Chapter 2

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Tic toc.Tic Toc. Tic Toc

Yeji couldn't help to be curious and glance at the speedometer in Ryujin's car as another car overtakes Ryujin's for the hundredth time.

And for someone who drives such a fancy car, Ryujin is driving as if her car was a beat up junk that could fall apart any second.

"You really drive this ummm... careful?" Yeji was about to say slow but she doesn't want to offend her boss' daughter.

"Oh ummm..." Ryujin steps on the gas pedal to rev up her car. She cursed herself for getting caught, she had hoped that Yeji wouldn't notice that she was driving slow. All she wanted to do is make their car ride longer. Even if 10 minutes of it was spend in awkward silence, still Ryujin couldn't have been more happier. It's a very simple reason really, it's because Yeji was just inches away from her. "I ummm... yeah... I guess I'm just a careful driver"

"So ummm"

"So ummm"

The two chuckles embarrassingly as they spoke at the same time.

"You go first" Ryujin nudges Yeji.

"Ummm..." Yeji chuckles so cutely that Ryujin has to stop herself from cooing at her "I forgot what I was about to say, so, ummm... you go first"

"Oh... ahhhh... What classes are you taking?" Ryujin lies. Ryujin knew Yeji's class schedule by heart, she knows when to look and what hallway Yeji will appear in. Ryujin always make sure that she passes by just to see Yeji, but Yeji never looks at her when they cross path in the hallway. But it doesn't stop Ryujin from taking that same route everyday.

"I'm taking Algebra, Biochemistry and History. How about you?"

Ryujin frowns thoughtfully at Yeji's classes. "I thought you want to be an actress?"

Yeji didn't know how Ryujin could remember something as vague as that. "Ummm... I do... but its not practical. So, I'm taking up nursing."

"I think you'll be a great nurse"

Yeji smiles "Thanks..."

The two were choking in awkward silence again. Yeji unconsciously sighs in relief as Ryujin finally made it to school.

"Thanks for the ride, Ryujin"

But Yeji didn't wait for a reply and hurriedly steps out of the vehicle. And while Yeji was relieved to finally got out of that awkwardness, Ryujin was left wishing she could hold on to Yeji for a few minutes more.


Tic toc. Tic Toc. Tic toc

Hyunjin stood back to admire Ryujin's big brother's Lamborghini Murciélago. He was the only one trusted by the Shin's to clean up their pricey cars, and Hyunjin no matter how much he hated it, does it for this was the closest thing he could do from driving them.


Hyunjin called out as he sees Ryujin stepping out of her Mercedes Benz... Hyunjin really has nothing against the girl, Ryujin is probably the only one in her family who doesn't rub in their wealth on people's faces. But unfortunately, Ryujin has to suffer a wee bit just so Hyunjin's plan could work.


"I just want to thank you for taking my sister to school"

Ryujin couldn't help but smile "No problem.. we go to the same school anyway so it's no hassle"

"I bet she was quiet the whole trip"

"Pretty much..."

"I don't blame her, I mean I would be nervous as hell too if I'm riding with the person I have liked for awhile"

Hyunjin couldn't help but smile as he sees the way Ryujin's eyes glowed from what he just told her.


"I don't know if you ever notice but my sister she ummm... always admired you... let's just put it that"

And Ryujin couldn't help but blush at what she heard. Hyunjin smiles, just the mention of his sister's name and Ryujin doesn't have the mind to think anymore, she would relentlessly give her heart the go signal to make decisions for her. It was dangerous for Ryujin and Hyunjin sees this as a good opportunity for him and his family.

"But of course, she's just afraid to admit how she feels... with your social status so different and all"

Ryujin looks up at Hyunjin with those worried eyes. "No. why would she think that? That doesn't matter to me... Yeji..." Ryujin smiles at the mention of Yeji's name " the most amazing person on Earth. No money in the world could ever change that"

"Then, you got to try Ryujin... make her feel special.."

"Ummm... I try but it doesn't seem to work." Ryujin says hopelessly.

"I don't know if you notice Ryujin, but my sister is a very beautiful girl, there are men lining up just to win her heart." And Hyunjin stilled his heart, trying to not feel sorry when he sees those dark brown eyes stricken with worry "A car ride to school, lending your jacket, that means nothing to Yeji. You have to go beyond just to make Yeji feel special"

"H-how am I going to do that?"

Hyunjin smiles slyly, Ryujin was just too easy to sway. "Don't worry I'll help you"


Tic Toc. Tic Toc. Tic Toc

"Hey Yeji..."

Yeji politely excused herself from her friends and walks over the hot girl leaning on her car.


"I was wondering if I could take you home today, if you don't mind"

"Well... ummm... no, I don't"

Ryujin lips curve into a grin and she hurriedly runs toward the passenger side and opens the door for Yeji.

And once they were settled in the car, Ryujin suddenly spoke.

"Would you mind if we go somewhere?


Yeji was surprised to see the strip in the mall empty despite the stores being open.

"So, Yeji... what store do you want to go to first?"

Yeji unconsciously stares at the fancy boutique that she never had the guts or the cash to go inside.

"That's a great store."

Ryujin takes Yeji's hand and pulls her inside.

Yeji gasps when she hears the door close behind her, then lights starts flashing at every display as if its presenting itself to Yeji.

"Ryujin? What's going on?"

"Right now, this store is close for everyone else just so they could cater to you."

"Wait? What?" Yeji was trying to piece the information in her head.

"You can pick anything you want, buy as much as you like."

"I- I don't.. I could not afford it." Yeji mumbles softly, staring on the ground since she was afraid or more of ashamed to be treated like this.

"I took you here for a reason, you have nothing to worry about" Ryujin steps closer and leans closer to catch Yeji's gaze. "I'll buy you the whole world Yeji, if it means seeing you smile"

"Ryujin.. you don't have to, this is enough, no... it's more than enough, this is too much"

"But do you like it?"

Yeji nodded shyly.

"Then, that's all that matters. Go ahead. Have fun."

Yeji walks with trepidation around the shop, looking at the wardrobes as if they're priceless antiques displayed in the museum.

Ryujin felt like she fell in love again when she sees Yeji smiles with so much childlike wonder walking around the store.

"I think this red dress would look lovely on you" The saleslady broke Ryujin's thoughts.

Yeji turns towards Ryujin as if asking for a silent approval and Ryujin couldn't help but nod happily.

"The dressing room is right this way"

Ryujin tries to distract herself by browsing on some dresses when she heard the saleslady talk.

"She's ready"

Breathtaking. There was no other word more suitable than what Ryujin is seeing now. Yeji was like a Goddess in that dress.

"H-how do I look?" Yeji asks nervously.

"Beautiful." And Ryujin didn't know how she was able to say it. When her heart is beating like crazy.


"DUDE! You did that?" Lia exclaims with her sandwich halfway through her mouth. You know Lia is serious when she stops putting food in her mouth.

"I need to try..."

"Yes but c'mon, I couldn't even walk pass that store because I'm scared they'll charge me!" Yuna added.

"I ummm... I just want to make her happy" Ryujin mumbles shyly.

"Gosh Ryu! If Yeji wants you to dance around in a bear suit are you gonna do it?" Lia asks sarcastically but the hesitation in Ryujin made Lia worry that her bestfriend was going nuts. "Gosh... you are so hopeless, Ryu"


Yeji runs her fingers on the exquisite fabric as she stares in admiration at the red dress.

"You would look beautiful in that dress, by the way"

Yeji looks up and sees Hyunjin leaning against her doorway with a knowing smile on his face.


Yeji hurriedly puts the red dress back in the box...

"So, aren't you going to thank me?"

"What for?"

Hyunjin pats the box before Yeji pulls it away, clutching it closer as if she was a child holding on to her precious toy.

"Whoah! Easy there sis! I won't steal that away from you, red isn't my color anyway"

"What do you want?" Yeji says through her gritted teeth.

"What? I can't talk to my sister? Do you think you can have this if I didn't talk some sense to you?! No Yeji... you won't because you are too much of a wuss to do something. So, stop thinking that I'm an evil guy who is trying to ruin your life, because I'm not. All I want is for my sister to have a good life."

"I'll be okay... thank you..."

"But life isn't easy Yeji, it never is... Sometimes you got to step on someone to get where you're going. And in your case, step on Ryujin."

"I don't need to do this, Ryujin is much of good person to be treated like crap."

"Oh? Why are you telling me this? I'm not the one who used her to buy me a pretty red dress?"

Yeji look away embarrassingly knowing that her brother has a point

"Fine... Yeji... if you feel so guilty then just return that dress and I'll leave you alone."

Yeji turns back at the box, as pathetic as it was, she have never felt so attached to a material thing.

Hyunjin scoffs smugly. "That's what I thought... Look sis, why are you going to stop with one dress when you can get so much more? But this shy, innocent act won't do, you need my help."

Yeji looks up, not sure what her brother was trying to say. "Help?"

"I thought you are a good actress but you can't even fake being in love with Ryujin, that's why you need me to plant those ideas in her head that you like her."

Yeji didn't like the person she was turning into, but the problem is, she didn't like the kind of person that she is right now either. She wanted more, the fancy things, the elegance and the admiration that she knows she could never have if she doesn't do anything.

She runs her fingers on the fine fabric, she could never afford something like this even if it takes her a lifetime. Yeji has been raised with good morals and where did it get her? Nowhere... And where are her parents now? Slaves to greedy people who probably don't even know or care about morality.

It's now time to act on her own to go pursue what she wanted, because obviously being good is not going to get her anywhere.

"Tell me what do I need to do?


Tic Toc. Tic Toc. Tic Toc

Ryujin grits her teeth in anger and storms out of Yeji's house. She came to visit Yeji with a bouquet where she handpicked the flowers herself, but instead she overhears Yeji and Hyunjin talking about her, as if she was just an object, an investment that they need to use for their future.

Yeji doesn't love her, Ryujin perfectly knows that but she doesn't need to use Ryujin. Because here she is sincerely and purely devoting herself to loving Yeji, but all Yeji ever see her is a bank account, where she could withdraw anytime she needs something.

And like a ticking bomb, her decision could either save her life or destroy her to pieces.



Ryujin turns around and sees Yeji approaching her. The girl she is about to dedicate her everything, is also the same girl who carelessly torch her heart in flames.


Ryujin has a decision to make right then and there, she could chose to walk away from Yeji forever and spare herself a lifetime of heartache and regret.


Or she could stay and serve her heart, her mind, her eternity out in a plate for Yeji to devour and consume.


"Ryujin, what are you-" Yeji's words were muffled when Ryujin presses her lips on hers. She nibbles Yeji's lower lip begging for entrance and Yeji found herself letting Ryujin in. Yeji has her hands on Ryujin's chest, ready to push her away but instead she found herself gripping tightly on Ryujin's shirt, as if she was pleading Ryujin to take more of her. Yeji was drowning in their kiss, to the passion, to the pleasure, to the taste.

Ryujin pulls away from her addiction, planting soft, tender kisses on Yeji's swollen red lips. She leans her forehead against Yeji for support as she remains weak from their kiss.

And for Ryujin the decision couldn't be anymore clearer.

"I'll make you love me."


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