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Tae Rae sighed as Matthew patted his face with sunscreen. "Isn't it okay?" Tae Rae softly asked and Matthew shook his head as he muttered a 'no'.

Gyuvin chuckled as he watched them from where he stood with his hands in his pocket. Matthew looked at Tae Rae with satisfaction. "I don't want Ji Woong hyung bugging me about you getting a sunburn this time" Matthew muttered.

"Mm You'd still want to hear his voice" Tae Rae said and Matthew nudged him as he looked away with his flustered face.

Gyuvin walked closer and placed his arm over
Tae Rae's shoulder. Tae Rae flinched but he calmed down when he recognized Gyuvin's scent.

"Let's continue shopping" Gyuvin said and Matthew nodded as he stood beside Tae Rae. Tae Rae just let them pick whatever they wanted for him as he couldn't see, after all Gyuvin always told him about his good fashion sense.

After buying some clothes, they stopped to eat before continuing shopping, "Hyung, open wide" Gyuvin said holding a spoon directly in front of Tae Rae's face. Tae Rae didn't hesitate and quickly ate what Gyuvin has fed him.

Matthew saw this and playfully banged his spoon on the table. "Yah! You're letting him feed you again? You don't even let me do that" Matthew complained.

"Hyung, he's pouting" Gyuvin said and Tae Rae mentally rolled his eyes at Gyuvin's words.
'As if I know what that looks like'

"Aishh quit being a baby Matthew" Tae Rae said making Matthew scoff in disbelief and Gyuvin softly smile.

Tae Rae slowly got up, "I'd like to use the restroom, Can you please direct me Gyuvin?" Tae Rae softly asked. Gyuvin was about to stand but Matthew glared at him and told him to sit.

"I'll take you" he said and gently placed his hand on Tae Rae's shoulder. Tae Rae sighed when he knew it was Matthew. He braced himself to get bumped or spill something.

Tae Rae always chose Gyuvin over Matthew in doing things, not for any reason other that Matthew was hella clumsy and easily distracted. Tae Rae learnt his lessons when Matthew mistakenly fed him soup directly into his nose because he was distracted by the drama they were watching.

Tae Rae clutched his stick tightly not wanting any accidents happening. Matthew carefully pushed
Tae Rae into one of restroom and stood out.

Matthew began to hum a song as he waited. His eyes immediately widened and glistened in awe as he spotted a life sized teddy bear. He quickly went over to that to check the toys out, completely forgetting Tae Rae.

Tae Rae dried his hands and grabbed his stick. He got out of the restroom and immediately felt Matthew's absence. "Matthew?" He muttered and heard nothing making him sigh.

"Time to find my way back" he muttered and began walking, obviously not knowing that Matthew was just in the toy store before him.

He sighed and stopped. Tae Rae honestly thought that he was walking in circles. He was about to continue his journey but he stopped when he felt three little kids playing in front of him. Soon, they began running around Tae Rae, chasing each other.

Tae Rae softly tried to stop one to make the others stop but his hand mistakenly got into the child's eye making her cry loudly.

Tae Rae quickly panicked and slowly crouched as his hands went on the child's body.
"Stop crying okay? Do you want some candy?"
Tae Rae asked trying to soothe the child. He reached into his pocket to give the child the candy Gyuvin bought for him.

He was interrupted when he felt someone drag the child out of his hands and a slap going to his face.

"Yah! What did you do to my kid?! You pervert! Tell me Seohyun, did he touch you?" The child's mother asked. The little girl thought she was asking about mere touches, so she nodded.

"You see?! You pedophile! Is this how you go around sexually harassing little kids?!"  The woman yelled and Tae Rae shook his head. He could still feel his cheeks sting.

Because of the commotion, people gathered to watch making the woman feel more proud.

"Yah! Stand up. I'm going to report you to the police! Stand up!" She yelled as she fisted Tae Rae's shirt.
Tae Rae began to touch the ground to feel his stick.

Once he got a hold of his stick, he slowly got up making the woman confused. The woman saw him look somewhere else as he spoke to her.

"I didn't do any of the such, I was just trying to stop her from crying" Tae Rae softly said and the woman eyed him up and down. She saw Tae Rae holding a stick and scoffed.

"Is this the tactics you pedophiles use this days? You actually think I'm going to believe you're blind?"
The woman asked as she used her finger to push 
Tae Rae back each time she spoke.

When she saw that Tae Rae was still looking somewhere else. It made her so angry, she raised her hand to hit Tae Rae but stopped when someone held her hand from behind.

"That's enough" The person said and got in front of her, standing between Tae Rae and her.

"You've done enough" he said and let go of the woman's hand. He turned to Tae Rae and saw his sad face. He gently held Tae Rae.

"Let's get you out of here" The person gently said and guided Tae Rae out of the commotion.

BlindAmour||Zb1 Tae Rae x RickyWhere stories live. Discover now