Chapter 4

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Yeji wished she could run away than face Ryujin right now. The kiss happened a week ago, but until now Yeji's feelings are still as jumbled up as they were the first time their lips met. And it doesn't help clear the confusion that Ryujin was still there, every day, fighting for her when here she is ready to make a fool out of Ryujin.

What did she ever do to have someone as good as Ryujin fall so madly in love with her?

"Ryujin hi..."

Ryujin was about to open her passenger side door but instead Yeji swerve away and continued walking.

"Yeji? Where are you going?"

"I'm just going to ride the metrorail to school."

Metrorail over a Mercedes Benz? That was new... But again, for Ryujin it really wasn't much of a choice. She quickly runs beside Yeji.

"Metrorail? Would you mind if I go with you?"

Yeji looks at Ryujin incredulously, who on their right mind would choose a crowded metrorail over a Mercedes Benz?

"Ryujin... you got a car, why don't you just drive to school?"

Because I want to be with you, that was the right answer but instead Ryujin lied to make herself look less pathetic "Ummm... I never rode one before so I think it would be cool."

Yeji just sighs in defeat and nods, Ryujin like a puppy tags along happily as they walk to the station.


Yeji didn't want to do it but Ryujin was as lost as ever that she had to take Ryujin's hand to make sure the girl find her way to school. After getting shoved inside the metrorail, Yeji motions Ryujin to sit down.


"What about you?" Ryujin felt so defeated, this idea wasn't working out... She looked like such a loser in front of Yeji, but the good part is, Yeji's hand was holding hers for almost the whole trip.

"I'll be okay here..."

Without any hesitation, Ryujin offered her seat to somebody else much to Yeji's dismay.

"Ryujin? Why did you do that for?"

"I... I want to be close to you"

Yeji chuckles at Ryujin's cute confession. "We're like a feet apart, how close do you want us to be?"

Ryujin stood behind Yeji, pressing her body closer while her arms slowly made its way around Yeji's waist. "This close..." Ryujin whispers...

And instead of pulling away, Yeji found herself leaning closer, matching Ryujin's heartbeat with hers. She should have pried Ryujin's arm off her waist, but instead, her finger playfully circles Ryujin's palm before twining their fingers.

It was strange, how even after all these years, Yeji still felt the same way when she's wrapped in Ryujin's arms. The comfort, the warmth and the reassuring feeling that nothing in this world could hurt her as long as Ryujin is with her.

Yeji tilts her head to perfectly crane her head in Ryujin's neck while Ryujin leans close, resting her head on Yeji's shoulder. For a while there, they had the world to themselves...

Only to be interrupted by the sudden stop of the metrorail... And that was enough to jolt Yeji back to reality, pulling away from Ryujin as quickly as she can.

Ryujin trailed Yeji all the way to school but before she could tell Yeji goodbye, Yeji have already disappeared into the corner, leaving Ryujin to just long for her.


"I was wondering where you are?" Ryujin turns around to the sound of someone's teeth crunching, looking up from the ground she sees her friends Lia and Yuna standing there, looking at her like she's crazy or something.

"There's this cool sushi place that just open up, you want to go with us?" Yuna peeps in.

Ryujin tightens the grip of her bag strap, truth is, she really has no intention to go anywhere but with Yeji.

Ryujin pushes herself off the wall and her face finally lights up as she sees the cat eyed girl stepping out of the school building. She was ready to greet her when the sight in front of her froze her.

Yeji laughing happily with the tall, dark haired basketball star. And Ryujin saw it, the carefree laugh, the slight blush on Yeji's face, the effect that he has on her.

"Hey... sorry about that, Ryu..."

Ryujin turns back and sees her friend giving her pitied looks and as much as she deserve those looks, it doesn't really make her feel a bit better.

"I just think that Yeji well... she doesn't swing that way... swing your way to be exact."

"And that's Yeonjun, no matter what a huge A-hole he is, you know how these freshmen just fall for it?"

But the kiss, the time they had at the metrorail it must have meant something, right?

Oh wait... how could Ryujin forget? Yeji is just using her...


Hyunjin and his friends were messing around when they see Yeji stepping inside a corvette.

"Whoah dude, didn't know your sister and that Yeonjun dude is hanging out?"

Hyunjin couldn't help but get pissed cause he doesn't know either...

"You better watch it, man, you know that Yeonjun, can't keep his thing inside his pants."

And just by that thought, of her sister being taken advantage by this asshole, it took every ounce of strength from Hyunjin not to jump in and rip Yeonjun apart.


Lia and Yuna were understanding enough to give Ryujin some space, space for her to think of what the hell is she doing wrong. She was walking blankly unaware of the white BMW trailing her.


No reply from the girl.


At the sound of her name Ryujin finally look and sees a familiar face looking sternly at her. "Winter..."

"What the hell, Ryu? I have been calling you for like an hour, already?"

"Sorry... I was just... thinking something..."

"Well, get in the car and tell me it. Are you seriously going to walk all the way to your place?"

"I... I was going to ride the metrorail"

"Yeah right, Shin Ryujin? Metrorail? Get your butt in this car now"


Winter groans heavily, her arm felt stiff just looking at Ryujin stir her hot choco for 30 minutes.

"So, what's bugging you? That help's kid still not giving you a chance in hell?"

"Her name is Yeji"

"Whatever." Winter rolls her eyes, she really don't mingle with people lower than her "You actually think that it could work between you two?"

"I'm not letting what I am and our difference as a reason to quit, Winter"

Nothing has ever change, her cousin was still as delusional as ever. "What drama are you watching, Ryujin? Like seriously... do you think there is a chance in hell that you two would ever end up together?"

"Why not?" Ryujin asks so innocently...

"So, Ryu, did you ever just lust for her?"

"W-what?" The question was enough to startled Ryujin.

"Like when you lay in bed, do you fantasize about her?"

"I... I" By the blush in Ryujin's face the answer couldn't been more obvious "I want to make love to her."

"Well, then just do that... just bang her."

Ryujin looks at Winter angrily. "She's not a game to me, Winter... Yeji is the girl that I love..."

Your love for Yeji, it's too innocent, too pure..."

Ryujin wondered why Winter was saying it as if it was a mistake.

"You're never going to make her love you back that way" Now Winter got Ryujin's full attention "Cause we all know it's the one who's willing to break the rules, the one who's willing be shunned and the one who's ready to fight the world who in the end, gets the girl."

But Ryujin is willing to do that, what does she need to do to prove that?

"So, if you stay like this buddy, stay in your delusional fairy tale... Then, you might as well go to a convent and be a nun cause there is no way that Yeji would want a fucking damsel in distress like you when what she really need is a prince to rescue her."

And there is nothing Ryujin would want to do but to whisk Yeji away and rescue her.


Yeji couldn't wait to step out of the corvette, Yeonjun was way too touchy for his own sake, Yeji spend most of their dinner trying to squirm away from his touch and his gaze. As Yeji was about to step out the car, Yeonjun was quick to put his hand on her thigh.

"I had a great time"

And before Yeji knows it, Yeonjun had slip his tongue in her mouth, suffocating her in sloppy kisses. Yeji had only kissed two people. Ryujin and him, but the two are not even worth comparing. Ryujin's kisses were sweet, loving and addicting while Yeonjun was just lustful and aggressive.

Yeji couldn't have been more glad to see Hyunjin's face until now. As her big brother taps on the car window. Yeonjun curse under his breath before lowering his window.

"Hey Hyunjin"

"Fuck off, Yeji step out now..."

Yeonjun only laugh in triumph, seeing how he had pissed off Hyunjin.

"see you tomorrow, baby girl."

"See you."

Yeonjun didn't have the sense of shame and kissed Yeji in front of Hyunjin again, before Yeji pushes him away.


Yeji quickly try to outrun Hyunjin but her brother could prove to be fast too.

"Of all the shitheads in the world, you chose the biggest one"

"We just went out to eat then he took me home" Yeji explains while trying to look busy, hoping Hyunjin would get the hint that she wants to be left alone.

Too bad, her brother didn't took the bait. "And you let him do that to you on your first date?!"

"He did it all of a sudden, I was surprised too..."

"Yeah right..." Hyunjin scoffs "You didn't realize he was kissing you until what? you felt him slobbering in your mouth?"

"What's your problem?!" Yeji snaps at him

"You? with him? You know the kind of guy he is and still you went out with him"

"I...I... I just find him attractive that's all.."

"He just finds you attractive too, but after he get in your skirt, let's see if he's still wants you."

Yeji grits her teeth out, Hyunjin was just pushing her and she was so close to exploding back" You know what? Maybe I'll just date him to piss you off!"

"Then, go ahead do this, see if I care!"

"Good. Then get off my case!"

"I will. But let's see how Ryujin could stand this"

Yeji froze at the sound of Ryujin's name.

"How stupid could you be Yeji? You have someone like Ryujin who loves you and you choose a guy who only wants to get a piece of you?! She saw you, Yeji, prancing around in Yeonjun's arms. You think she likes that? Likes seeing you with someone else?"

"I don't care what she thinks of me" Yeji lies.

But Hyunjin knows Yeji better than she knows herself... "Okay... you choose to let the opportunity go just so you could sleep around with that ass? then go ahead. I wonder how you're going to live a life without Ryujin."

Hyunjin walks away, leaving the bitter, lasting impression of his words playing in Yeji's head.

Could she really? Could she live a life without Ryujin?

Ryujin have tuned out Winter's yapping and caught sight of the simple one story home.

"Just drop me off here"

"Wait... Ryu..."

But before Winter could protest, Ryujin have already stepped out of her car running towards the door.

"Ryujin?" Yeji looks surprise to see Ryujin visiting her at that time at night.

"Yeji? Can we talk?"

Yeji close the door behind her and followed Ryujin to their small front yard. Ryujin stuck her hands inside her jacket's pocket, moving around as if unsure of how to say it.

"Ryujin? Is there a reason why you're here?"

"Ummm... I have been seeing you and Yeonjun around often, is there... is there something going on between you two?"

"What if there is?"

Yeji quickly turns away as she sees Ryujin's eyes just mirrored her broken heart. She expect Ryujin to step back, to walk away just like what Hyunjin said but instead Ryujin's action surprised her when Ryujin grabs her hand, looking back at her with those pleading eyes.

"Then, let me fight for you. Let me prove to you Yeji, that it's me who you should be with."

"Ryujin could you stop this?" For Yeji's sake and for Ryujin's too... Yeji wished that Ryujin would stop it.

"No... I can't."

"Ryujin, didn't you ever think that all you ever felt for me is nothing? That you're just in love with a memory... you're in love with the feeling of having someone beside you all the time. IT's not me who you love, it's the convenience that I came along with..."

Ryujin had enough of people telling her how she's supposed to feel, she took it from Winter and now Yeji?

"How would you know that?! How would you know how I feel? Does Yeonjun's world revolve around you just like how you revolve in mine? Does he feel so lost? So incomplete whenever you're not with him the way I feel when you're not with me? Does he, Yeji? Does he love you the way that I do?"

The answer was No because no one in this world could love Yeji, the way Ryujin can.

"I... I don't know" Yeji answers hesitantly.

"Then, choose me..."

Yeji couldn't turn away from those pleading dark brown eyes.

"And I swear Yeji, people won't need to asks you if I love you because they will see it. But if ever they still doubt it and asks you if I love you, you won't even need to hesitate because the answer will always be yes. And I will spend the rest of my life proving to you why."

Yeji takes their join hands and put it around her shoulders, before pressing her forehead on Ryujin's. She takes a shaky breath until finally saying...

"Then, prove it."

And Ryujin lays her lips on Yeji, proving to her the reason why...


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