Chapter 8

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Yeji grimaces as she sees the red mark her mom left on her face, it was obvious but she wasn't scared of that, what she's more afraid of is what would Ryujin think if she sees it. The dark haired girl standing behind her made Yeji turn away from the mirror.

"Thanks for letting me stay for the night, Chaer..."

"Anytime... Yeji..." Chaeryeong smiles reassuringly.. "Ummm..."

Yeji looks questionably at her bestfriend who look confuse on what she's about to say.

"I was just wondering... why didn't you call Ryujin-shii for this?"

Yeji has her reasons. "I ahhhh..."

"I know you haven't told anyone about the two of you but everyone in the school knows about it. I understand why you don't say it, but I'm your friend, Yeji."

"I...I'm sorry Chaeryeong..."

Chaeryeong shakes her head "No... don't be. I know that it's just the way you are, you like to keep things to yourself..."

"It's just that... people already have their own problems, I don't..."

"Stop...Yeji... just tell me, or if not me... at least tell Ryujin-shii. Don't keep this all to yourself"

"I...I don't want to... I don't want to make her feel like our relationship is going through a lot, I want her to feel that we're okay..."

"But it's not"

And that's the hard bitter truth, their relationship will only get harder but as long as she could make Ryujin believe that it's okay, then maybe she could hold on to her longer.

"I know... but I'll do anything to keep it that way."

"You're just hurting yourself..."

"As long as she isn't... then, it's okay..."

And that another bitter truth that Yeji have to taste, if she wanted to keep Ryujin, she would have to null herself of the pain.


Ryujin smashes her bat on the baseball, earning ooohhhs and ahhhss from the crowd watching their Goddess practice.

"Looks like your batting got better, Ryu" Lia points out while adjusting her cap. "That obviously was a homerun."

"Well, maybe because it's not only in baseball that Ryujin got a homerun" Yuna smirked knowingly

Basing on the goofy, love sick grin on Ryujin's face, the answer couldn't be more obvious.

"DUDE!!! Like seriously?!" Lia shoves Ryujin jokingly...

"I ahhh..." Ryujin was blushing madly and the two friends just look at each other in surprise. They always knew that Ryujin have been crushing on Yeji but is just too much of a coward to make a move. Ryujin have become a player because she was hopeless that she and Yeji could ever be together.

And the player Ryu they know doesn't blush and hesitate when she talks about her conquests. But this Ryujin, blushing like crazy and stammering like a little kid was just too amusing for the two.

"You got hit that hard, huh?"

Ryujin nods shyly while shuffling her shoes on the ground.

"Well... We're both happy for you, girl... but try to take it slow... I think you two are going too fast."

"Yup. You don't want Yeji to think that it's all you ever need from her"

Ryujin looks at her friends with a worried look... "I don't" Shaking her head fervently.

"We know that, but Yeji might not. Yeji might still see you as player Ryu."

"So, easy on the lovemaking Ryu... for now just show her everyday that you love her until her doubts just go away."

Doubts... Ryujin have some of them too... But she shakes them off her head and her heart. She'll make Yeji fall in love with her truthfully... Even if takes her forever...


Hyunjin pushes his way to the incoming crowd coming out of their class to get to his sister.


Yeji turns away and pretends to not hear him, but Hyunjin is as stubborn as she is as he finally made his way to her. "Yeji?! What the hell happen with you and mom?!"

"She kicked me out of the house."

"I...I know that... Look, I'll try to talk to her, okay? Just.. just... go there and I'll explain to..." Hyunjin tries to explain desperately but Yeji stop him.

"I'm done listening to you"

"I'm trying to help you here. We don't need to do this thing with Ryujin anymore... just... just come home, Yeji..." Hyunjin begs...

"I choose this." Yeji pulls away from Hyunjin's grip. "I choose to be with Ryujin so please, don't worry about me anymore. I'll be okay"

"No. You won't. You need me, Yeji... you need your family."

"I do but mama doesn't seem to care about that."


They turn around to see Ryujin coming towards them.

"I'll go ahead... Yeji, think about it, okay?"

"I already did."

Hyunjin nods painfully before turning around to walk away.

Yeji could wish she could disappear right now, she's not ready to face Ryujin.

"Baby?" Ryujin asks worriedly... "What's wro-" Ryujin wasn't halfway done with her question when she sees the bruise on Yeji's arm and the tenderness in Ryujin's eyes turned into anger. "Who did this to you?"

Seeing all the people watching them, Ryujin pulls Yeji to an empty classroom, closing the world and the people around them.

"Ummm... I did... I ahhh accidentally run into the door."

"You think I'll believe that?"

"It's nothing Ryujin... it's just a little bruise, no big deal."

The anger in Ryujin's eyes turns back into worry, she takes Yeji's arm and gently kisses the bluish mark in Yeji's arm. "I just don't like the thought of you getting hurt" Ryujin whimpers, wrapping her arms protectively around Yeji.

"I'll be okay.." Yeji stare at those worried puppy eyes. "As long as you're here with me, I'll be okay."

"I'll never leave." Ryujin kisses Yeji reassuringly and the soft kisses have turned heated in a second, Ryujin pushes Yeji up the teacher's desk and have started roaming her hands on Yeji's body.

"N-no Ryujin..." Yeji pulls away from their kiss. "Not here."

"Oh" Ryujin looks down, embarrassed of how she just acted "I'm sorry, I just... I just need you so much" Ryujin shyly admitted.

"I do too..." Yeji presses a soft kiss on those lips again before they wrap themselves in each other's embrace.



Chaeryeong turns away from her classmates and almost gasps as she sees Shin Ryujin approaching her. Although she sees Ryujin around campus a lot, the thought that the school Goddess recognizes her was beyond what Chaeryeong could take.

"Hi..." Ryujin flashes a smile to Chaeryeong's friends before turning her attention back at Chaeryeong. "Can I talk to you alone for a second?"

And like it was on cue, Chaeryeong's classmates just disappear, leaving her with Ryujin.

"I... I'm sorry about that, I'm Ryujin by the way"

"I know... I'm Chaeryeong..."

Ryujin chuckles lightly "I know and I know you're Yeji's bestfriend."

"I am... since high school."

"Yeah, so you must have known what happen to Yeji."

Chaeryeong felt that it wasn't her role to meddle, if Yeji didn't tell Ryujin then she doesn't have the right to tell her "Ummm... well..."

"Then, tell me because obviously Yeji won't."

"Well, she's okay."

"She has a bruise on her arm and I didn't even make a fuss about the mark on her face because I don't want her to think I'm getting too paranoid. But what does she expect I do? Just let someone hurt her?"

"Yeji is just the kind to deal things by herself."

"Well. That's about to end now. I'm with her and whatever problem she have is going to be my problem too."

Ryujin waited for Chaeryeong to say something but she didn't...

"Look... if you're not going to tell me, then maybe I should find someone who will"

"Her mom did it"


Ryujin couldn't believe it, not Mrs. Hwang, the woman who she sees everyday in her home, the woman she respected and loved almost just like her own mother. Yet, her positive feelings for the woman quickly flew out the door, she doesn't care if Mrs. Hwang gave birth to Yeji, she has no right to hurt her. Not now, not ever.


"I think whatever the reason is, it's for Yeji to tell you."


Yeji was halfway through the table when the girl sitting in the corner booth with that evil grin, stop her.

"Oh... don't go Yeji..."

Yeji threads carefully towards Winter, taking out her pen and notepad as her only defense.

"W-what can I get for you?"

Winter didn't come in to have food, that's for sure...

"I realize you're not good in taking advices."

Yeji ignores her and patiently waited for Winter to give her orders.

"So, how's Ryujin in bed?"

And Winter did it again, paralyzed Yeji with her words.

"So, your order?" Yeji was able to manage to say some words despite of trembling.

Winter saw it immediately and decided to use Yeji's weakness as her ammo "Oh... that good, huh? I didn't know you would give up that quick..."

Yeji finally look up at Winter with questioning eyes.

"You know there is a name for people like you..."

The ink was creating a blot on Yeji's notepad form Yeji pressing the pen too hard.

"But you're a smart girl, so you probably figure it out what I'm trying to say, right slut?"

"Look" Yeji snarls back "There are other waitresses in here; I'll get one for you"

"You're walking away so does that mean my guesses are true?"

"No. it's just means I have no time to deal with your BS."

"BS? Oh c'mon Yeji...But we're having such a good time"

"No. we're not."

"You know my cousin have been with other people right?"

Yeji didn't want to accept it but it was true. "I...I do"

"She sleeps with them, then brags about them. No feelings, all for fun. So," Winter turns to her rolex watch "It's Feb 4 5:36 pm."


"Let's see how long it takes for Ryujin to get bored with you before she moves in to someone else."

And Winter smiles as she sees the hurt look on Yeji's face.

"Tic toc. Tic toc Hwang Yeji..."


"Mrs. Hwang"

Yeji's mother turns away from Ryujin and went back to cleaning the yard, but more forceful this time.

"Can I talk to you?"

"I have nothing to say to you, Ms. Ryujin." She tries to say as respectful as she could.

"But I do... And you don't need to say anything because I heard enough. But right now I need you to listen."

Mrs. Hwang turns and sees the mixture of potent anger and hurt in Ryujin's eyes.

"You know I respect you Ms. Hwang ever since I was a child. And I'm thankful for the sacrifices you and Mr. Hwang does for our family, but what I'm most thankful for is that you have Yeji. So, to see the hurt and bruises you give her is unforgivable for me. I could ask my father to fire you and you know he'll do it in a heartbeat, but I won't because I know it will hurt Yeji much more than she's hurting now."

Ryujin takes an intimidating step closer to the older woman.

"And it's such a shame that you don't even realize what an amazing daughter you have, because you let what other people make that decision for you. I don't know how a mother could ever think of leaving her daughter just when she needed her most, but you did it... But I want you to know Mrs. Hwang, that from now on, Yeji will never be alone, because I'm going to be with her and I'm not going to let anyone hurt her ever again. Not even you."

Yeji's mother have so much things to say to Ryujin, to the girl who took and manipulated her precious daughter away from her but she remains quiet, fearing her words could end up in a much worse situation than she is now. Ryujin steps away but not before leaving a lasting impression on Yeji's mother's head.

"And I promise you, Mrs. Hwang that no one in this world could love Yeji, the way I could."



Yeji after a tired and frustrating (because of Winter) day at work manages to smile softly yet wearily at the beautiful girl waiting for her outside her work.

"Yeji, I know things are bothering you right now..."

"I'm just tired Ryujin..."

"Look Yeji..." Ryujin tilts Yeji's chin so she could look at her "You don't have to deal with whatever you're feeling by yourself anymore. I'm here..."

"I'm just tired, ok?"

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not" Yeji tries to walk faster, but Ryujin pulls her closer and hold on to her.

"Yeji, you can't keep on doing this"

"Do what?"

"Just shut me out of your life." Ryujin stops Yeji... "I want to be a part of it, I want to be a part of you"

"Well...maybe you shouldn't..." Yeji turns away...

"Too bad, cause it's really not your choice Yeji..."

"Stop this, Ryujin..." Yeji tries to pull away but it only made Ryujin's grip on her tighter.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to deal with things on your own, when you know damn well that I'm here?"

Yeji stop pulling away and let her arm fall lifelessly on her side. Ryujin steps closer to Yeji.

"It hurts me to see you like this, that you're hurting so much but I couldn't do anything about it."


Ryujin cuts Yeji before she finish saying anything. "Screw those people! You can't just let what people say tell you what to do..."

"It's so easy for you to say that because you're Shin Ryujin. Nobody on their right mind would tell you what to do!!!" Yeji accidentally let it out.

"People tell you what to do because you let them!!!" Ryujin snaps back. "For once, Yeji just man up. For once, do what you want to do."

"I DID!" Yeji screams out... "I did Ryujin..."

Ryujin's arm fell to the side, she was motionless as she sees Yeji crying. "Y-your mom?"

"She knew about us. We're going to just end up getting hurt, Ryujin."

"I- I know..."

Yeji have fought for her, against her mother does that mean that Yeji have fallen for her for real, just like how much she have fallen for Yeji?

"I-I won't let you go Yeji... I can't and I' won't... I just... I just love you too much" Ryujin professed. "So, please I beg you" Ryujin wraps Yeji tightly in a hug. "Whatever happens or whoever tries to hurt us both, that you wouldn't let them. But you have to let me in, you have to tell me so I could protect you. I'll never let anybody hurt you. I'll never leave you no matter how much hurt were going through. So, please Yeji.. tell me you won't leave me too."

And in Ryujin's embrace, Yeji felt like she could battle the world, battle everyone and maybe even battle herself.

Yeji cuddles closer in Ryujin's arms. "I'll never leave."


Yeji turns to look at Ryujin's hand holding hers as she was about to step out of Ryujin's car.

"C'mon let's go..."

"Go where, Ryujin?"

"You can't live with Chaeryeong forever, I won't let you."

"Then, where am I gonna go?"

"I know you two are bestfriends. But I want you to know that from now on, the only person who you should come home to is me."

"I. I can't live with you, Ryujin... I mean not in your home."

"Then, you won't. You can push me all you want, Yeji but I'm going to wait right here..." Ryujin said with a determined frown on her face.

All the waiting was worth it when Ryujin sees Yeji stepping out of Chaeryeong's door with a luggage on her hand.

"If I know you were going to pack, you should have just let me help you" Ryujin says seeking Yeji's lips.

"I doubt the Shin Ryujin knows how to pack."

"Hey don't call me that anymore"

"Call you what?"

"The Shin Ryujin, from now on... I'm your Shin Ryujin."

Yeji twist her fingers on Ryujin's hair. Her Shin Ryujin.

"You're so cheesy..."

"I was trying to gun for Romantic, but cheesy could work..." Ryujin then tangled her fingers with Yeji's.

She smiles at Yeji while holding on her hand tightly, because from now on, Ryujin wanted Yeji to know that whatever happen, whoever might try to tear them apart and even if Yeji herself would want to leave that she will always fight for her... that she will always fight for them.

"C'mon, I'll take you home."

Yeji brushes her fingers lightly on Ryujin's hand before looking up at the starry sky.

She had always believed her mother's story about Gemini, about everything. But as she grew older, it wasn't only the fairy tales or the stories that are coming undone, Yeji's hope for Ryujin was starting to fall apart along with it.

But now that she sees it, with Ryujin's hand lock on hers, she couldn't help but smile. Maybe someone out there was really listening, maybe someone grant her prayer.

And she was glad that out of all of her mother's fairy tales, it was the story of Gemini that came true. Because this girl right here, the one with her hand grip tightly on hers, the one she's going to share her dreams with, is the one she have chosen to love forever... And doesn't it make you feel so lucky? When the one you love most, have chosen to love you too?


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