Final Chapter

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Hyunjin finally stops tapping his shoe when the receptionist has shot an evil glare at him. He couldn't understand why he seems so jittery and nervous. He could only guess that the consequence of Ryujin finding out about this could destroy him was probably the reason. That's why he needed to win Yeji over first, so he can scrape out of this alive.


"Hey sis..."

Hyunjin met Yeji in an embrace. If it was somebody else, he would probably end up getting push away, but since Yeji was just too kind hearted, she embraced him back. She was never really the kind of person who holds grudges. And even if her brother has done her wrong, she forgave him already.

"Look at you... you look beautiful..." Hyunjin for once was being honest...

"Thank you..."

Yeji wished she could say the same but her brother didn't seem to look as well as he did before. He became noticeably thinner and he looks tired.

"So, how you been?"

"I have been good... busy with the wedding..."

The two sat back down, a comfortable distance separating the two of them.

"Are you like working or anything?"

"Well, I just graduated last spring. So, as of now, I'm just doing volunteer work for experience and also to put something on my resume."

Hyunjin wants to point out that being with Ryujin is better than any long list accomplishments in a resume. One call from Shin Ryujin and any company would hire her immediately. But knowing how kind hearted and innocently stupid Yeji is, she would definitely despise the idea.

"I feel so bad sometimes, because I hardly go because of all the wedding preparations." A tinged of guilt shone in Yeji's eyes. "But I want our wedding to be perfect, or at least close to it..."

At least that made Yeji smile...

"So, papa told me you went to the house..."

It's quite a disadvantage how Yeji's eyes could mirror every feeling that she tries to hide. Hyunjin wish that he didn't have to talk about it, but it's not something they could just sweep under the rug either.

"I did... a few days ago..."

"I'm sorry it didn't go well with mama."

"I sort of accepted that..." Yeji did, but that doesn't mean it hurt any less. "But I wish papa..." Yeji's words trail behind her as if she was unsure how she could finish her words. "I wish papa could have been more accepting."

"What more can you expect of him?" Hyunjin spats back...

Hyunjin could only scoff at the thought of their father. He was a very good man and in a way his goodness has also became his weakness. He was a man who couldn't fight for the people he loves and remains passive at every situation.

The two remained quiet, unsure of how their unspoken words might affect their already sullen relationship.

Yeji smiles weakly. "Maybe someday, right?"

"With mama I doubt it. "Hyunjin knows his honesty was what Yeji needed to hear despite of how unfortunate it is.

"But papa maybe, the thing with our dad is though... he's so whipped by mom and if mom said not to go... he probably won't..."

That's the sad reality of marriage nowadays...

"I'm willing to try though." Yeji says hopefully. "It's not like Ryujin is a bad person, I wish... I wish they could meet her so they would know instead of judging her so quickly just because of what they see. And they would see, they would see why I'm so helplessly..."

Yeji left her words hanging like that, but both of them knew what she was trying to say...

Why I'm so helplessly in love with her...

"I'll see what I can do, maybe I can help talk to them too..."

"You would do that?" Yeji looks up at Hyunjin with such hopeful eyes that Hyunjin couldn't help but turn away as guilt starts to flood him.

"Well, I'll see what I can do..."

"Thank you Hyunjin..."

Yeji hugs her brother thankfully, a tinged of guilt couldn't help but knock around with Hyunjin's senses. His reasons of being with Yeji were changing quickly every second.

"I'm sorry for doubting you, Yeji... I know I'm not much of a man right now and it's probably shameful for me to be your family but I want to ask, can I walk you down the aisle?"


Yeji could feel questioning stares being shot to her from across from the table. Yet, she didn't respond, didn't know the right word to say and didn't know how she could explain everything to Ryujin.

"Is everything ok?" Ryujin finally asks.

Yeji just nods before returning her attention back to her plate, shoving her food around her plate. But the stares were getting longer and Yeji realizes it was unfair to leave Ryujin just wondering about her like that.

"Yes... I'm just tired... that's all..." Yeji forces a weak smile.

"Don't get yourself too tired, I don't want you to remember our wedding as something you were stress about. I want you to remember as something you'll smile about for the rest of our lives."

This time Yeji smiles sincerely and by the sight of her smile, Ryujin could finally heave a sigh of relief.

"Ok...I was just..." Ryujin pause before she could finish what she was about to say, and this time it was Yeji who was left wondering.


"Ummm nothing..." Ryujin shakes her head, afraid to show Yeji her fear. "I promise I'll try to get off early tomorrow, so at least I could help out..."

Yeji just nods and return her gaze back to her plate. And Ryujin decided not to press on, but unlike Yeji, her focus wasn't on the food but on Yeji.

And in one rare time in their lives, they ate dinner in silence.



Yeji stood by their bedroom door, wondering why Ryujin just chooses to just stand there rather than go in.

"Oh ummm... well... I... ummm..."

Yeji have always seen Ryujin so cocky and confident, that's why when she's all flustered and stuttering like she is right now, Yeji could help but relish it.

"You were saying, Ryujin?" Yeji asks mischievously.

"Oh... oh yeah... ummm..." Ryujin scratches her head, trying to make herself less like a fool like she is now. "Since you want to do this stay celibate until we're married thing, I was just thinking maybe it would be better if I would stay in the guest room until we get married."

Yeji couldn't help but let out a smile, though Ryujin could be quite gallant with her gifts, Yeji have to admit it's those little things that Ryujin unconsciously does that she couldn't help falling for.

"Well... good night Yeji..."

Yeji envelops her arms around Ryujin's shoulders and pushes herself closer to Ryujin.

"Good night baby..."

"Don't make it harder for me, Yeji..." Ryujin pleaded.

Yeji quickly let go and instead of the passionate good night kiss that they usually have, Yeji pecks Ryujin cutely on the tip of her nose.



It was simply terrible...

Ryujin knew she was being ridiculous, it's not like they were oceans apart like before. But right now, Ryujin kept on tossing and turning, trying to find a good way to sleep. She even puts her pillows to her side, maybe it will help her believe that it was Yeji. Realizing how hopeless her case is, Ryujin just decided to waste her time trying to finish up work.

Ryujin knew that plan didn't work too well either, when she was just staring at the blinking cursor for almost half an hour now...

It was a good thing the sound of her phone vibrating broke her thoughts.

From: Baby (Yeji's text)

Gemini (Ryeji)Where stories live. Discover now