Chapter 9

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Simply Breathtaking...

That was how Yeji describe the view from the balcony of the hotel.

"So, you like it?"

Yeji turns to the raven haired beauty staring out at the lovely cityscape.

"It's gorgeous." Yeji bows her head slightly "Thank you".

Ryujin smirks before taking Yeji's hand leading her back inside the hotel room. Ryujin got surprise when Yeji have pulled away and walked over to her purse.

"Hey. What are you doing?"

Yeji stop before she could write anything in the check. "I... ummm... I need to pay you somehow"

"Are you trying to insult me?"

"W-what? No..." Yeji shakes her head worriedly "It's just that... it's too much for you to pay all this. At least let me pay you a bit" Yeji says before returning to her checkbook.

Ryujin steps closer before taking Yeji's checkbook and flipping it to the floor.

"I could buy anything I want, Yeji."

Yeji shouldn't even wonder about that.

"But you're the only thing that I couldn't have enough of..." Ryujin sees before taking Yeji's hand. "But if you want... well, I know a good way you could pay me back." Ryujin teases pulling Yeji to sit on her lap. Yeji moves closer and Ryujin closes her eyes but instead of getting a kiss, Yeji have jump into the bed and started rolling around in the sheets.

"Oh... this bed is bigger than the one I have back home." Yeji sighs dreamily.

Ryujin scratches her head embarrassingly... "Ummm... it's good for two people... the bed."

"Oh? Two?" Yeji says teasingly and Ryujin yelps cutely as Yeji caught her with her intentions...

"I...I could stay and sleep in the couch... no big deal." It was such a big deal...

Ryujin fell on top of Yeji as the cat eyed girl pulled Ryujin over her.

"Or you could stay beside me tonight?" Yeji wrap her arms around Ryujin's neck. Ryujin snuggles close, holding on tight to Yeji.

"I think I like that more."

"How could I ever thank you?" Yeji shyly confess as she twirls her finger on Ryujin's dark locks.

"You don't have to..." Ryujin kisses Yeji on the forehead before closing their gap in an embrace and softly planting a kiss on Yeji's neck. "I live to make you happy."

Yeji turns so she could look at Ryujin straight in the eyes "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

Ryujin shakes her head "Don't ever ask yourself that question again. Just promise me one thing that you won't ever give up on us, no matter what."

"I promise." Yeji says before cuddling on Ryujin's chest, but Ryujin coax her to look back at her.

"Yeji, it's so easy to say that. But it's going to be hard, darling. Your mom, she won't be the last person who'll try to break us apart. But I just need you to know, that even if you're feeling like you had your limit, like you're better off dead, or that you're doubting if this is all worth it, you'll think that I'll always be here, loving you..." Ryujin presses a soft kiss on Yeji's lips "and protecting you..." and another one... "And I'll never, ever quit on us."

"I'll fight for us too... "

Their lips met in a sweet, lingering kiss again before they pull away. Ryujin chuckles as she sees Yeji's mouth wide open in a yawn, before Yeji scoot closer and cuddles on Ryujin like a cute baby animal.

The girl has been through hell for the past days, it's no surprise that in a few seconds Yeji has already fallen asleep on Ryujin's arms.

And as tired Ryujin was that day, she find it so hard to even blink not when Yeji was this close for her to just gaze at, for her to have, and to hold all through the night... And Ryujin wished quietly, that if forever does exist, that it would be in this moment when Yeji is hers forever.

"I love you..." Ryujin whispers, brushing the hair off Yeji's face and kissing her softly before drifting to sleep, with Yeji in her embrace.



Ryujin smile in the darkness imagining those innocent cat eyes looking back at her...

"Are you asleep?"



Ryujin laughs as she hears the pout in Yeji's voice.

"Ummm... ahhh... a-are you going to tell your parents about us?"

"I don't see the point."

"B...but they're your parents."

"It's just a label Yeji..." Ryujin says reassuringly "They are the last person who I could call my parents."

Yeji couldn't help but worry.

"They could say what they want, but they have no right to tell me who I choose to be with."

"I'm glad you choose me..."

Ryujin felt Yeji's finger circling her heart and she took it, before softly kissing it. She could hear Yeji softly moan as she climbs on top of her, pressing kisses on her forehead, nose until they linger in their kisses. And no words were spoken as they shout out their love with their touch.


Ryujin mumbles irritatingly to her reflection in the mirror, since she didn't have the guts to air out her complaints to her lover.

She frustratingly buttons down her shirt. She barely had any sleep last night though she wouldn't complain at all. She planned to spend all day sleeping in, but Yeji was determined for her to go to school. And nobody does that, nobody could force or dare force their opinion on Ryujin. She is the feared Shin Ryujin, but one nudge from Yeji and Ryujin is on her knees.

Yeji tilts Ryujin towards her and grazes her fingertips on Ryujin's buttons, slowly buttoning them and Ryujin couldn't figure out how getting her clothes on is such a turn on for her. Maybe because one slight touch from Yeji and that's all that she needs.


"Ummm... Y-yeah?" Ryujin stammers then quickly look away to hide her embarrassment.

"Ummm. I hope you don't mind if I plan to look for a place to stay."

"Wait..." Ryujin holds on to Yeji's hand and look at the girl straight in the eyes "What's wrong with this place?"

"Nothing. It's perfect but you're paying for it and I don't want that."

"Why not?"

"Cause... I don't want you to think that I'm taking advantage of you."

"Take advantage of me! I don't mind..."

"No... I won't do that. I may not make a lot with what I made in the coffeeshop but Giselle said I could get a small but decent place with it."

"Fine." Ryujin says disappointingly and Yeji kisses those pouting lips. "We'll go look for a place after school..."

"But you're busy today, you got baseball practice and remember you have school council meeting."

"Oh, but I'm president." Ryujin points out "I could just let Karina take over. She's pretty good."

"You can't do that. You have to prove them why you're deserving of their vote."

Ryujin let out a soft growl, Ryujin actually never cared why they voted her. She perfectly knew that she would win anyway, she just run for office because she got nothing better to do.

Ryujin let out a soft growl. "But who's going with you?"

"I'm sure I could tell Chaeryeong to help me out."

"Just wait for me... I want to do it with you..."

"I don't want you to be hassled."

"I won't. Being without you that's my hassle."

Yeji tries to wipe those frown away with a kiss. "Don't worry, I'll be here when you come back."


Yeji smile softly. "I promise."


Deprived. That's the only way Ryujin could describe the voices screaming at her right now. After the passionate night in her car, her love for Yeji have dangerously shifted to an almost obsession. The need to have, to hold and to pleasure Yeji has been in her every waking thought. Even if they made love last night, the moment they pulled away, Ryujin was craving for Yeji again. And from then on, until now, she has become deprived.

She have been itching to step out of the school council office, but Karina is acting a little too clingy today asking Ryujin to stay and help her do things that Karina shouldn't have a problem doing on her own.

"Are we almost done?" Ryujin tries to say calmly, even if she was close to letting Karina know that she's ready to leave.

"Just this and that's it. Why? Do you have somewhere else to go?"

Ryujin leafs through some folders before answering out "Well... don't worry about it."

But the warmth of someone else press to her have paralyze her thoughts. Karina's body is pressing too close, too dangerously close to Ryujin's back and her scent have slowly intoxicated Ryujin's senses.

"Oh so, this is where it went."

Karina smiles when she sees Ryujin's reaction. Maybe a part of Ryujin wanted Karina too, and Karina was determined to find that part.

"What's wrong, Ryujinie?"

"N-nothing... I think were done."

And Karina's touch stops Ryujin on her tracks again, as Karina presses her hand on Ryujin's shoulders.

"You seem stress."

"I got a lot going on... that's all."

"Then, let me help you out." Karina slowly massages Ryujin's tense shoulders. "I'm quite good with my hands" and Karina smile as she felt Ryujin grip her hand on hers.

"What are you doing Karina?" Ryujin says in a low but clear tone, but that wasn't enough to stop Karina.

"I'm just trying to make you feel good." Karina says as she continues to massage Ryujin's shoulders.

"Then stop." Ryujin pulls Karina's hand off her.

"Oh c'mon Ryujin, don't tell me you don't feel it too..." Karina says while raking her fingernails on Ryujin's legs, inching closer every second to Ryujin, but Ryujin quickly stilled Karina's hand before it gets any further.

"I said enough." This time Ryujin says it louder, but it wasn't the words that made Karina froze, it was the look of anger in Ryujin's eyes. "Don't embarrass yourself further, because I will never ever be attracted to you."

And Ryujin stood up, looking down at the humiliated Karina with her knees on the ground.

"You're a beautiful girl Karina and I'm sure you could have anyone you want."

"I just don't want anyone, Ryujin."

"Me too... Karina, I just don't want anyone, I only want Yeji."

"That name again..." Karina is getting sick of hearing that name coming out of Ryujin's mouth, it sickens her and she hated it "What spell did she cast on you that you're just so blinded by her?!" Karina snaps out at Ryujin.

Ryujin backs away as she listens to Karina. This wasn't the Karina that Ryujin knows and was used to, but this Karina was almost vindictive and harsh that it made Ryujin worry.

"I'm sorry Karina..."

"No, Ryujin you have nothing to be sorry about." Karina tries hard to laugh at her humiliation. "It's not your fault, it's that whore Yeji."

"STOP!" Ryujin yanks Karina off the floor and made the girl stand up so she could look her straight in the eye. "Say something about her I'll destroy you, you hear me?" Ryujin says shaking Karina off.

"Loud and clear" Karina answers without a hint of fear, before Ryujin pushes Karina off her. "Ryujin?"

"I have nothing more to say to you." Ryujin growls while picking up her stuff.

"If she wasn't there, would there be a chance?"

Ryujin stop on her tracks but didn't even bother to look back to answer Karina.

"If she isn't here, then, I'm better off dead."

Karina chuckles before continuing. "Remember when you told me that you should fight for the one you love?"


"I'm just following your advice..." Karina says as she walks closer to Ryujin, leaning close so she could whisper "So, tell Yeji, she better be ready to fight for you."


Ryujin leans her head on the door, confuse about what is going on with her life. But somehow all the anxiety went away just knowing that behind that door, was Yeji waiting for her.

The hotel where Yeji is staying in is not even half the size of her home, but the exhilarating feeling that Ryujin has when she walks in is so much different from the mundane times she goes back home to her mansion. She just like the thought of it, of coming home to Yeji.

Ryujin smiled even wider when she finds Yeji all sprawled up on the floor. She crawls on to the space beside Yeji and kisses those cute pouting lips.

"How's your day?"

Yeji sighs heavily...

"I guess the apartment hunting thing didn't go so well."

"Ummm... well... we're going to check some more tomorrow... The places that we looked at today, well... they seem creepy and the only decent one has rats the size of cats."

Ryujin chuckles before crawling on top of Yeji. "I thought you like pets?"

Yeji slaps Ryujin softly on the arm before Ryujin brushes Yeji's hair out of her face, kissing the forehead that she loves too much.

"My poor baby..." Ryujin says while pressing a soft yet illicit kiss on Yeji's neck, and Ryujin smiles cockily as she felt Yeji's throat move as her sweet kisses turn lustful "If you want I could look with you tomorrow." She says while slipping her hand underneath Yeji's shirt, raking her fingernails on Yeji's waist until it goes lower to Yeji's jean button, not wasting time as Ryujin sits up and starts pulling those jeans off those luscious legs.

"Y-you will?" Yeji manage to say between her gasps as she frantically tries to unbutton Ryujin's shirt. And Yeji almost froze when she saw the look on Ryujin's eyes. The innocence of it was gone instead it was the look of need.

The moment Ryujin and Yeji separate ways this morning, Ryujin immediately needed Yeji. The need to touch her, love her and pleasure her.


"O-ok..." Yeji says helplessly as Ryujin have already took over her, turning her words into sensual moans, moans that didn't even recognize the difference between day and night for Ryujin made love to Yeji until the sunlight was able to break through the window.


Karina was desperately trying everything. She step inside the club with its banging music to shut off the voices in her head that was laughing at her, she surrounded herself by hundreds if it could make her forget one and lastly, she swallow down the bitter drink if it could help her numb her emotions.

She clenches her teeth, when she hears the devil herself applauding her humiliation...

"Bravo... Karina... bravo."

Karina quickly turns away but that didn't do anything, Winter still sat beside her...

"Could you just leave me alone?" Karina tries to sound mad but she knew that she only sounded pathetic.

"Why would I? Can't I come and celebrate my friend's victory of finally getting her one true love to notice her?"

"We are not friends." Karina snaps back.

"Ouch..." Winter didn't care at all "Doesn't mean you got hurt, doesn't mean you should hurt others too..."

"Leave me alone, Winter!" Karina snaps back. "H-how did you even know?"

"I just do... I know everything Karina... every single thing."

Karina growls and ignored the girl.

"You should have known that you don't act on your own without a go signal from me"

"I could make a decision on my own!"

"And look where that got you! So, yeah Ryujin did notice you but now she sees you as this desperate psycho trying to come in between her and the love of her life. Ryujin would never dare get near you again."

Karina gulps down more alcohol to stop her tears from pouring...

"You told me that if I try to sleep with her then I could..."

"I said you wait for a go signal from me, you just practically threw yourself at her, you're no better than those sluts parading themselves around Ryujin. You want to know why Ryujin is just so nuts about Yeji?"


"Because Yeji is the first girl that told her no, Yeji is the first girl that walk away from her and Yeji is the first girl that made her wait."

"Gee... that's a lot of help..." Karina responds sarcastically before drowning herself in more alcohol.

"I told you Karina, I told you a million of times... that if you want Ryujin, the only way is to destroy Yeji first."

"You keep on saying that but nothing is happening."

Karina have seen those lips curve deviously a lot of times, but it still didn't matter, it could still make Karina shiver.

"That's because I know how to keep my secrets." Winter then stood up and leans to whisper to Karina. "So, just sit back and relax, cause it's going to be one hell of a show."


Winter steps out of the smoky club trying to get away from the sleazy music and even sleazier men. She rummages inside her purse until she pulls out the only thing in the world that could keep her sane.

Her cigarette.

She blows out a smoke, when out of the shadow she sees a silhouette, a silhouette she doesn't need to even see to recognize. This person haunts her in her dreams and what's worse in every step of her reality.

"You." Winter spoke trying to cover up her shaky voice.

"Yes. It's me."

Oh, so this is real after all.

"Like I care."

Winter was about to step away, when she felt hands gripping on her arms.

"What happen to you, Winter? You weren't like this."

Winter scoffs before returning back that person's gaze, stepping closer so that her every word could be heard.

"I'm like this because of you."


Yeji sighs frustratingly as they came to the third apartment that day. The apartments that Ryujin brought her were gorgeous and spacious but she can't even afford half the rent with what she's making.
Now Yeji have to keep in mind that Ryujin's idea of small and inexpensive is so different from her idea of small and inexpensive. Yeji frowns as Ryujin parks in front of a lavish apartment, much bigger than the two apartments they went to earlier.


"What's wrong?" Ryujin puts her car on park and looks at Yeji looking worriedly at the apartment.

"This is like the biggest among the three apartments, if I couldn't afford the first two, how much could I afford this one?"

"Look, it doesn't hurt to try... if not there is going for a fourth one. I don't mind."


Ryujin couldn't help but smile as she watches Yeji walking around the apartment as if she was walking inside a museum filled with world class paintings.

"This place is gorgeous but I don't think this place is within my budget." Yeji quickly put a halt before she could even dream of owning it.

"Well, how much are you willing to pay?" Landlord asks.

"Ummm..." Yeji blush embarrassingly "A...around 500 dollars?"

"Well... you are in luck, this place is around 400 dollars"

Ryujin smiles as she sees Yeji look at her with those eyes filled with amazement... "A...are you serious?" Yeji asks surprisingly.

"Yes, with how bad the economy is today, we need to try out new strategies to reach out to people, so, we're having this promo..."

"This is just too good to be true, is there a catch? Did somebody die here? This place isn't haunted is it?" Yeji asks worriedly and her innocence made Ryujin chuckle.

"Oh no... no... miss... let's just say, you came at the right time."

The landlord turns to look at the beauty with the gorgeous angel she is talking to now. The dark haired girl bows her head slightly as a thank you.


Mr. Kim is rarely intimidated having to deal with aggressive and almost crazy tenants every day of his life. But how did this raven haired beauty sitting opposite of him could just do it just sitting there so quietly?

She wasn't a person with many words instead she just pushes a check towards his direction. He took the check and immediately gulps as the amount written on it.

"Is this?"

"Yes... and there's more where that came from"

"Oh ok... So, what exactly do you want me to do?"

"Well... I need a little favor from you. I will be back here in the afternoon with someone and she'll be looking for a place but the money she makes is not even half of how much the rent cost here. But that check I gave you is good for her whole rent for a lifetime, am I right?"


"So, I want you to tell her that you're having a promo that's why you don't need her to pay as much."

"O...ok b-but..."

"Either you take it or not." The girl says bluntly "I just need you to know... you don't take it, there would be others who won't have second thoughts in having this deal." But before Ryujin could take the check back, the man quickly swipes it off the table.

" I will do it."


"So, shall I get the paperworks done Ms. Hwang?"

Yeji looks for approval from Ryujin, who quickly gives her a sweet smile. And Yeji smile so happily before nodding.

"Ok, let me take care of it for you... why don't you girls walk around your new apartment?"

The moment Mr. Kim closes the door behind him, Yeji quickly runs over to Ryujin, jumping into the girl's arms...

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you" Yeji kisses Ryujin at every thank you... "If you haven't brought me here, I wouldn't know... so, thank you."

"I'm glad you like it."

"I'm starting to like everything that you do."

And Ryujin smiles knowing that she feels exactly the same.

"I will ask Giselle if I could have more hours in the coffeeshop..."

"I don't want you to work too hard..."

"I'm not. I'm just... I don't know..."

She hugs Ryujin tighter, kissing Ryujin in the base of her neck before returning to their embrace.

"You didn't know how scared I was when mama kick me out. I don't know what was going to happen to me, but I just... I just couldn't lose you, Ryujin. I couldn't. I have never felt so scared, so alone but you stayed with me and you gave me this feeling that no one in the world has ever given me. I know I'm weak Ryu, but just give me time and I'll prove to everyone and I will prove to you, that I'm the one who should be with you."

"You don't have to prove anything. I know..."

They kiss again passionately, obsessively until they found the need to breath...

"Ummm... Ryu?" Yeji whispers breathlessly...

"Yes baby?" Ryujin asks while planting soft kisses on Yeji's neck.

"This is a pretty big apartment..."

"Yeah..." Ryujin answers as she continues kissing...

"So, I ummm... I..." Yeji struggled to form her thoughts into words.

"What is it?"

"I know this place is not even half of how big your mansion is, but maybe... I don't know... it's up to you... maybe you would like to stay with me?"

And Ryujin stares back lovingly into those feline eyes before answering...

"There's nobody else I would want to come home to except you."


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