Chapter 6

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Yeji might as well just close her mouth and hand over the report to Karina, because Karina no matter how quiet and focus she might look, her mind wasn't in that classroom with her. Her mind wasn't on the report, nor was it in the subject, in fact it was nowhere near there at all.

And Karina stares almost shamelessly at the girl. She muted the nonsense coming out of Yeji's mouth and just merely focuses on every detail of Yeji's face and Yeji's whole being. Yeji was definitely stunning, from a far and even more up close. This is probably why Ryujin was so head over heels about her.

But to Karina, Yeji wasn't just any beautiful girl. For Karina, Yeji is the girl that Ryujin have chosen.

She continues staring, looking at those lips moving, the same lips that kisses and gets to taste Ryujin's gorgeous red lips over and over again.

Those long, delicate fingers skimming through the pages, those same fingers that fits perfectly with Ryujin's.

And those captivating cat eyes reading through the notes, they were hypnotizing and that is probably why Ryujin gazes into them so lovingly.


Karina's eyes and (mind) should really be focus on her notes. But no matter how much she willed them not to, her eyes just keep looking back at Ryujin happily talking with Yeji.

"Mind if I join you?"

Karina didn't even bother to answer, knowing Winter doesn't really take no for an answer.

"Awww... poor Karina..."

First words out of Winter and Karina was ready to stab her with her fork already. But obviously, Karina's growl didn't let on Winter as she continued...

"Watching in the sidelines while her prince charming is romancing some other damsel in distress"

"What's with you and fairy tales?"

"Nothing. Always hated them. Just thought they're delusional and desperate...." Then, Winter leans close making sure Karina hears her mockery.

"Just. Like. You"

"What do you want?" Karina couldn't help but growl at her.

"Me? Do I look like I need anything? It's you who obviously wants something from me..."

"If I ask help from you, I might as well sign a contract with the devil."

"Or end up in your happily ever after with you know who..."

Winter. Every word out of her is like a poison, slowly killing Karina's will every time.

"You know what Karina, I'm starting to think that you really don't want my cousin"

"Could you just... shut up?" Karina was about to say jump off the bridge but yeah right... Winter is the devil, she's invincible.

"Cause if you do, you would be doing something other than watched them from afar..."

"Ryujin is happy."

"And that happiness isn't going to last. We might as well put a stop to it now before those poor lovebirds get shot down and someone roast them alive."

Karina looks up at the happy couple again. Ryujin don't even have to say anything, she was obviously happy and so in love. Those eyes beam more when Yeji finally clock out from work. And just like magnet, Ryujin's hand quickly intertwined with Yeji's as they were about to step out of the café.

Yeji sticks closer to Ryujin as they pass by Karina's table, Ryujin didn't even wasted a second and just wave quickly before turning her attention back to Yeji.

"That could have been you Karina, but obviously you are much of a wuss to even fight for your own happiness"

"I just want Ryujin to be happy."

"How about you Karina? Don't you think you deserve to be happy?"

End of flashback


"I deserve to be happy"

"Oh? You said something Karina-shii?" Yeji looks up at her in wonder.

Karina's mind quickly went back to the room, to this thing called reality and sees Yeji staring questionably at her.

"Oh nothing..."

"Oh okay" Yeji happily hands over the report... unaware that the girl in front of her just sees her as nothing more but a culprit who stole the one thing she wanted most.


Ryujin puts her baseball bat behind her shoulders and all her bestfriends could do is groan as they got outshine again by the Shin Ryujin.

"Could you stop that?"

"Stop what? I'm not doing anything"

"Yes you are!" Lia corrected her "You're just showing off that hot body of yours in front of your fans..."

"Oh, so you do admit I have a hot body, huh Lia?" Ryujin cocks her brows jokingly...


Ryujin chuckles and just made some people's day as she wave teasingly to a group of people. Everyone squeals happily as they got notice by their Goddess.


"Oh hey Karina..."

It took Karina every ounce of her will, not to come over and wipe off Ryujin's sweat. She just steps back and hands Ryujin a towel.

"Here, Ryujin, wipe yourself before you get sick..."

"Oh thanks..." Ryujin took the towel.

And Karina didn't know how something that simple could make her day, maybe because out of all the fangirls and fanboys in there. It was her towel that Ryujin picked.

Yuna and Lia were sharing knowing looks but then wondered why Ryujin suddenly has that smile with whisker dimples on her face. They look and didn't have to figure out anymore. Yeji was standing by the dugout holding a towel.

"I got to go..." Ryujin didn't even wait for a reply and quickly hurried up towards Yeji.

"Man... that kid got it hard..."

"Yup..." Lia agrees as they watch their bestfriend runs toward the cat eyed girl.

The two didn't notice that Karina was also watching the scene, helpless as she sees the one she loves just runs to someone else's arms. And that quick, the happiness that Karina has, comes crashing down as Ryujin just drops the towel carelessly on the ground, fearfully similar to the way she just drop Karina's heart.


"You're all sweaty..."

Yeji nervously wipes off Ryujin's face after her baseball practice, before Ryujin takes her hand and run away with her to the corner, away from everyone's eyes where she could just enjoy Yeji all to herself.

Ryujin traps Yeji between her arms, pressing their bodies closer while their sweet kiss starts escalating ferociously. Ryujin pulls away when she found herself breathless, panting heavily while laying kisses on Yeji's neck.


"Mmm.." Yeji could only moan as she was still lightheaded from their kiss.

Ryujin looks up at her and smiles "I was thinking now that ummm... well... we're ummm" Ryujin scratches her head cutely before taking a deep breath "Kinda dating?"

"Kinda?" Yeji teases Ryujin while nipping on Ryujin's lower lip.

"Hehe... I mean... dating... I was thinking, maybe you would want to go out on a date with me."

Yeji's eyes glow at the invitation before nodding happily... "Sure..."

"Really?" Ryujin's excitement was almost that to an elementary school kid.

"Of course... but I'll be working almost every night this week. Since I'm new I guess I needed it so I could be better."

Ryujin smiles proudly before kissing Yeji on her neck, on her cheek, on her nose, on her forehead... "My working girl... I'm so proud of you..."

"Thank you" Yeji blushes while twirling Ryujin's dark locks around her finger.

"Well, we can do it after your shift this Friday, that will be okay?"

"Yes... I get off around 7."

"Good.. now where were we?" Ryujin smile teasingly before Yeji pulls her back into her lips, finishing where they left off.


Karina have no idea why she was doing this, why does she keep on coming back at the same coffeeshop where Yeji is working? All it does is hurt her yet here she is, still staring, comparing and asking herself that same question over and over again... Why her? Why can't Ryujin pick me?

"Don't waste your time with Ryujin..."

"Huh?" Karina turns and sees Winter sitting across from her with that smug look on her face.

"That girl is way too obsessed and way too dumb to notice your advances..."

Karina didn't know why she was asking but something inside of her is begging for her to try "Then, what should I do?"

"If you need to win Ryujin, you need to destroy her first"

Like the ones of a devil. That was the perfect way to describe how Winter's lips curve the moment she said those words. Like destroying someone is something that comes naturally to her.

"You say it like it so easy"

"Because it is... watch..." Winter was about to school Karina on the hard life. "What the hell is this crap?" Winter pushes off her coffee...

And Karina looks up and even with that feared look in Yeji's face, the girl still look stunning. Karina would bet that if Ryujin sees Yeji like that, she would walk over to their table and punch Winter right then and there. But Ryujin wasn't there and poor Yeji has to fend for herself.

All Winter needs to do was raise her hand and Giselle, the coffeeshop manager was hurdling towards them.

"Y-yes Winter?" Giselle says nervously, in fact everyone feels nervous whenever they talk to Winter.

"What on Earth are you serving here?" Winter asks curtly.

Giselle turns back to the counter and looks almost sorry at Yeji, who looks down in embarrassment... "I... I apologize for that... Let me change that for you" Giselle scurried to get the coffee out of Winter's way.

"This is a coffeeshop, right?" Winter leans over to the already shivering Giselle who just nods "That's a shame because your coffee taste like crap here. If you want to keep this coffeeshop going, you better make sure that, that girl working behind the counter would not touch or go near the coffeemaker again."

"Y-yes anything you say, Winter"

That's right... anything Winter words are the law...

"And lastly..."

Giselle turns back around. "Warn that new girl that if she ever come near me or my coffee again, you'll get rid of her ass."

Giselle could only gulp, but what can she do? She nodded before going back to the counter.

Winter waited until Giselle is away, Giselle pulls Yeji to the side obviously lecturing the girl and Yeji, just nodding politely, taking all the crap that Winter have started.

"See Karina, it's that easy..." Winter smirks triumphantly...

What did Yeji ever do to deserve this? Nothing... And Karina doesn't play that way. She plays fair but having Winter on her team is pushing her to fight dirty.

"So, go get ready, Karina..."


Winter smiles smugly... "Cause you have a date to go to"


Yeji throws her apron in her locker, before leaning her head against her locker door. It was a frustrating day and she couldn't wait but get out and be with Ryujin.

"Umm... Yeji, is it okay if you take Nancy's shift tonight?"

And this night couldn't get any worse for Yeji. "Giselle... I'm so sorry but I really have plans after work..." Yeji knows she's not one to ask for a favor, especially after that altercation with Winter.

"But I needed an extra for tonight... please, please Yeji... just for tonight..." Giselle begs...


"Please... Yeji... pretty please?"

Yeji sighs heavily muttering a quick apology before taking out her phone to text Ryujin.

"I'm sorry"


Sure the bouquet of red roses is stunning, their dinner impeccable and the restaurant was nothing short of spectacular. But none of it matter to Ryujin, not when the only reason for it all wasn't with her. Ryujin throws her phone back in the bag and was about to step out when someone's sweet voice halted her.


"Oh Karina... hey..."

"I was with my friends when I saw you by yourself and I swore that couldn't been Ryujin"

Ryujin chuckles softly "Why not?"

"Because I don't think any girl on their right mind would ditch a date with the Shin Ryujin."

Well, if that's the case then Yeji must not have a right mind.

"Well" Ryujin shrugs... "Somebody did"

"Oh I'm sorry..."

Ryujin shrugs and shakes her head "No worries... It's not your fault"

But it was, it was Karina's fault and Winter's...

"Well... you don't want to waste this nice dinner, would you? how about I keep you company while you eat?"

"Ummm... ahhh... it's okay... I have to go anyway..." Ryujin stood up "Your friends must be waiting for you..."

Truth is, there were no friends. Karina went there because Winter told her that's where Ryujin is going to take Yeji out.

"Oh yeah... you're right" Karina chuckles to hide her embarrassment, from Ryujin and from herself.

"I could walk you to your friends if you want"

"No... no..." Karina shakes her head "I'll be okay..."

"You sure?"

"I'm a big girl, Ryujin, I could handle myself."

Ryujin's lip curve into that deliciously sinful smile "That's good... have a nice night Karina"

"Ummm Ryujin?"

Ryujin turns back around "Wae?"

"Can I ask you something really quick? If you don't mind..."

Ryujin actually minds because she was in a hurry, but she nods politely and sits back on the chair.

"Sure... what is it?"

"I like someone..." Karina chuckles "No, I think I'm in love with somebody, I don't think she knows and now she's with someone... So, if you were in my shoes... what would you do? Should I just let go?"

Ryujin leans back on her chair and pouts thoughtfully "Maybe you should fight for her"


"Yeah... if you're not willing to get hurt and take a risk, then I don't think you could call what you feel Love. But that's just me... Other people say if you love someone, you have to let them go just to make them happy, but you just have to try, you never know that person loves you back."

"She seems so happy"

"Maybe she'll be happier with you... is that all?"

"Yeah... thanks Ryujin..."

Ryujin smiles back and stands up...

"You're going to see Yeji?"


Karina nods in defeat... "She's a very beautiful girl, Ryujin."

Karina could swear she saw Ryujin's eyes beamed at just the mention of Yeji's name.

"She is... I'm so in love with her..." Ryujin smiled and even if she already stepped out of the restaurant, her last words keep ringing on Karina's mind....

I'm so in love with her. I'm so in love with her. I'm so in love with her.

And Karina's heart broke every second as the words keep running in her head. Here she is, loving Ryujin so faithfully and strongly for years and she just lost her to someone who probably wants nothing more but her money.

She looks up and stares back at the door that Ryujin just went out off. Ryujin is probably behind the wheels of her car, racing to see Yeji while Ryujin just left her there, unknowingly breaking her heart as once again, she have chosen Yeji over her.

Maybe Winter is right, maybe she was being too good, too naive, too dumb to ever think that wishing would be enough to make Ryujin love her.

"I... I deserve to be happy too..." Karina mumbles to herself but those words were enough to ignite the life out of Karina. She had enough of playing good girl, she had enough of playing Ryujin's friend and she had enough of Yeji...

Yeji is not just a beautiful girl, for Karina she has someone that Karina knows should belong to her. Karina had enough of watching in the sidelines, she's ready to fight back, ready to hurt and be hurt...

Because Yeji have took away the one person that Karina wanted. And now, Karina will do anything to have Ryujin.



Yeji came home tired, frustrated and missing a certain girl badly. She was ready to collapse in bed when the sight of the girl waiting patiently on her doorsteps, have woke her up better than any caffeinated drink.


"Hi... Yeji..."

Yeji pull Ryujin closer, hugging the girl in apology "I'm so sorry..."

"Hey... you have to work... no need to apologize there. I love my hardworking girl..." Ryujin kisses Yeji softly on the nose. "Are you hungry?"

"A little bit, I have been munching on some cookies at work."

"Oh cool..."


"Well... since you couldn't go to dinner with me, then I brought dinner to you" Ryujin takes Yeji's hand and leads her to their backyard.

Yeji never really liked her backyard it was small and cramp... That's why when she was a child, she would tag along with her mom at the Shin's mansion so she could play.

But that night, Ryujin has turned her backyard into something magical. Yeji didn't know how Ryujin could have done it. Her very own candlelight dinner underneath the stars...

"I thought about hiring a violinist..." Ryujin spoke while her lips was still on Yeji's forehead, "But I think it would be awkward having him playing the violin while we talk and uuhhh... make out" She smiles slyly "So I'm like nahhh... you're not into classical stuff anyway."

Yeji couldn't help but agree at the classical stuff and the awkwardness of having someone there while they kiss...

"But I brought my Ipod and speakers... so, you could play DJ tonight while we eat dinner"

"No... it's okay..." Yeji shakes her head, even after a tired day of work... Ryujin just seems to lighten up everything. Yeji smiles before staring back into Ryujin's wondering eyes "I think listening to your voice is more than enough for me."

Though Ryujin set up two chairs, the other one was completely ignored as Ryujin pulls Yeji unto her lap, kissing the girl passionately...

And yes Yeji was hungry, but the moment their lips touch, Yeji knew it wasn't food that she was craving, it was this. Ryujin's lips...

The chair wasn't the only one ignored, Obviously the food was left untouched almost the entire night, as the two spend their dinner laughing and kissing, kissing and laughing... laughing and kissing some more...

"Oh I got you something" Ryujin pulls out a blue box from her pocket, Yeji could feel her heart beating fast as Ryujin opens it and reveals a diamond heart pendant in platinum. "I... I know heart pendants are so cliché but I... uhhh... I don't think there is a much better way to say how I feel for you" Ryujin caresses the pendant with her thumb. "It's ummm... my heart" Ryujin blushes cutely at her confession "It will always belong to you, you are more than just the girl I love, Yeji... you're the one destined with me..."

Seeing how her words put confusion in Yeji, Ryujin smiles and pulls her girl closer..

"I meant... no matter how many people would pull us apart, or how much crap that were going to go through... In the end, Yeji, we are still going to find each other"

Ryujin presses a sweet, reassuring kiss on Yeji's lip before she whispers...

"So, please don't ever think that anyone or anything could come between us. Cause that won't happen, I won't let that happen, I won't let them. And if they take you away from me, I'll find you and something will bring us back together. Because I'm forever meant to love you."

"Remember when you told me that you'll make me fall in love with you?"

"Mmmm..." Ryujin was too lost on their embrace that she couldn't even formulate an answer. Yeji pulls away, staring at those dark brown eyes before she whispers.

"I think I already did"

Yeji follows her confession with a soft kiss on Ryujin's lips. Yet the gentleness of the kiss, have turn into passion. And though Yeji was getting breathless in their kiss, still she wouldn't stop... hoping Ryujin could feel all her love being poured out in their kiss.

Ryujin closes her eyes as she got lost in their kiss. As much as she tries to shut it out, the sensible yet often ignored part of her is telling her to be wary. Warning her that she's only going to be a game, a step to getting Yeji's desires, it's not her that Yeji wanted, but what she can give her.

Yet the foolish part of her, is telling her to be patient, that with time and effort she could make Yeji hers...

And like always, it's the foolish part in her that wins...

But that doesn't mean that the sensible part will bow down and lose, because it's still there, it's always going to be there. It's been ignited, and now flickering and before Ryujin knows it... It could completely burn her down taking Yeji along with her.


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