Chapter 20

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"I promise I'll be gentle..."

It was a promise worth breaking...

After being apart for months, the only thing Yeji wished to do was to ravage Ryujin right then and there. But her love for the girl subdued her lust when she sees Ryujin grimaced in pain whenever she moves her bandaged arm.

So Yeji was cautious, careful not to put Ryujin in any more pain than she is right now, But Ryujin wants none of that. Yeji should have learned by now, that she was worth every excruciating pain for Ryujin.

Ryujin snakes her arm around the girl straddled on her waist. And just when Yeji felt their kisses couldn't any get deeper, Ryujin would surprise her again, their tongue caught in a battle of desperation, their taste never enough, they both had to have more.

Yeji wanted to be the one who's going to make love to Ryujin, but again Ryujin wants none of that. The moment Yeji lowers Ryujin to bed, Ryujin just quickly rolled on top of her. She needs to have Yeji and no one was going to stop her, not even Yeji herself.

And soon clothes started peeling off the bodies, the two impatient and greedy to finally be together. Soon they were lost in a passionate kiss again, with both girls gasping in satisfaction as their kisses got ferocious every second.

And just when Ryujin was ready to take over Yeji, the sight of those feline eyes managed to freeze her. All the steaming lust in Ryujin's eyes brewed over to gentleness as she devotes her seconds staring lovingly at Yeji. The two shared a gentle smile, what they have right now is perfect, no need to rush, no need to be aggressive.

For they have tonight and they have a lifetime.

Ryujin softly strokes Yeji's cheek, and lays a soft kiss on Yeji's forehead. She softly tugs her lover's lower lip, gently pleading for entrance. And Yeji whole heartedly kiss back, both girls smiling through their sweet kiss. Ryujin didn't see the purpose of hurrying or rushing...

She had Yeji tonight, she will have Yeji for a lifetime.

It didn't take a second longer for Ryujin's hand to get lost between Yeji's body, a grin forming in her lips as she felt Yeji ready for her.

"I love you..."

Yeji presses a soft kiss on Ryujin's lips... "I love you too..."

Yeji felt her heart stop beating the moment Ryujin slips inside of her. This used to be her dream to see her once again, to feel her skin, to kiss those lips, to be in her embrace and to make love to Ryujin again. But Yeji's heart starts beating furiously when Ryujin's pace got faster by the second. Yeji's hand flew from the sheets to Ryujin's hair, digging deeper as Ryujin takes her deeper.

Ryujin tries to calm Yeji's shivers and raspy breaths by pressing soft kisses on her exposed neck. But it was futile, because Yeji's moans turn into pleading groans, begging Ryujin to take all of her.

Yeji was dying to feel Ryujin too... And Ryujin found herself gasping her breath the moment she felt Yeji. The shivers in Yeji's body traveled to Ryujin's as their pace grew faster. Their moans like music notes, and their bodies began to be addicted to the sound, moving together in rhythm.

Making love was the kind of music they could get lost to forever.

They were to the point of exhaustion, bodies are starting to ache and their moans have increased in decibel as they were both close, very close. The two gasped out at the same moment, with Ryujin collapsing on top of Yeji.

Ryujin had her eyes shut the whole time, but she could feel Yeji's chest heaving underneath her, their breaths the only sound that break through the stillness of the night.

And just when Yeji felt like she was done. She felt Ryujin's kisses making their way below her stomach. And Yeji just smile through her gasps, as Ryujin continues to take her to their own world once again that night.

They had tonight until dawn and they will have each other for a lifetime...


There were about 50 to 60 students in their class. But none of them steal anybody's attention, the way Winter does. And she was just sitting there but still she could hear everyone whisper about her almost as if she was throwing her clothes around the room. She ignores the hush whispers by pretending to sleep and pretending to wake up when the professor was finally done blabbing about something she will NEVER use in real life.

"I hardly see you in class..."

Winter ignores Karina's teasing smile.

"I realize the faster I get all my classes done, the faster I could graduate."

"But school is so much more fun than adult life don't you think?"

"Being young is so much more fun than adult life, school has nothing to do with it."

"There is no point arguing with you."

"Glad you finally realize that."

Even if Winter was just walking, Karina felt like she have to walk faster to keep up. She finally slowed down when she was shoulder to shoulder with Winter, not because she was able to walk faster but because Winter have slowed down.

"So, I was thinking I'm having a party tonight, maybe you can de stress there, since you're so busy now school girl?"

"I'll think about it." Winter answers so coldly that it sounded more like a No to Karina.

"Oh... well, try to come..."

"I'll see..."

Karina just smiles faintly, this time she just watches Winter walk ahead of her.


Karina looks up and sees Winter standing a few feet away from her.

"What are you standing there for? Let's go..."

Usually Winter like being alone, but she didn't knew what she was missing until Karina came in.


Ryujin grumbles as she fumbles with the shampoo bottle, her bad hand can't even fully grip the bottle while her good hand is struggling to open it.

Maybe her curses were heard out the bathroom walls, because someone steps into help her out.

Ryujin pouts in the shower as Yeji opens the shampoo bottle with her.

"Hehe... your shampoo bottle has a ribbon on it." Yeji says amusingly, applying the shampoo on her hand and starts to lather it on Ryujin's dark locks.

Ryujin gulps shyly and continues to stare down at the water flowing to the drain. It took Yeji a little more to remember why...

"I... brought it here." Ryujin finally confesses. "I couldn't throw the bottle away, so I kept it... I could finally afford to buy that same brand Yeji. I could finally give you the life you deserve." Ryujin finally looks up and smiles.

"I don't want that kind of life anymore, Ryujin. I want the one where you're in it."

"I'm sorry... sorry for leaving you." Ryujin kisses Yeji...

Yeji kisses Ryujin in forgiveness.

"We made it through, baby..."

"I know. OW!" Ryujin instinctively was about to rub the shampoo off her eyes.

"Don't..." Yeji pulls Ryujin's hand away, Yeji hurriedly tries to splash water on Ryujin's eyes, when Ryujin could finally open her eyes. Yeji kisses her bad eye...

"Man, I'm already cripple now I'm going to be blind too..."

"Haha... my poor baby..."

They softly kiss before wrapping their arms around each other, the warmth of the pouring water did not match the warmth they have in each other's embrace. Ryujin lays a soft kiss on Yeji's shoulder before pulling Yeji close to her again.

"I miss you so much..."

Yeji snuggles in Ryujin's arms, enjoying the feel of finally being together.

"When you would sing in the showers, when you wrap your arms around me when we go to sleep, the sound of your laughter or when you cry a bit when you watch your drama. It's those little things that always made me smile. But when we were apart it's those small things that tear me up inside."

And Yeji looks up at Ryujin and smile. The same soft smile that Ryujin could fall for over and over again. Their lips met again in a gentle kiss. And this time it was Yeji's turn to confess, not by her words but with a kiss.


The moment that Winter steps into the party, she was surprised when the first thing she notices was her.

It was Giselle who got her attention.

And Winter just stared back at her, there was something different about Giselle or maybe there was something different about her. Because the feel that she used to have whenever the other girl was around or the fear that she hides when the name Giselle surfaces it wasn't there.

How quickly can ones feelings change? Either it grows or it grew apart, but what she felt for Giselle. It didn't even have the chance to grew and it disappeared out already.

Maybe it wasn't what she thought she felt, sometimes we mistake feelings for something else. And maybe that's what all it was, a case of mistaken feelings.


"Oh Rina... nice party..."

"You came..."

"I had nothing better to do."

"Well I'm glad you're bored. Here" Karina hands Winter a drink. "It wouldn't be the same without you."

And all Winter could do is wished that Karina didn't have to step away from her, because the very second that Karina have walked away from her, Winter felt alone, empty and desperate to have Karina close again. When Karina walked away, Winter missed her.

And for the whole night Winter was left to wonder, what does it mean when you miss someone?


"This is my girlfriend Yeji..."

Ryujin have probably introduce her to about 30 other people that it was hard to catch all their names, Yeji would just smile politely.

And everybody felt enthralled at the sight of the beauty, Ryujin's girlfriend was stunning. But none of them could deny the way the amazingly beautiful yet shy way the girl would stare proudly at Ryujin, and Ryujin look almost like a different person. Her eyes weren't so cold now, it finally has a life now and her smile doesn't look force. IT was a gorgeous smile, and together they make a beautiful couple.

"Oh... Yeji... come here..."

Ryujin guided Yeji over to the spectacled girl.

"Hi..." Heejin spoke up before Ryujin could introduce her. "I'm Heejin, you must be Yeji."

Yeji nodded shyly.

"You're prettier in person, I tell you that."

"Told you..." Ryujin says proudly. "Heejin is a good friend."

"Thank you for taking care of her." Yeji bows thankfully.

"Oh no biggie... Ryujin's cool..."


Ryujin wanted Yeji to experience the whole American life and wowed Yeji by bringing her to a steakhouse, Yeji's eyes widen at the size of the plates and the serving of the food.

Yeji was dying to ask Heejin something, she finally gets a chance when Ryujin went to the bathroom.

"Did you know what happen with Ryujin?"

Heejin turns away from her salad and looks up. "You mean her arm?"

"Yeah, she told me it was a baseball thing, but I know she's just saying it so I don't worry."

Heejin didn't want to come in between the lovers and instead chooses to play it safe. "Maybe you should ask her..."

"I did but Ryujin tends to keep things to herself."

The sound of Yeji's worried voice, made Heejin open up a bit.

"Well... ummm... Well, let's just say one of our teammates have something to do with it."

"What? But why?"

She knew Ryujin could handle herself but she don't like the idea of Ryujin having enemies. Especially since Ryujin isn't the type to walk away, her aggressiveness seems to always rub other people the wrong way.

"She and Ryujin got into a fight." Heejin didn't mention to Yeji about what the fight was about "And well, Eunbi didn't look too pretty after Ryujin made a mess of her face. Eunbi thinks that she needed to get back on Ryujin."

Yeji just let out a groan, her worries multiplying...

"Did I miss anything?" Ryujin came back and kisses Yeji on the cheek.


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