the weak stays confuse, expecting someone to decipher their feelings for them.

But it's surprising nowadays how Winter couldn't understand what she was feeling. She sees this as a sign of vulnerability, when even she can't pinpoint a name to what she was feeling.

Just like right now, when she walks in the coffeeshop and sees her/their usual booth empty. What was her head trying to say? Or was it her heart that's trying to dictate her emotion?

But Winter walks in anyway, she's Kim Winter and she just don't let anyone tell her what to do, not even her own heart.

"Hey Winter..."

Winter sees Giselle walking towards her, ready to take her order.

"Oh hi..."

She haven't been this close to Giselle for quite some time, but unlike before, this time her presence felt like nothing.

She was the same Giselle and she was also the same Winter, but it wasn't the same feeling anymore. And as simple as that, it made all the difference in both their worlds.

"The usual?"

"Yes... yes please..."

Winter unconsciously stares at the empty booth space in front of her, and somehow it didn't feel like the usual, it felt...


"So, how you been Giselle?"

Giselle looks up from her notepad with an awestruck expression. She would have never thought that the Kim Winter would actually care about others.

"I have been good actually..."

"Are you finally with Ningning?"

"We're going to be three months this Thursday..."

If this was the old Winter, she might feel vindictive but she was different now.

"I never thought you two would end up together"

Giselle's laugh sounded quite heavenly.

"Yup... me too... but I guess life has a funny way of dealing with that..."

"What do you mean?"

And from the twinkle in Giselle's eyes, it was obvious there was something more to it than what they have thought earlier.

"Just when you thought you know what's best for you, life offers you something much more better. Something more deserving of you..."

Giselle taps on her notepad before turning away...

"I'll get your order in a minute..."

Giselle was about to walk away, when Winter's words halted her.

"I thought it was you..."

Winter didn't know what made her come out with it, but she thought, if she was going to start a new life that she would have needed to let go.

"I thought it was going to be you..."

Giselle should have asks what Winter had meant but truth was, she didn't have to. She knew exactly what Winter is trying to say. She just nods in defeat before silently confessing to Winter.

I thought it was you too...


Ryujin rolls away from Yeji, smiling smugly as she rendered Yeji weak again. The cat eyed girl has her eyes screwed shut, her chests heaving, waiting to be brought to Earth. But Ryujin always the playful one, had other intentions. She scoots closer, pressing kisses on Yeji's neck, making Yeji quiver, every time she intentionally brushes Yeji's.

Yeji buries her head in the pillow to hide her smile from her cocky girlfriend. But Ryujin knows her all too well.

"You..." Yeji says between her gasps "You're too much, babe..."

"You don't like it?"

Yeji finally opens her eyes and smiles seductively at her girl.

"I love it..."

Yeji nips Ryujin's lower lip teasingly, before laying her head on Ryujin's chest, pressing a kiss in Ryujin's heart.

"Are you nervous?"

"About what?"

"About the draft?"

Ryujin stayed still just enjoying the feel of her fingers running through Yeji's silk locks.

"I think I am..." But Ryujin tries to brush away her worries by smiling at Yeji. "But you're here, so I'll be alright..."

"I told you before even if you make it or not, I'll still be proud of you. Imagine among all the baseball players not only in Korea but in Asia, they pick you... You're awesome." She kisses Ryujin's lips in affirmation.

"I am..." Ryujin huffs her chest proudly before her face broke into a goofy grin.

Yeji roll her eyes at her lover's over confidence though she have to admit it's kinda cute.

"I guess I'm just scared to fail."


"People always say use failure and mistakes as a chance to become better but I... I have always been scared to fail."

"I think everyone is... that's what keeps people from trying."

Ryujin shrugs..."I guess..."

As if their gap wasn't close enough, Yeji cuddles herself closer to Ryujin...

"But I know you, I know how hard you push yourself, it's like failure is not option for you. Sometimes it's dangerous to think that way, baby... Sometimes you just have to accept that not everything is meant for you, and there is something else far more better out there."

"You sound so smart... I like a smart girlfriend."

"You have me, whatever happens, I would love you through better or worse..."

The thought of Yeji loving her made her smile more... Sometimes people just get lucky, and Ryujin was glad she's the lucky one that Yeji chose to love.

"Is this what you wanted Yeji?"

The question came out of nowhere that it surprised Yeji.

"What do you mean?"

"A life here in America... away from everything we know, from everything that we grew up on."

Yeji just smiles weakly before laying her head in Ryujin's chest...

"It's going to be hard but we'll get used to it." Yeji tries to sound as reassuring as she can, even if she's trying to convince herself that. "I don't want us to be apart anymore."

"Maybe if I make it, you can go to school here, maybe meet some new friends... just you know... start a new life here."

Yeji didn't reply because the truth was, that wasn't the kind of life that Yeji would have wanted. She wanted to be back home to be with friends and to be back in the world where she knew she perfectly fits in. But things are different now, and Yeji admit that she would rather live in Ryujin's world, than bear another second to be apart from her love.

"But what if I don't make it?"

"Then, can we go back home?"

Yeji have said it softly that Ryujin have to make sure what she heard, but when she saw the look on Yeji's face. A tinged of excitement, as if she's trying to hide the fact that she was lonely there.

"Do you want to?"

"Ummm... As long as I'm with you, Ryu, it really doesn't matter."

Ryujin pulls Yeji to give the girl a reassuring kiss.

"I only want to make you happy, Yeji... does this make you happy?"

Yeji close her eyes, because she knew that even if she tells Ryujin a lie, her eyes would reveal it all.

"Look at me, Yeji and tell me... does this make you happy?"

Yeji's feline eyes flutter open and the moment Ryujin saw the look on Yeji's eyes. She knew that this wasn't the life that Yeji would have wanted.

"You are more than just a baseball player, Ryujin. If you don't make it, then... maybe there is something else destined for you. But let's not think of that..."

Yeji tries to stir their conversation away from that forlorn topic.

"Let's think positive. You can finally play baseball all your life and buy the things that you like, you could finally buy a car."

The thought of her car made the smile in Ryujin's face disappear into a frown.

"I want my old car back..."

Yeji raise her head and look surprisingly at Ryujin. Yeji would have never imagined it. Since Ryujin enjoys the finer things in life, she assumes that Ryujin would want to have the latest luxury car put out in the market.


"Because that's the first place we made love..."

There was a thin line between the look of love and lust, the two have to admit that they cross these boundaries more so than often. But right now, both of them were standing in steady ground. Both of them were looking at each other in love.

Yeji nuzzles closely in Ryujin's chest, trying to hide her blushing cheeks after Ryujin's confession. Yeji let out a playful squeal as Ryujin rolls back on top of her. But just when Ryujin thought she have seen Yeji in her most beautiful, here she was again, captivating her with just a sweet smile. And once again, here was Ryujin breathless at the sight of Yeji's smile.

Seeing Ryujin preoccupied, give Yeji the chance to roll back on top of Ryujin again, but this time, Ryujin didn't fight back. And let her seconds pass as she just looks at Yeji. Yeji brushes the hair out of Ryujin's face, and the light touch had brought Ryujin to Earth. She takes Yeji's hand and lays a gentle kiss on it.

Yeji's lips were jealous of the tender kisses Ryujin was laying in her hands. And the next second, Yeji's lips took over, kissing what rightfully belongs to hers. There would be times that the two would just hungrily devour each other's lips, but tonight wasn't one of them. Instead, they let their tongues take control of themselves, teasing playfully inside each other's mouth. It was gentle, sweet, until Ryujin grabs hold of Yeji's hair, pushing the girl closer so their kisses could get deeper.

"It won't be the last..."

Yeji whispers through their breathless kisses.

She softly whispers and Ryujin smile sweetly through their kiss, tugging softly on Yeji's lips before softly brushing her lips against Yeji's.

"With you, Yeji, there is no such thing as last..."



Karina looks in complete surprise as there standing by her doorstep was Winter holding a bottle of wine, which Karina could assume was probably expensive.

"What's wrong, Rina-yah?" Winter says mockingly, obviously a bit inebriated. "Aren't you going to let me in?"

"I'm sorry... come in... come in..."

"I came to bring you a goodbye gift... here... let's drink it..."

"I don't really drink... but thank you..."

Karina smiles apologetically, thinking Winter might be offended, but instead Winter's lips curve into a grin.

"I know... that's why I bought this, because I know you won't like it..."

"I don't think you should be saying that..."

"Hey... it's the thought that counts, Karina ... and you should feel lucky that I even thought of you."

Winter finds herself at home in Karina's kitchen, trying to find wine glasses... She peered at every counter, finding most of it empty.

"Where the hell are your God damn stuff?"

Winter aired out irritatingly...

"I already packed it up."

"Oh yeah... I forgot you're leaving..."

"Too drunk to remember?"

Karina asks before finally handing Winter the wine glass.


Karina looks back at Winter in confusion, she rarely sees Winter in this light, where she seems uncertain and almost human, instead of the heartless devil that she used to know...

"I just..." Winter takes a deep breath. "I just don't want to think about it."


Winter finally turned to look at Karina, and Karina couldn't help but back away, this was a different Winter.

"Because I don't want to see you go."

"Then, come with me..."

Winter brows met up in confusion. She expected Karina to be confuse, to ask her what she was trying to do but instead she was the one who got all confuse. What is Karina trying to draw from this?

Karina didn't know where she found the guts to say it, but she thought it was worth taking a shot.


"Let's go somewhere else, Winter... People around us, just seem to know how to hurt us. But let's just get away."

"And look like cowards in front of those idiots? What you think of me, Karina? A wuss?"

"No... but I can't stay here anymore..."

"Who do you think you are to think that I would follow you?"

Karina looks strangely at Winter, did she misinterpret feelings again?

"I'm... I..." Karina struggles to find the answer, to make herself look less pathetic but in the end, finds herself surrendering. "I don't know, who am I to you, Winter?"

"I don't know either..."

"You thought of me, you don't want me to go, I must mean something to you, right?" Karina wonders desperately...

Winter just shrugs coolly... "Either that or I just feel bad for you... I think it's more of the latter."

And just when Karina thought she manages to break in front of Winter, here was Winter, building up her walls again.

Karina just shakes her head and walks back to her room... Winter was about to follow her, but instead she chooses to scream at Karina from the living room.

"Maybe you should give Korea a chance..."

"I did... problem is, it's Korea who didn't give me one... I don't belong here..."

Even with a wall separating them, Winter could hear the pain in Karina's voice. And as much as Winter would want to comfort her, she chooses not to.

"I guess it's goodbye then, huh? Karina?"

"I guess it is... Winter..."

"Have fun..."

Winter says bitterly...

But before Karina could reply, Winter silenced her with a slam of her door.


It was one of those lonely days again, after Yeji grab some groceries, she headed back home. She tries to watch some American shows, maybe it'll help her understand the culture a bit and help with the language barrier too.

She heard the door unlock and she quickly looks up at the door, she didn't expect Ryujin to be home this early. But Before Yeji could even utter a sound, Ryujin have already silence her by wrapping her arms tightly around her.

And this scared Yeji that something devastating have happened and Ryujin's spirits were crushed again.

"Ryu? Are you alright?"

Ryujin presses a peck on Yeji's forehead before pressing their foreheads together.

"Let's go home, Yeji..."

Yeji pulls away so she could stare at Ryujin's eyes. Questions she tries to find answers in Ryujin's gaze.

"What? Why?"

A lot of people always answers that they never regret anything in their past because it's over and done. But it was different for Ryujin, if she could do it all over again, she would choose to go back and work things out instead of leaving Yeji.

"I should have never left you... I should have stayed back home and try to work things out."

"It made us stronger, Ryujin..."

"I don't know..." Ryujin cuddles closer to Yeji "I just felt like I'm at my weakest when were apart."

"But... But I don't see the point to all of this, Ryu..."

"This time I want you to be happy."

"But I am happy..." Yeji pointed out to Ryujin.

"No... there is a difference Yeji, about being contented happy and being truly happy. Right now, we're just going to be both contented because we'll have everything that we have ever wanted. That's how my parents are Yeji, their idea of love was showering each other with pricey gifts and I don't want that.

Ryujin smiles at Yeji...

"I want both of us to be truly happy, not because we have everything but because we have each other..."

Ryujin presses a kiss, as if asking forgiveness from Yeji for what had happen.

"I failed to realize that Yeji, I thought I could make you happy by giving you everything but when we were apart... I felt... I felt so broken... but you're here now and you, Hwang Yeji is the only thing that could complete me..."

The heavy feeling that has been settling inside Yeji was suddenly lifted up. As if Ryujin's words were the answer to her prayers.

"Let's go home, Yeji..."


Chan runs quickly over the document handed to him by raven haired girl.

"Are you sure about this?"

He wanted to make sure, because the moment Ryujin decides to leave, the chance of coming back is next to impossible.

"Yes. Very."

"This is every baseball player's dream, Ryujin... Again I'm going to ask you, are you sure about this?"

Ryujin didn't have to be asked twice, she knew the answer the first time they ask.

"I thought I was in it for baseball but truth is Chan, I'm in this league for the wrong reason. The only reason why I'm here is because I wanted to give Yeji a better life and this was the only way I thought I could do it."

"And just as easy as that... you wanted to quit? To go back to being in college? being normal when you can have the chance in a lifetime to become somebody?"

"Sometimes we tend to confuse fame with happiness..."

"You can be a great baseball player, you know..."

Ryujin smiles as she remembers what Yeji have told her.

"I'm more than just a baseball player, Chan."



The only time that Winter ran was right now, when she felt like she was on the brink of losing Karina.

"Winter? What are you here for? Are you going to bid me goodbye?"

Karina picks up her bag, but Winter took a grip of her hand.

"No... there won't be goodbyes between us, Rina... I won't let it."

Karina yanks her arm away...

"What has gotten into you? First you're trying to push me away, then now, you're trying to hold on... What is it, Winter? Make up your mind, cause I don't think I could deal anymore with your bipolar issues."

"I had fallen for you."

Karina have somehow wished for that answer but now that she heard it, she couldn't understand what she feels.


"I said I had fallen for you. When you asked in the café, if you believe that there is someone out there for us. I didn't think it was possible, but the moment I thought you might leave, I thought to myself, you, Karina Yoo... you're my someone..."

"Ummm... Winter... I..."

"Just shut up and listen..."

Winter hushed the annoyed Karina.

" I'm not going to say that you made me better, but I... I could say you made me tolerable. When I look at the mirror now, Karina, I don't hate myself like before. Instead, I... I see myself and tell myself, that I could be better..."

Winter smiles nervously at Karina.

"I want to be better. For you, for us and for what we're going to become."

Karina leans closer and presses a soft kiss on Winter's forehead.

"I think I had fallen for you too... for both sides of you..."

Winter chuckles softly, before leaning forward to Karina.

"We have an odd love story but it's ours and I cherish every second of it..."

Winter presses a soft kiss on Karina's lips. But when Karina remembers the reason why she was here in this airport, she instantly pulls away.

"I already have a ticket..."

Karina expected Winter to pull away too, but instead what Winter gave her was a smile.

"Well... me too..."

The woeful look on Karina's eyes disappears into a gorgeous crescent smile.

Winter nudges Karina's hand before her lips curve into that devilishly charming smirk.

"So, let's take over the world, Karina..."


While Ryujin spends almost the entire flight asleep in Yeji's shoulders. Yeji was having a hard time catching a wink, she didn't know what it was, maybe it was the excitement or maybe it was the happiness that finally she was close to her happy ending, with Ryujin by her side.

Yeji brushes the hair out of Ryujin's face, only to be greeted by the girl sticking her tongue at her. Yeji chuckles lightly, waking Ryujin up with a soft kiss on the tip of her nose.


Yeji smiles as she sees Ryujin's small eyes trying to open.

"Wake up... we're home..." Yeji whispers so softly as if she's talking to a sleeping baby.

"Oh..." Ryujin squints her eyes as she tries to adjust to the bright plane lights, she frowns as she felt her neck muscles stiffens... "Ow..."

"Awww..." Yeji coos at her girlfriend with a cute frown on her face, and starts to massage Ryujin's neck... And just the feeling of Yeji's hands, made her feel sleepy again and eventually she closes her eyes and surrenders herself to sleep.

"I'm still sleepy..."

Ryujin lays her head back down on Yeji's shoulder trying to steal a few more seconds of sleep.

Yeji was about to wake Ryujin up again, but when she sees how peaceful Ryujin looks in her shoulders. She just smiles, pressing a soft kiss on the girl's hair.

And with Ryujin by her side, Yeji let her seconds tick by...



Yeji smiles and let their join hands slip away as Ryujin runs to Lia and Yuna jumping up and down excitedly...

Ryujin ends up getting tackled by her friends...

"We don't want you! we just want your chocolates!"

"YAH! You two are mean!" Ryujin frowns...


It was a sight to see for Yeji watching Ryujin laugh loudly with her friends. They needed each other, Yeji have to admit that but there is nothing more soothing than coming home to a place where you know you won't get judged or protect you when you're hurt. Just a place where you're not scared to be at your weakest because you know they will still love you.

To finally come home to people you can call your family...

"Yeji!" Yeji turns and sees Giselle with Chaer waving excitedly at her. She was glad to be with her friends as well. When she heard Ryujin's laughter stop, Yeji quickly turns over to Ryujin...

Ryujin could feel her knees wobble as she sees her mother welcoming her with a gentle smile on her face. She has never seen this side from her mother. She has always been jealous of how her mom would be in every social event and charity auction, yet could never attend a single baseball game that she has. Her mother wouldn't even talk to her, before she could say anything, she would already throw money or tell Ryujin to use her card.

And eventually that did it for Ryujin, she didn't see the point of talking to her mother, an ATM seems to have a longer conversation with her than her very own mother.

But then she learned from Yeji about what her mother did, of how she accepted Yeji and accepted their love. Suddenly all the pent up anger that have built throughout the years have crumbled. She never knew it was this easy to forgive, but there was no use to hold back anger anyway, not when everything is finally falling in the right place.

She looks up from her mother's shoulders and saw a distinguished man standing a few feet away. But he almost look like a different man, he still look intimidating, but his eyes weren't as cold and as heartless as she used to remember it, it look tired and in a strange way, it look gentle.


Ryujin wasn't sure on how to approach her father, the memories of what had happen, of what he made her and Yeji go through. For her no father should let their own child go through that much. It was simply unforgivable.

She was ready to lash out at him, to let him know how much he angered her. But then her eyes caught sight of Yeji who was staring lovingly back at her.

And in an instant, the anger disseminates away. Because right then and there, she never knew how much she was willing to love, until she had love Yeji.

Ryujin stood frozen in front of her father and without any words or a single sound, he pulled his daughter in his arms.

His focus have been in conquering the business world, that he forgot the reason why he was even married in the first place. But the moment he saw the beautiful baby girl in the hospital 21 years ago, he swore he fell in love with his wife all over again.

He gave Ryujin the world and even allowed his daughter to break rules just because he loved her.

But when he learned about her and Yeji, he reacted just like any father would. He heard rumors about his daughter's preference and disregards it as Ryujin just having a good time. But when he realized that her relationship with Yeji was more grave than he thought it would be, he decided to take matters in his own hands.

He knew his wife wouldn't be able to control their daughter and knowing how stubborn Ryujin is, it would be futile to tell her to stop.

He thought it has a simple solution, take away all of Ryujin's comfort and Ryujin would come running back. But she never did...

He never knew his own daughter was capable of loving as much as she did. And now he realized, he never knew his daughter after all.

But this was his second chance to become deserving of being Ryujin's father and to finally get the chance to know his daughter.

"I should have never doubted you..."

"I love her..." Ryujin whispers back. "More than anyone in this world could ever understand."

"Forget about the world, darling. Your family understands..."

He presses a soft kiss on his daughter's hair before pulling away from their embrace.

"I think this belongs to you."

Ryujin brightens in excitement as she felt the cold metal of her car keys in her palm.


"Why don't you take your girl out for a ride?"

Ryujin's eyes gaze through the familiar faces, the goofy grins of her buddies, the gentleness of her parents until finally her eyes remained on Yeji.

And this was and will always be Ryujin's dream, to be forever with Yeji...


Ryujin smiles as the faint memories of their first time in that pristine beach suddenly wave back at her. But her smile broke in a soft chuckle as she sees her lover squealing happily before splashing in the waters.

"Come on Ryujin..."

Despite of the invitation, Ryujin chose to stand back and just relish every second of her lover. It was probably redundant for her to say so, but for Ryujin there is no better definition of perfect than Hwang Yeji. And what's amazing is, with every little thing that she does, every little change that happens, the word perfect still goes along with it, redefining itself to fit Yeji's description.

Yeji was beautiful at her strongest and she was beautiful at her weakest...

This was good, until Ryujin decided that the distance is not boding well for her. She joined Yeji in the beach, the two splashes and wrestles, their laughter and yells echoing throughout the night as the two build a world of their own.

But as fun as it was to be on the beach, Yeji thought that nothing beats the feeling of cuddling with Ryujin, and being underneath the starry sky made it more perfect.

"It's so beautiful here, Ryujin... I wish we could stay here forever."

The two were cuddled under one blanket, but it wasn't enough for Ryujin, she scoots closer, pressing her lips on Yeji's shoulder.

Ryujin turns her gaze up to the sky...

"Which one of those is Gemini again?"

Yeji searches the sky for the specific constellation, until she pointed it to Ryujin.

"That one..."

"I can't see it..."



Yeji just sighs... "Well you don't need to see it, as long as you know it's there."

"Ok... good point..."

It wasn't just the stars that fascinated Yeji, it was the story. A story of sacrifice, of love and of finding happiness. And what she always thought could just happen in mythology and fiction, have happened to her.

She and Ryujin have a love story people will never understand... But it was theirs...

"What's our plan now, Shin Ryujin?"

Ryujin shrugs, that seem to be the last thing in Ryujin's mind right now. Plans sounds so rigid, so organized but no matter how much you plan, if life doesn't agree with it, all of it would simply go to waste.

But if there is something that Ryujin was certain, it's that she would be forever by Yeji's side.

And right now, under the Gemini sky, Ryujin will offer Yeji her heart, her soul, her promise that she Shin Ryujin will forever belong to Hwang Yeji....

"Marry me, Hwang Yeji..."


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