Chapter 3

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You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy, when skies are grey
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away...


Yeji felt something squeezing the life out of her at the words that Ryujin has confessed to her.

It wasn't supposed to affect her not like this, but here was Yeji scrambling for the right words or even right expression for what Ryujin just told her.

"I- I got to go" Yeji quickly turns around but instead Ryujin pulls her closer, enveloping Yeji tightly in her embrace. "L-let me go Ryujin..." Yeji tries to pry Ryujin's arms off her but it only made Ryujin's grip on her tighter.

Ryujin could tell Yeji right now that she knew her plan, that she knew that Yeji's intention wasn't to love her but to use her for her convenience. But instead, Ryujin chooses this, to be a pawn to Yeji's game because a part of her, the part that loves Yeji recklessly still believes that someday she could make Yeji fall for her.

And Ryujin was willing to try no matter how much hurt Yeji or her decision to love Yeji could give her.

"No. I won't. Yeji I love you..."

Yeji felt her inside paralyze at those words, she knew how Ryujin felt but hearing it for the first time spoken to her so genuinely, so purely created a debacle in Yeji's head and heart.

"I let you walk away once and I won't let it happen again..."

Yeji couldn't explain the warring thoughts in her head and screams out. "WE WERE KIDS THEN!"

"AND I HAVE LOVED YOU THEN!" Ryujin argues back as she fights the tears to no avail, she pulls Yeji closer to her again and this time softly whispers, pleading and begging to Yeji. "And I love you now... and I would love you for the rest of my life."

And words were running out to describe Yeji's emotions and she took Ryujin in her arms and expresses to Ryujin the best way she knows how.

With a kiss...



How can someone's parents put their child in so much misery?

Ryujin have always have that question in her head as she felt trapped in her own home with endless lessons of piano, violin and whatever her parents deemed appropriate for a child of her breeding. The sound of a girl's laughter probably around the same age as her interrupted her thoughts.

Ryujin walks towards her bedroom window, she scoffs in amusement as she sees a young girl with twigs and leaves in her hair, down on her fours, raking the leaves with her hands beside her mother.

"YEDDEONG!" her mother says in dismay...


Ryujin smiles at the sound of that big laugh and Yeddeong, whoever she is still happily raking the leaves.

"Look at your dress, young lady..."

"I'm helping you mama..."

"I know darling..." Yeji's mother shakes her head at her playful daughter. "Thank you"

And Ryujin didn't know how long she was staring at her, until Yeji turns and caught her staring. Ryujin quickly turns away.


"Yeji! Who are you saying hi too?" Her mother wondered.

Ryujin smugly scoffs and shut the blinds at the waving girl at the lawn.

"HMMMP! Stupid idiot"


For days, Ryujin would stare at the stupid idiot playing in her lawn. And that irritated Ryujin how the kids of the help could go play around in HER back lawn while she was doing violin lessons.

But it was weird how just looking at the boisterous Yeji jumping up and down makes her violin, piano and whatever lessons seem less dreadful.


And Ryujin growls and shut the blinds again at the girl.

"UGH! Doesn't she know when to give up?"

It was another meaningless afternoon and around this time Yeji was probably practicing her handstand in her lawn. Ryujin could explain the emotion she felt when she found the lawn empty. Disappointment maybe? Loneliness? Irritation or maybe a mix of all?

Her thoughts on where the stupid idiot could be were quickly interrupted as she heard someone knocking.


"Wh-" Ryujin couldn't explain how she felt when she sees Yeji that close. It's probably like watching someone on the television and then finally seeing them in person. "What are you doing here?!"

"You want to play with me?"

"NO! OF COURSE NOT" Gosh! The nerve of this girl...

"Why not?"

"Duh! Cause you're... you're the kid of the help." But the wondering eyes of Yeji seems unfazed with it "I can't be friends with poor kids." Ryujin says haughtily and it surprise her that it didn't affect Yeji at all.

"My mama say I'm a very nice girl, Ryuddaeng"

"Wait... what did you just call me?"


"Ryuddaeng?" Nobody calls Ryujin-shii, Ryuddaeng especially not her. "HOW DARE YOU CALL ME RYUDDAENG WHEN WE'RE NOT EVEN FRIENDS?! AND MY NAME IS RYU-JIN NOT RYUDDAENG!!!" Ryujin gulps when she see the startled look from Yeji's face "S-sssorry... didn't mean to scream at you like that"



"It's okay... you're my chingu..."

"But I just screamed at you..."

Yeji shakes her head. "but you're still my chingu..."


Ryujin was getting scolded at almost everyday. Why was her dress always muddy? her hair is full of leaves or twigs? but she doesn't seem to care about that anymore, she finally knew the feeling of being a child. And Yeji was the reason of it all, she was just so full of life and so innocent. And slowly, very slowly, she became the one that lightens up Ryujin's day.

Yeji was making her doll climb up the stairs in Ryujin's doll house when she turns around and sees Ryujin smiling as she stares at her.


"Nothing... hehehe"


Ryujin smiles happily seeing Yeji playing happily with her doll house. Ryujin have never appreciated her toys until now that there is someone she could share it with. Yeji always bring her favorite raggedy Barbie when they play house. And sometimes Ryujin couldn't help but feel bad for Yeji to be playing with something that old.

"You like her?" Yeji beaming proudly as she sees Ryujin looking at her doll again.

"ummm... she's ok"

"You can borrow her if you like"

And Ryujin couldn't believe at what Yeji just said. Ryujin's parents always make her do playdates with those snobby girls and despite off all the toys they have, they won't even share something that they hardly play with. But here was Yeji, with her precious doll selflessly offering it to Ryujin.

"What? But she's your favorite doll?"

"I know you'll take care of her" Yeji hands the doll to Ryujin.

"T-thank you"

And Yeji's lips spread in a wide grin as she sees Ryujin playing with her doll.


And that night, instead of the porcelain dolls or soft plushies, Ryujin chose to sleep beside Yeji's raggedy doll.

End of flashback


Yeji pushes Ryujin away softly as they find the need to breathe...

"I got to go..."

And Yeji didn't even wait for Ryujin's answer as she runs back to her house, unsure of what she just did.


"So, you suddenly turned gay now?"

Yeji turns toward Hyunjin as he spoke to her with such an accusatory tone.

"I thought that's what what you wanted?"

"Yeah..." Yeji's bed dipped as Hyunjin sits down beside her "But you look like you were enjoying the kiss much more than you are supposed to"

Yeji grits her heart out "I wasn't"

"Oh really?" There was that accusatory tone again "So, how did you feel when you two kissed, huh?"

Yeji closes her eyes, she never knew this plan was going to be harder than she thought and now she was into deep, both with Ryujin and Hyunjin "I felt disgusted".

"Well... I guess I have to credit you there, sis... because you really look like you were enjoying it"

"I wasn't."

"Ok... just making sure" Hyunjin ruffles Yeji's hair before getting up "because we don't want your feelings to get caught in the way"

"It won't"

"Good." Hyunjin smiles.... "Cause the party is just about to begin..."


Ryujin lay her finger on her lips and smile, although their kiss ended up with Yeji walking away. Still, the fact that Yeji kissed her back made all the difference in the world.

Now the question was, was it a real kiss or was it just a part in Yeji's plan? Ryujin didn't know but for now she will live it.



Ryujin walks around her sprawling lawns, but Ryujin couldn't appreciate the beauty of it, not when her heart is pounding louder every second that her bestfriend Yeji is not with her.


"Ryuddaeng... heheheeh" The adorable six year old still has problems calling her real name. Ryujin might get annoyed if it was another person but since it was Yeji who was saying it, Ryujin finds her nickname cute.

"YAH! YEJI!" Ryujin screams in her best adult voice as she sees the naughty girl up in the tree. "Come down before you fall"

"Ok...ok..." Yeji grips on the tree ready to slide down, but when she slips and almost fell of and saw how high she was, Yeji started to tremble in fear. "Ryuddaeng... I'm scared..."Holding her grip tighter on the tree's trunk.

Ryujin felt her heart beating out of her chest in fear, there is nothing scarier for her than seeing Yeji in trouble and knowing that she can't do anything about it.

"Just stay there Yeji... I'm going to call Hyunjin"

"Nooo..." Yeji says tearfully, it was getting dark and she didn't want to be by herself... "Don't leave me"

Ryujin stops in her tracks and tries to swallow her tears as she sees Yeji crying. She shakes her head and still her trembling knees "Jump down..."


"Jump down and I'll catch you" Ryujin extends out her arms. It wasn't really a brilliant plan, but she's willing to try anything. Anything for Yeji.

"B-but you might get hurt"

Ryujin shakes her head "I don't care as long as you're ok. Now come on..."

Yeji teetered towards the branch, she grips the trunk again unsure if this was really a good idea. But when she looks down and sees her Ryujin with her arms open wide to catch her, she knows she's going to be okay.

The two crashed to the ground at the impact and Ryujin could feel her tears pouring out in pain despite her warning not to let them. She quickly wipes it off before Yeji could see it. Yeji looks up and sees Ryujin crying.

"Ryuddaeng" Yeji wipes Ryujin's tears away with her hand "Mianhe..."

Ryujin takes Yeji's hand and stares back at those innocent cat eyes, before pulling Yeji tightly in her arms. "No... don't be... I don't think I could take it if you get hurt."

Ryujin's life was showered with beautiful dolls, princess like gowns and a home comparable to the fairy tale castles. But at the age of six, when the whole world was slaving so they could have their distorted ideas of happiness, she found the true meaning of her happiness, and It's with this girl right here in her arms.

And Yeji, rambunctious as she is, tried to stay still, anything so she could stay longer in her Ryujin's embrace. Because right that very moment, Yeji have never felt so safe than when she was wrap around Ryujin's arms.


Yeji's eyes widen in amazement at the beautiful lighted gardens she and Ryujin would play tag or hide and seek there but tonight, their little playground has turned into every little's girl's dream. Ryujin's party was a celebration fit for a princess.

Yeji's smile slowly fades away into a look of embarrassment as she sees every girl dancing around in their beautiful dresses. She stares down at what she thought was her prettiest dress, it was actually a hand me down from Ryujin.

What is she doing here?"

What an ugly dress

Who is that?

Hide your stuff she might steal it

So, this is what Ryujin was talking about when they first met. She thought it didn't matter, her mom made her believe that as long as she was a good girl other kids would want to be friends with her. But here she was being targeted by girls who have no idea who she was.

Yeji wished she could have disappeared instead of being looked at like she was trash. Every sneer and every haughty looks she receive didn't do anything but hurt her worse. She nudges the hand of her mother...

"Mama... what am I doing wrong?"

"Nothing sweetheart... some people say mean things to make themselves feel better, if you let them affect you then you have let them win."

And Yeji could feel them winning...

"Look, Ryujin is there, don't you want to greet her and give her your gift?"

Yeji's heart sank at the mountain of exquisite gifts. She didn't have any money to buy Ryujin a gift, but she knew that Ryujin likes to play with her favorite doll. And without any hesitation, Yeji bath the doll, put a new dress on it and was willing to give it to Ryujin.

Yeji gazes at Ryujin who was surrounded by beautiful princesses, but Ryujin was the most beautiful girl of them all. She was definitely most deserving of the Shin princess title.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...

Ryujin has been searching the crowd since her party began for the cat eyed girl. She was surrounded by the faceless crowd who kept on showering her with insincere compliments. And right now, on her birthday all she wished is to be away from everyone and stay with her bestfriend...

And finally Ryujin sees Yeji standing there, no one's pricey ball gowns or shimmering shoes could amount to how beautiful Yeji is to Ryujin. Ryujin smiles as her birthday wish just came true.

You make me happy, when skies are grey...


Ryujin pushed through the crowd of those snobbish daughters of her parents' friends and made way to her bestfriend.

"C'mon! C'mon!" Ryujin tugs on Yeji's hand "Let's go get some cake!" But Ryujin knows that something was wrong when Yeji pulls away from her hand. "Yeji?"

And at the tender age, Yeji have realized the two different worlds that she and Ryujin belonged to.

You'll never know dear, how much I love you...

Unfortunately, Ryujin erased all thoughts of this. The only world that Ryujin now knows is the one where Yeji is in it.

"I don't want to go..." Yeji pulls away as Ryujin tries to take her hand again.

"What? Why not?" Ryujin look surprisingly. This is supposed to be her day, why can't she just be with the one person she wished for?

"I... I just want to go home."

"Are you feeling sick?" Ryujin asks worriedly...

"No..." it worried Ryujin that Yeji stopped being her playful self. Ryujin's heart was beating faster every second, whatever was happening was scaring her. She couldn't help but wonder if she did anything wrong... And just when she was still figuring thoughts in her head, what Yeji called her was enough to halt everything in her world.

"Happy Birthday Ryuddaeng"

And all Ryujin could do is watch as Yeji have walked away from her party, from her and eventually from her life.

"It's Ryujin!" Ryujin tries to call out, hoping Yeji could hear and run back to her.

At seven years old, Ryujin have felt the miserable feeling of losing someone. At seven years old, Ryujin have already selflessly gave her heart out to someone and at seven years old, while kids her age were still playing and discovering things, Ryujin have already found herself heartbroken as Yeji walk away, unknowingly carrying Ryujin's heart with her.

Ryujin tries to call out again, but this time she felt something clenching her throat and instead of yelling louder, Ryujin could only muster a tearful whisper.

"It's Ryujin..."

Please don't take my sunshine away...


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