Chapter 14

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As much as Ryujin would have wish to silent the buzzing noise of her cellphone, her pride and a good amount of alcohol is stopping her from picking up the phone.

"Aren't you going to pick it up?" Lia asks as Ryujin's phone vibrated for the millionth time probably that night.

But Lia might as well be talking to the wall, cause Ryujin have shut off any sound around her, her eyes, mind and everything fully focus on her phone monitor watching it blink her name...

Yeji's name to be more precise...

Ryujin doesn't know if it's the alcohol or her poor heart just doing what it can to remind her of everything.


Do you still love me now?


Lia might as well just scream out to no one as she sees Ryujin's fled out of the bar. The girl just ends up scoffing amusingly as she takes another sip of her fruity drink... Knowing she has nothing to worry about since she perfectly knows whose arms Ryujin is going to fall back to.



Yeji couldn't help but clutch tightly to her 20 dollar bill everytime her grocery pass through the scanner. It almost felt like she was being robbed, like the cashier was the thief and the scanner was some sort of weapon.

Broccoli 3.37 dollars
Laundry detergent 3.02 dollars
Two ice cream bars 3 dollars
Shampoo 4.35
Toothpaste 1.25
Loaf of bread 2.15 dollars
Eggs 2.85 dollars
Milk 2.00



Yeji clenches her teeth in frustration while she fishes in her purse and her pocket. She could hear the cashier tapping her foot impatiently, sighing as if she has better things to do and Yeji got on her way... It wasn't only the cashier who was getting restless, the people behind Yeji were getting louder and more obvious... But Yeji just shuts them out...

She sighs in relief when she saw a few loose change... A dime (10 cents), some pennies around 7 cents and a quarter (25 cents)

Yeji wasn't the kind to curse but nowadays with all that has been happening to her, there was no better word to describe it.


She looks apologetically to the cashier but the woman doesn't seem too forgiving... Yeji looks at her groceries, All of these are on Ryujin's grocery list, which one would the girl notice least?

"I'm sorry, but could you just take one of the ice creams out?"


Yeji have seen Ryujin less clothed than this, but seeing the girl walking around their apartment in just her bra and boxer shorts still has this spellbinding effect on Yeji. Is there home that hot? Or does Ryujin have anything to do with it?

"I'm hot..." Ryujin reasons out, thinking that Yeji is looking at her disapprovingly.

"I could tell... I bought you ice cream to cool you off."

"ALRIGHT!" Ryujin says gleefully before she takes the ice cream bar from Yeji, savoring it as if it's the greatest thing on Earth "Wait... where's yours?"

"Oh I already ate it..." Yeji lies...

Ryujin knew she was lying...

"Well, I know how much you love it so you could share mine..."

"No... I'm okay..."

She was lying again...So, Ryujin sticks her ice cream out for Yeji to take a bite off.

"Eat or I'll be very sad..."

Yeji stares at Ryujin wooing her with those sad puppy eyes while her arm is extended out for her. Yeji smiles and takes a small bite not wanting to take more from Ryujin.

"Thank you..."

"Eat more..."

Yeji didn't decline this time and takes another bite.

"Oh good you got the shampoo..."

Ryujin tries to hide her disappointment at the generic brand of shampoo that Yeji bought. She had been using saloon brand shampoo since she was a bald baby. How will her hair react to it?

Yeji knew that it wasn't the shampoo Ryujin wanted. But the shampoo she wants cost more than a whole grocery list, Yeji thought it was ridiculous.

"I was waiting for you so I could shower..." Ryujin dismissed it...

"Well, I got you the shampoo..."

Yeji answers as she starts arranging their groceries, but the feel of those hand on hers freeze her momentarily...

"Did I say I was waiting for the shampoo? I said I was waiting for you..."

Yeji blushes as she sees the mischievous look brewing in Ryujin's eyes.

"HEHE... pervert Yeji... I want us to shower together so we could save on our water bill." Ryujin defends herself. But she knows reasoning skills was seriously flawed, when Yeji looks at her like she was a pervert, which she admits she is but only when it comes to Yeji..

"Oh really?"

Ryujin nods while slowly pulling off Yeji's scarf of her neck. The twos eyes locked into each other, only breaking their gaze as Ryujin pulls off Yeji's shirt off her head. Ryujin's arm drifted downwards, grazing those flat abs. Ryujin smiles as she could feel Yeji sighs dreamily when she starts placing sensual kisses up her neck, while her fingers felt the cold metal of the button, unbuttoning it while slowly pulling it off those long legs.

Yeji then wraps her arms around Ryujin's neck, and she knew what Ryujin wanted, Ryujin's look never lies. But she played a little bit, making Ryujin want her more if that's even possible. When she sees Ryujin surrendering and ready to capture her lips, she pulls away, chuckling as she hears Ryujin's frustrated groan.

"Let's go shower..."

Yeji usually takes a 15 minutes shower while Ryujin takes around 20... Showering together took almost two hours and probably a big rise on their water bill. But not like they care, some moments are just worth the extra pay...

Gemini (Ryeji)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ