Chapter 7

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Twinkle, twinkle little star...

Yeji's mom smiles as she watches her daughter, so young and so innocent with her little hands raise up to the stars, singing happily to the night sky.

How I wonder what you are...

She and her husband might not have the kind of life that people might dream of. But whenever they look at their two children, they know that what they have is so much better than what people are slaving their whole lives for.

She plants a soft kiss on her Yeji's forehead. The girl was sitting on her lap as they spend the night on their backyard.

"Do you know that most of the stars have names?"

"Really? Like Yeji?" Yeji stares back at her, with those cat eyes in wonder.

She chuckles at her daughter's naivety... "No sweetheart, like they're name after Gods..."

"Jesus Christ?"

"No..." realizing that her 6 year old daughter might not fully understand what she's saying, she decided to stop. "No... I'll explain it to you when you get a bit older... But out of all the stars, my favorite one is Gemini."


"Yes, it means twins... and there is a story behind it."

Yeji scoot comfortably in her mom's lap eager to listen to her mom's story.

"They're about twin brothers who love each other very much. So, when one of the brothers went to heaven, his other brother became very sad."

"I'll be sad too..." Yeji's eyes were quickly filled with sadness.

"But he never gave up so he asks God if he could stay with his brother. And because he was a very good boy, God listen to him and now they're together always in heaven."

She smiles when she sees her daughter forehead all scrunch up deep in thought.

"Maybe you and your Hyunjin oppa will be like that"

"No..." Yeji shakes her head.

"No?" Her mother asks surprisingly.

"No... me and Ryuddaeng" Yeji smiled happily at the thought of her bestfriend. "If she leaves, I'll be very sad. But I'll be a good girl so if someone takes her away from me, when I pray, Jesus will say yes and give her back to me. And we'll be together for a long time."

Yeji's mother had mistaken her answer for friendship and loyalty with Ryujin. How would she know that at six years old, it was her daughter's way of telling her, that Ryujin is the one that she's going to love forever?

End of flashback...


Yeji closes on the door behind her, with their kisses constantly playing on her mind.

"What is going on, Yeji?"

The stern voice of her mother was enough to jolt Yeji's daydream back into reality.


Yeji's mom starts shaking her furiously, refusing to believe that her daughter had turned into this.

"What is happening Yeji? What is going on between you and Ryujin?! Is she forcing you to do this?!"

Yeji was left stammering and her mom ends up shaking her more, hoping that at the same time she could shake some sense on her daughter too.

"How could you do this?! And in our own home?! Don't you even feel ashamed of herself?! You know how close I was to ripping you off her?!"

Yeji wanted to run away, she wasn't ready for this, not now. But her mom was holding on to her tightly, demanding some answers to question that Yeji doesn't even know the answers herself.

"Why?! What am I doing wrong?" Yeji defended herself.

Her mom looks at her as if she was crazy "What world are you living in to think that being with another woman is right?!!!" Her mom cries furiously "And out of all people, you choose Shin Ryujin! What would Mr. and Mrs. Shin think if they find out."

"I...I don't know..." Yeji responded very meekly.

"What would your father think if he finds out?"

"I don't know..." Yeji answered with a weak voice.

"You don't know! You don't know! That's because you weren't thinking when you were in our backyard kissing her!!! You didn't think of how many people are going to get hurt if this goes on!!!!"

"Weren't you the one who always tell me that I should be friends with her?"

"Friends don't do the things that you two were doing!!!"

"Hey... Hey..." An irritated Hyunjin steps out of his room when all the screaming woke him up. "What's all this noise?!"

"Do you know about this?"

"Bout what?"

"Your sister and Shin Ryujin!!!!"

Hyunjin and Yeji exchanged knowing glances until Hyunjin finally spoke "Oh really?"

Yeji was close to hitting Hyunjin. How could he deny everything when he was the one who basically push them together?

"I didn't know... I thought they were just really good friends..." He chuckles heartily... "My bad..."

"You think this is funny?"

"Oh... c'mon mom... Girl on girl? That's like the in thing right now..."

"You're not helping... you.." Yeji's mother points at her. "You better stop this... or else"

"Or else what?"

"You live in my house, you follow my rules. You understand me..."

Yeji could merely nod... And as worried as she is right now, Yeji's mom knows she has nothing to be nervous about. Knowing her daughter, her innocent and meek daughter, there was no way that she wouldn't obey.


Hyunjin was able to duck as Yeji throws her book at him.

"Nice throw, I see Ryujin helping you with that..."

"Oh shut it!" Yeji snaps angrily at him.

"What's wrong?" Hyunjin asks such an obvious question.

"How could you do that? You could have at least help me out there."

"Defending you against mom won't help anything... she's pissed right now... give her time to cool off. Then, maybe I'll talk to her."


Hyunjin didn't like the tone in Yeji's voice. "Wait... why are you so worried what mom might think?"

"Because I... I" Yeji stammered, struggling to find an answer.

But Hyunjin already knew it even before Yeji could figure it out. "Oh ho... wait... don't tell me that, you actually fallen for Ryujin?"

Yeji tries to walk away but Hyunjin yanks her back to look at him.

"Did you?"

If Yeji wants to protect Ryujin and what they have from the world, she needs to lie. "N-no."

But Hyunjin knows better but it would be good if Yeji found out for herself. "Well, better be careful."

Yeji looks back at her brother surprisingly.

"Because we all know that in the end... the two of you, are just going to end up hurting each other. "

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I want you to be the one who comes out of it, with less hurt."

Hyunjin might have said a sound advice, but it was too little, too late.



Karina settles on the spot opposite of Winter, she looks surprisingly as Winter lighted up her cigarette, polluting the nice balcony air with her cancerous smoke.

"Didn't know you smoke."

"Didn't know you were a conniving little bitch, so I guess that makes us even" Winter blew a perfect circle of smoke in front of Karina's face.

"I'm not" Karina says through her gritted teeth.

"Oh really, so what do you call someone who tries to snake someone else's lover? A Bitch, right?"

"Hey!" Karina might be nice but she won't let just anybody step on her like that "You told me that if I wanted Ryujin, I need to play dirty."

"Karina, you're acting like being a bitch is such a bad thing, but it's not. Bitches rule the world, while the nice girls could only dream of it. You and Yeji are both good girls, but the one who has the more want to, will obviously win Ryujin."

"Ryujinie loves Yeji"

"Then... make her love you. Knowing Yeji, she's too weak, one little snap and she'll break into pieces."

"What's with you and Yeji? I'm starting to think it's not about me and Ryujin but you and her."

Karina's statement caught Winter off guard, but as usual Winter got back off her feet quick.

"Because they are all the same, users. And I don't want my cousin to get hurt than she already is. Ryujin can't be the one fighting the whole time, so when she sees Yeji backing off, eventually it'll kill her and that's where you step in. To whisk Ryujin away to your happily ever after"

"Sound easy but it's so damn hard to do."

"It is.. you have the deck, you just don't realize it. All you need to do is give Ryujin, something that Yeji haven't given her yet."

"I don't know what that is... please enlighten me..." Karina answer was full of sarcasm but Winter dismissed it because Winter knows that her answer would be enough to shut up Karina.

"Just sleep with her."

Karina leans back in her chair, not knowing how to answer back to that. And Winter smiled knowing that she was right once again. In fact, when was she ever wrong?


"Just drop me here..."

Ryujin looks surprisingly at Yeji, Yeji's house is another block away...

"Bye" Yeji softly brushes her lips on Ryujin's... But now that Ryujin knows how good Yeji's lips taste, a soft kiss won't do.

"Your house is like a block from here... I'm not going to let you walk."

"It's no big deal, Ryujin" Yeji lies... "Bye..." Yeji steps out of the car, she starts walking home, she turns around and sees Ryujin running towards her. "Ryujin... get back in your car."

"It's ok there," Ryujin shrugs nonchalant as if her car was a piece of junk "I needed a workout anyway..." She reaches out for Yeji's hand and felt Yeji's hand just hanging lifelessly on hers and Ryujin wouldn't let that happen. She intertwines their fingers, making sure Yeji won't let go.

"What's going on with you?"

"I said nothing... I'm ok." Yeji lies some more...

Ryujin would give up the world to make Yeji feel better, but she wasn't going to force it out of her. All she could ever do is let Yeji know that she would always be there for her.

"Well... ok, if you say so..." Ryujin wraps her arms around Yeji "I'm right here, Yeji... I'm not going away anytime soon..."

Yeji tilts her head to fit the crane of Ryujin's neck... And Yeji finds it comforting yet at the same time exhilarating how their bodies seem to perfectly fit together.

"Please take me away from here"


"Is this okay?"

Yeji could only muster a nod, since until now she's still stunned by the gorgeous sight in front of her, beach that stretch out for miles, and the crystal clear blue water and what's more amazing is that, it was just her and Ryujin, just like it's their own world.

"I... I love it."

Yeji smiles as she felt Ryujin's arms wrap around her.

"I'm glad you like it" Ryujin smiles while planting a soft kiss on Yeji's shoulder. "Now let's go..." Before Yeji could answer, Ryujin have already carried a yelping Yeji down to the waters.

And if Yeji could have stay there, she would stay right here with Ryujin forever.


It was dark when the two finally got back inside Ryujin's car, exhausted from all the water fight, screaming and kissing...

"Hey..." Ryujin says warningly as she sees Yeji wiping herself. "Go change, I don't want you to get sick."

"I might be skinny but I'm much stronger than I look."

"You weren't so strong when you try to get out of wrestling" Ryujin says mockingly...

"Well... maybe because I don't want to get out of it" Yeji says with a glint of mischief in her voice.

They find themselves laughing again, but just one gaze and the two were immediately speechless. Yeji tries to look away, to hide her blush but Ryujin coaxed her to look back at her. The two remain in their comfortable silence. Until Ryujin takes Yeji and kisses her again, even if they spend their whole afternoon kissing in the beach, Ryujin don't think she ever had enough. To put it simply, Ryujin was an addict and Yeji was her drug.

Ryujin pulls Yeji closer to her, making the girl straddle on her lap. Even with the cramp space in her car, the two girls think that their gap will never be close enough. Their tongues tasting each other and their hands, how they act by themselves traveling to places where it shouldn't be.

As their kiss got heavier, Ryujin presses the lever to make the driver seat decline to its lowest. They pull away from their kiss, breathless.

They both know where this might head...

Yeji knows that she came into their relationship with nothing. And it scared her that what if time will come and Ryujin would walk away, what could she ever do or give to make Ryujin stay? She came into their relationship with herself and that's all she could ever give Ryujin. The thought of being touched frightened her, but as Ryujin's hand travel from her neck, her chest, stomach and finally between her thighs. She knew that she was ready for Ryujin to have her.

Ryujin has wanted Yeji, the moment she realized what making love is, she have wanted it to be with Yeji. But during those days, she was hopeless so she tries to quench her lewd thoughts by being with other people. Unconsciously moaning or screaming out Yeji's name while making love to others.

Now they're together and just inches close to each other, how Yeji would react will either make them or break them.

Ryujin takes on Yeji's lips, while tugging on Yeji's shirt. Yeji pulls away from their kiss before finally nodding, urging Ryujin to go on by lifting up her arms. Ryujin pulls Yeji's shirt off, throwing it on the passenger seat as Ryujin dives in for more kisses, her hand bolder than where they are, a few minutes ago...

Slowly, Ryujin's hand travel up Yeji's thighs, waiting to how Yeji might react. Will she stop it? Or will she let Ryujin touch her?

"You're shaking" Yeji whispers as she felt Ryujin's hand shiver as she presses her hand on Ryujin's between her thighs.

"I'm a..." Why was Ryujin so scared? She has been with countless others before and it never scared her. She shakes her head, how could she ever compare those living dolls to Yeji? This was the girl that she has wanted, needed and craved for as long as she could remember and right now, she's ready to make Yeji hers.

Ryujin felt Yeji tremble when her hand went inside her jeans, but no matter how nervous Yeji was she was still able to whisper to Ryujin.

"Make love to me..."

Yeji let out a gasp as she felt Ryujin inside her.

"Are you okay?" Ryujin whispers on Yeji's neck, trying to calm Yeji's nerves by pressing soft kisses on her neck.

Yeji nods, searching for Ryujin's lips to hide her shivers but their kisses were cut short, when Yeji starts finding it hard to breath at Ryujin's every touch.

And Ryujin couldn't help but smile, she loves how with her touch, she was able to take over Yeji. She sees Yeji eyes close, moaning her name louder at her every thrust. Yeji's hands struggling to stay in control by trying to hold on to until Yeji digs her fingers into Ryujin's leather seat.

She felt Yeji getting close but instead of taking Yeji there, she played with her lover a bit, torturing her by slowing down and when she sees Yeji's chest not moving as rapidly, she would quicken her pace. And for someone's first time, Yeji definitely know what she wanted, moving together with Ryujin's caresses. Their love game lasted for a while until Ryujin finally made Yeji collapse in her chest in a beautiful exhaustion.

Ryujin presses her lips on Yeji's hair, tangling her fingers on Yeji, smiling as she could see and hear Yeji short breaths and heaving back. Ryujin didn't know how someone who just did what they just did could still look as innocent as Yeji does when the girl look back at her with those cat eyes.

"I love you." Yeji whisper between her gasps, leaning to kiss Ryujin's chest.

"I love you too..." Ryujin whispers back before she kisses Yeji.

Yeji's hand slowly made its way to Ryujin's pants and Yeji smile teasingly as she heard Ryujin let out a gulp as she slips her hand inside her pants.

Yeji looks back up to Ryujin before whispering.

"I want to make you feel good too..."


Yeji turns their backdoor knob slowly careful not to wake everyone. She slowly creeps in the darkness of their kitchen but ends up cursing between her teeth when the kitchen lights turned on.

"So, where did you go?"

I ummm... with Chaeryeong..." Yeji looks straight at the ground walking straight to her bedroom, obviously trying to hint to her mother that she doesn't want to talk right now.

Yeji let out a yelp as her mom yanks her arm forcefully. She didn't even have to look close to see the red marks on Yeji's neck.

Yeji winces as she felt the stinging pain from her mother's slap.

"YOU'RE DISGUSTING!!!!" And it didn't stop with one slap, her mother was starting to hit Yeji harder and harder, frustration and dismay flying along with her slaps and hits. "YOU LET HER TOUCH YOU! AND MARK YOU!!!"

Yeji could only cover herself up with her arms, her mother's hits weren't letting on any second now.


"What do you want to know?!" Yeji finally cried out.

"Why are you doing this to us?! What did me and your father ever do to deserve this? We don't have a lot Yeji, but me and your father have always been so proud of how we raised you and your brother and now you do this?! YOU DO THIS?!" Yeji balled up in fear as her mom screams at her face while shaking her furiously. "You left us with nothing, Yeji! Nothing!"

"I'm not hurting anyone..."

"Not hurting anyone? Did you ever think of how me and your father feel?"

"B-but what about what I feel?"

"What you feel is wrong!!!! And you're my daughter Yeji, is it wrong if I don't want my daughter to be judged and look at with disgust?"

"You think I don't know that, mama?!"

Yeji's mother eyes widen. What have Ryujin done to her daughter? Her meek and obedient daughter, to have Yeji shout back at her like that?

"Don't you talk back to me, young lady!"

"I just need you to know this mama...But there is nothing else in the world that I want more other than Ryujin. And it kills me, that people try to take away from me the only person that I want to be with." Yeji holds her mom's hand pleadingly "But I know I'll be okay, if you're with me... So, please mama, please say you'll stay with me... that you'll understand how I feel for Ryujin."

"I can't and I don't think I'll ever will" Her mom says in a low yet harsh tone.

And it hurt Yeji, that her own mother, chose to side with the world rather than with her.

"And I'm giving you another chance, Yeji. Us or her?"

Her mom took Yeji's silence as a hint, she storms inside Yeji's room, swinging the closet door open and starts hauling Yeji's clothes at her.

And Yeji, broken and crumbling into pieces is on the ground, picking up her clothes...

"Mama... please don't do this..." Yeji begs through her tears.

"Then, tell me that you're leaving Ryujin."

There is nothing more that could hurt a mother than seeing her child, crying and so broken, just like the way Yeji was. And as much as she wants to wrap her arms around her precious daughter and comfort her, she couldn't. As a parent she has to torture herself and pushed her daughter to the brink, just so Yeji could choose to do the right and acceptable thing.

And this was her Yeji, her sweet and loving Yeji, who never for once have disobeyed her or wronged her until now...

"Ask me to do anything mama, but I won't leave Ryujin."

Yeji felt her heart being clenched tightly in a fist, ready to get ripped of her chest. It tortured her to hurt her mother like this, but what about her? She has been tortured and have finally starting to live again, when Ryujin came back to her life. Doesn't she have the right to be happy?

Her mother steps closer to her, her face the look of pained and anger staring back at her daughter quivering on her knees in the floor.

"Then. Get out"


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