Chapter 11

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Yeji has master the art of multitasking as she squeezes herself between people while both her hands are occupied with a coffeepot on the left and a tray on the right. But she almost tipped over when someone unexpectedly took the tray off her hand.

"Why don't you take the rest of the day off?" Giselle nudges Yeji, signaling her to turn towards the door.

And a smile played in Yeji's lips as she sees her cute baseball player swinging her duffel bag behind her shoulder as she walks inside the coffeeshop.

"Go..." Giselle kicks Yeji's on the behind pushing Yeji towards the waiting girl.

"Thanks Giselle..."

Ryujin smiles shyly, waving at Yeji and Yeji couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. She wasn't used to a shy Ryujin but she always finds that side of Ryujin the cutest. Yeji signals Ryujin to wait as she grabs her stuff and Ryujin sits at the booth, like an eager puppy waiting patiently for her master.

No one can believe the Shin Ryujin is even capable of waiting, but here she was willing to wait forever for her girl.

The two tried not to be showy when they're in public, but no matter how hard they try to cover it up, people around them have already let their imaginations and their mouths run out on Shin Ryujin and Hwang Yeji.


And it didn't even take more than an hour for their love story to be conversation starter for everyone.

"My God... Shin Ryujin is fast..."

"But you have to admit the girl is very beautiful"

"Pffft... when did Ryujin ever pick just an ordinary girl?"

"Anyone want to bet how long they would last?"

"Yup... knowing Ryujin-shii, the moment she bang this Yeji girl, she'll be just another name in Ryujin's list"


"Stop!" Yeji warns Ryujin between her loud laugh, Ryujin was in her tickling mood again. "You need to behave yourself" Yeji slaps Ryujin in the arm as the girl just tackled her in bed.

"Sorry..." Ryujin smiles mischievously.

"No... you're not..."

"You're right... I'm not" and the room was filled with Yeji's laughter again as Ryujin assaulted her with tickles before Ryujin behaved herself and settled on the spot beside Yeji. Ryujin intertwines their fingers together and snuggles closer. "I'm sorry if we don't go out on dates too much."

Yeji smiles appreciate at Ryujin before pecking Ryujin's perfect nose. "What we have here Ryujin, is just perfect."

And Yeji wasn't lying at first she dreams of being in a relationship where she would be swept to different worlds. But being with Ryujin made her realize that it wasn't really the place that could make her heart beat like crazy, it's the person she's with. And Ryujin could make her heart beat out of its place yet at the same time make it skip a beat. And Yeji always wonder can she make Ryujin's heart match hers?

"So, did you tell Giselle about us?"

"No... I think she just figured it out. Cause I kinda talk about you a lot." Yeji admitted shyly. "But she never pry or anything, she's actually one of those people who is just very nice for no reason."

"Really? She doesn't like you that way, right?" Ryujin asks her cautiously and with a hint of jealousy.

"Oh no...." Yeji shakes her head "She's very loyal to Karina-shii."

Ryujin cocked a brow "She likes Karina?"

"She loves her. But unfortunately, it's like Karina-shii doesn't even see her."

Ryujin's mind drifted off to the night where Karina tried to seduce her.

"I don't blame Giselle if she falls for Karina-shii though"


"Karina-shii is very beautiful and very nice."

Ryujin felt her grip on Yeji getting tighter at her words. Yeji was too good or just too naive of a person to tell when people with all sorts of motives out to get her. And Ryujin couldn't help but regret that she was the reason why Yeji was now being hated for no reason.

But she's willing to do anything to shield Yeji from anyone trying to hurt her.

"You know what this Tuesday is?" Ryujin says trying to lighten up the situation

Yeji eyes sparkled at the thought "Ummm... Valentines?"

"Hehe... yeah..."

Ryujin scoots closer, burying her head in Yeji's neck, careful not to get too comfortable that they may start again. They have been losing too much sleep, not that Ryujin cared and from the sound of Yeji's moans, Yeji probably don't care either.

"So, I was wondering what are you planning to do?"

"Me? Well...I have work so..."

"Again?" Ryujin lifts up her head and frowns at Yeji... "But it's our first Valentines together..."

Yeji twist her finger around Ryujin's hair. "And there would be a million more, and I might work but it doesn't mean it's going to take me all night."

Ryujin crawled on top of Yeji, her face still has the frown of a kicked puppy. "But I want you the whole night." Ryujin grumbles....

Yeji chuckles. "Don't you ever have enough?"

"When will you ever be enough?" Ryujin answers embarrassingly.

Yeji pulls Ryujin closer to her and takes their twined hands guiding it on her body, she smiles as she felt Ryujin gulp as their hands went further down and down until Yeji made it stop in her jeans button.

"Now get up so we could grab some ice cream!" Yeji laughs as she pulls Ryujin up.

"HEY!!!!" Ryujin says disappointingly but when she sees the eager look on Yeji's face, she knew whatever they do doesn't matter, as long as it's Yeji' hand that are locked with hers.


"So, that was your plan, huh?"

Winter ignores the buzzing sounds or in other words, Karina's voice as she mindlessly stirs her coffee.

"Winter? Winter?"

"What?" Winter snaps back.

"What's up with you these days? It's like you're in your own world"

"Well... my own world is much better than this craphole we're living in right now."

"Sometimes I wonder what goes inside your mind."

"Don't... it's chaos in there." Winter sips her coffee hoping Karina would see that she wasn't in the mood for talking. "What's this?"

Winter looks strangely at the box of chocolates that Karina pushes towards her.

"It's Valentines and the two of us are kinda..."

"We're not dating." Winter says in a matter of fact.

"No we're not. It's just that right now, right this very moment, despite of how much you irritate me, I don't think there is anyone in the world who could sympathize with me as much as you, if you call it sympathy." Karina chuckles softly "So, just see this as my thank you gift."
"Why don't you give Ryujin one?"

Karina rolls her eyes. "I have been giving her one ever since we've met, and she would just thank me but that's it. No valentines card, no chocolate, not even a single leaf. But I'm foolish though, couldn't stop myself from wishing..." Karina chuckles to mask her hurt. "But I haven't given her one this year..."

"How come?"

Karina was quiet before staring back at her chocolate. "Because I couldn't stop wishing, maybe this time she'll realize she's missing one chocolate and look for it and maybe this time, she'll realize that she misses having me too..."

Winter looks back at the box of chocolates. Unlike her, Karina is never going to be a bad person, all she will ever be is someone who made foolish decisions because she let her heart make the choices for her.

"It's not poison is it?"

Karina's eyes glint mischievously. "Why would I give you such a peaceful way to die?"

And Winter couldn't help but smile at that. It was a weird kind of funny they both have, but in a way, it's like they have their own secret language in their own secret world.

"Good enough for me."

Winter says as she pops in a chocolate in her mouth.


Ryujin smiles as she sees the delighted look on Yeji's face as she's enjoying her ice cream.

"I think I'm getting jealous with how much you like that ice cream."

Yeji slaps Ryujin jokingly in the arm. "You should be. If I could marry ice cream, I already would. HEY!"

Ryujin swallows Yeji's ice cream. "Hehe... no more ice cream!"

"You're mean! I hope you have brain freeze!" Yeji pouts cutely as Ryujin laughs triumphantly. Ryujin dips her finger in her ice cream and touches Yeji's nose with it.

"There I gave you some."

Yeji leans over and licks Ryujin's ice cream.

But before they could walk any further, Ryujin took Yeji's hand and pulls her close to her.

"I know one way we could share ice cream..." Ryujin says mischievously, drawing much closer to Yeji and Yeji's lips.

"Ryujin..." Yeji says warningly, leaning away before Ryujin could kiss her. "We're in public."

Although there was almost nobody in the park that night except for the lone jogger and the couple making out over in the park bench, for Yeji, the park will always be considered a public place.

"So, let them watch. We'll make them jealous..." Ryujin leans closer so she could kiss Yeji in the lips but instead Yeji cock her head away.

"I'm sorry Ryu, but I can't."

And as much as Ryujin dislike it, she just replied with a forced nod... Sometimes loving Yeji, meant sacrificing some of her happiness.

"Let's just go home."



"I-I'm sorry but I can't have this baby"

Hyunjin felt every piece of his heart just shattered at her words.

"W-why not?" His voice quake in a mixture of pain and regret. "I promise you, I'll take care of you and our baby..."

But before he could even reach out to her, to hold her, to assure her that everything will be alright, she pulls away.

"Are you delusional?! What make you think that I wanted this?!"

And her words felt like a slap on Hyunjin's face.

"W-what do you mean? You don't want this? You don't want to have our baby?"

"I want to have a baby but not with a trash like you."

Hyunjin didn't need to say more, she made it clear it was over even before it started.


That nightmare replayed in Hyunjin's head again... What did he ever do to deserve being haunted by such a past? He fell back on his bed, groaning hopelessly, right now it wasn't just him who was suffering. Right now, his mistake is crawling back and choosing to destroy Yeji, the only good thing in his life as payback.

He closes his eyes but instead of a peaceful dream that could soothe his thoughts, more nightmare came playing in his head when he remembers his conversation with Mr. Shin.



The silence in the room felt much more scarier than any words that Mr. Shin could say. Hyunjin wished Mr. Shin would say something, anything but instead the powerful man just sat there, his face not bearing any hint of emotion.

"My daughter could be quite a rebel, Hyunjin..."


"Me and her mother are so busy trying to provide her with a good life, but she sees this as our excuse not to take care of her. And she does this, try to act all wild to get me and her mom's attention. We know what Ryujin does, her sexual preferences, her vices. I think it's nothing more but a phase."

"But sir... I think it's more than just a phase. They moved in together already."

"How did your parents reacted to this?"

"Well, they were upset of course especially my mom but it didn't stop Yeji sir... "

"No more Hyunjin," Mr. Shin held his hand out to silence Hyunjin "Thank you for telling me this and I see that you're just being a good brother worrying for your sister."

"I..I just couldn't help it." Hyunjin not being able to will his eyes back on Mr. Shin, resorted and staring down on his shoes. "She doesn't deserve this..."

"You have done your part my boy..." Hyunjin felt Mr. Shin gave him a fatherly squeeze on the shoulder and that gave him some strength to look back, but the moment he saw the look on Mr. Shin's face, he regretted looking. For no human could bare stare back at eyes that seem to belong to the devil.

"I will take care of this myself."


Yeji felt every pair of eyes drilling on her as she sits down on the bleachers to watch Ryujin practice baseball. The silence was broken when she hears hushed whispers... She closes her eyes hoping to ignore the whispers that have slowly getting louder and louder...

"Ignore them." Yeji almost tumbled on her back as someone strongly shoves her in the back. She turns around and saw a cheeky girl slouching beside her, stretching those legs. "They're just jealous because you get to do things with Ryujin, they could only imagine."

Yeji just nods and stares back at Ryujin playing.

"I think we haven't been introduced... I'm Lia by the way..."

"I'm Yeji..." Yeji bows courteously. "Nice to meet you."

"No need to be all serious" Lia laughs loudly while slapping Yeji hard on the back again. "I think I practically know everything about you, that idiot won't stop talking about you..." Lia looks at Yeji cheekily. "I know you're not shy, she told me how wild you two are, doing it in every spot in your apartment."


Lia tries to stop it but she burst out laughing... "You're so funny, you should have seen the look on your face when I said that."

Yeji curls up embarrassingly...

"She doesn't talk about that..." Lia leans her chin on her hand and looks out the baseball field. "But everything else she talks about."

Yeji looks out with Lia at the dark haired girl commanding the people on her team. Everyone obeying to her every will. Ryujin then turns to look at the bleachers, she smiles at the cat eyed girl watching her. Yeji's blush only got deeper as Lia talks.

"And if she doesn't talk about you, she's too busy thinking of you."

Yeji stares back at Lia...

"First time I met her we were in high school, she was beautiful and she was a heartbreaker, bragging about all those people she sleeps with. So I think it was weird that there are just parts of the day where she would just get quiet. And Ryujin and quiet just don't mix, but she would... Until one time I saw her just staring at you... Then, I realize that it's not the words that she says but the words that she doesn't. You're her world Yeji... just simple as that..."

Lia slaps Yeji hard at the back again...

"So, take care of my bestfriend's heart, will ya?"


"Are you done?" Ryujin was about to stand up as she sees Yeji finished with her shift in the coffeeshop.


Yeji lays her hand on top of Ryujin's.

"It's Valentines I know this place isn't really that romantic, but would you like to eat dinner here?"

"It's better than Mcdonalds..."

Yeji chuckles softly and sits beside Ryujin, intertwining their fingers together before pressing a soft kiss on Ryujin's cheek.

"Happy Valentines baby..."


1:34 am February 15 and most people would probably be adrift in the arms of their loves or wishing for a night that they wouldn't be alone.

But Yeji and her lover, just let the hours flew by as they laugh and chat their first Valentines together.

Ryujin pulls Yeji's hand to her lips. She used to spend Valentines in the fanciest restaurants or the most luxurious hotels, but those memories are empty and lost compared to the feeling of Yeji's presence beside her.

"Wait right here..." Yeji runs back to the kitchen and walk back in holding out a heart shaped chocolate cake. "Happy Valentines..."

Ryujin chuckles softly, Yeji and her innocence was too endearing...

"Giselle baked the cake cause I was scared it would taste horrible but I put the icing."

"Even if you bought it, I would love it... But since you put icing on it, I love it more."


Ryujin grips Yeji tighter, trying to shield Yeji from the cold night. When Yeji stops her, turning Ryujin so they could look at each other. Ryujin could feel her body shiver not with the cold but of the feel of Yeji's hand gliding down her arms. And when Yeji intertwine their fingers together, Ryujin could felt her whole world just melt around her.

Yeji didn't even say a single word, all she did was brush the hair off Ryujin's face yet it was enough to freeze Ryujin.

"Thanks for loving me..."

And Ryujin didn't know if it was Yeji's words or the feel of Yeji's lips on her that have made it like this. She smiled through their kiss and kisses Yeji's lips, right there, right where everyone can see and people could think what they would want to think. She could scream out to the whole world that she loves Yeji, but sometimes one kiss was enough to tell the world. And all people could do is just wished that someone in the world could love them as much as Ryujin loved Yeji.


Just a little bit more...

Just a little bit closer, a little bit faster, and a little bit deeper and Ryujin would have taken Yeji to places, Yeji could never imagine...

There was just a slight problem with that equation though, because whenever it comes to Yeji, Ryujin can't just have a little bit, Ryujin needed to have it all, all of Yeji... And Ryujin have already promised of giving up the world if it could mean touching Yeji a bit longer.

And Ryujin press kisses on the girl underneath her, quivering with her every touch.

"I love you..." Yeji whispers between her gasps and Ryujin answers her if a deep kiss, drowning Yeji as their tongues couldn't have enough of their love.

Ryujin let out a gasp as she felt Yeji's hand between hers. Though Yeji's touches were gentler and sweeter compared to her, still it was enough to weaken Ryujin. Ryujin grabs a fistful of Yeji's hair and leans on Yeji's forehead for support, moving closer so Yeji could take more of her.

"I-I love you..." Ryujin breathlessly whispers, leaning closer to kiss Yeji again but quickly pulls away when both their touches have took away their strength to breath.

How many times have Ryujin touched Yeji, yet until now the hold that Yeji has on Ryujin isn't getting any loose, instead it only clutches tighter, digging to every fabric of Ryujin's being. And Ryujin being the addict that she is, has no plans of ever letting go.

And how she crave this, the reaction from Yeji everytime she felt her, the way Yeji's body tremble under her touch, how Yeji's fingernails digs deep in her back everytime her touch got deeper but what Ryujin loves more is when Yeji breathlessly whispers Ryujin's name, begging her lover for more...

And Ryujin couldn't help but smile between their moans cause maybe, just maybe Yeji wanted it too... Even when both girls have collapse in each other's embrace, trying to regain back their breathing, still they return to each other's lips in sweet, soft kisses because in each other, a little bit will never be enough. They will always want each other more...

Just a little bit more...


Yeji felt like it was death standing her doorstep with a sickle ready to drag Yeji to hell.

"M-Mr. Shin" Yeji bows down in respect. She hardly sees the man but his name alone was intimidating enough. Even if she was a child, when she hears that Mr. Shin is home from a business trip, she wouldn't go over Ryujin's house to play. This man right here was enough to give Yeji the shivers.

"You don't have to be so formal to me, Yeji..." The man taps Yeji's shoulder telling her to stand upright.

"Sir... Ryujin is not home yet but she'll be back in a couple of hours... I can make you coffee sir, while you wait..."

Yeji says frantically, although she doesn't work for the Shin's now, still she couldn't help but feel that her soul and her life will forever be indebted to serving the Shin family.

"Oh, it's not Ryujin who I came here for..."

"Sir?" Yeji asks confusedly. The man hardly has time to be with his family, so having him here without the intention of talking to Ryujin started to scare Yeji.

"I came here to talk to you."

Ryujin got the same dark eyes as her father, but never did she feel anything as intense as this. The look on Mr. Shin's eyes can send people early to their graves and Yeji felt like she's digging her own grave right now.

Mr. Shin takes a step closer to the young girl who he just paralyzed with fear.

"The one I want to talk to is you. Alone."


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