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Ricky stared at Tae Rae. "Can I kiss you?" He softly asked. Tae Rae nodded. "yes" that was all Tae Rae had to say before he felt the texture of Ricky's lips on his own.

Tae Rae froze for a moment, brain on a whirlwind of emotions- and then he closed his eyes and leaned in.
This was his first kiss, something he fantasized about a lot- something he just gave to Ricky.

He let the Ricky take the lead, moving his own against Ricky's, slightly parting his lips and hands fisting on Ricky's shirt.

There was no hurry, no lust- it was something so soft and sure will remain in Tae Rae's memory forever.

When Ricky parted away to take a breath, Tae Rae unconsciously chased after those lips, eager for more, and Ricky landed quick pecks on those lips and then one on Tae Rae's forehead.

Tae Rae's face was flushed and eyes dazed, meanwhile Ricky's eyes never left Tae Rae's, his hands holding him close and dear.

Ricky softly rubbed Tae Rae's hands.
"There's something I need to tell you Tae Rae.."
He muttered. Tae Rae placed his hand on his cheek
"What is it Ricky?"

"I like you Tae Rae..I like you so much..I had buried my memories but you took them out and helped me face them, you helped me sleep when I could not."
Ricky paused and sighed.

"You are everything I didn't know I wanted. Maybe it was the way that you loved me from the start or how you were there when I felt down or maybe it was because I was too scared to feel something for someone...

But no matter how much I tried, I fell in love with you nonetheless. Maybe it was from the constant laughter or the warm space you made or how your voice makes me feel safe and now...

All that I have left to say...is thank you. Thank you for being everything I didn't know I wanted"
Ricky said as he felt his eyes get teary.

He had never felt this way for someone, it was very new for him, he just didn't know what words to use to let Tae Rae know how much he really loves and values him.

Tae Rae softly smiled and pulled Ricky in for soft hug. He gently rubbed Ricky's hair, happy that Ricky felt comfortable enough to share his feelings with him.


It was finally the day of Tae Rae's surgery. Ricky held Tae Rae's hand as he comforted him till it was time. Tae Rae was laying on the bed, it was just minutes away from his surgery.

"I'm here with you Tae Rae. It's okay..I'll make sure you see, we'll go to the beach, take photos, have picnics, we'll do a lot. Don't worry. Okay?"
Ricky said as he gently rubbed Tae Rae's hand.

Tae Rae nodded. The door opened and a nurse came in. "Mr. Kim, it's time for the surgery" She said and Tae Rae tightened his hold on Ricky's hand.

Ricky stood up and pecked Tae Rae's forehead.
"I'll see you after surgery." He muttered and slowly detached their hands as he walked out of the ward.

Ricky sighed and went to change into his hospital gown. Another nurse led him to where the surgery would take place. He laid on the bed and watched as Tae Rae laid on the other bed.

He kept staring at Tae Rae till the anesthetics knocked him out.


Ricky and Tae Rae were admitted into different wards as they needed to rest and be checked up on.
Tae Rae was doing fine, all that was left was for the healing to process.

Ricky was doing fine during the first few hours till his next checkup where the doctor discovered that Ricky's eye hygiene wasn't taken seriously by the nurses because he had caught an infection.

Not only the infection, He had discovered that Ricky's eyes were bleeding in a rapid rate alongside his detached retinas.

The doctor cussed under his breath because his condition had rapidly gotten worse over the hours and he put Ricky on an emergency surgery.


Zhanghao knew about Ricky being a donor for
Tae Rae. He supported Ricky after hearing that there weren't any matching donors for Tae Rae.

He thought the surgery would go safely, he didn't expect to see the ophthalmologist telling him that Ricky needs to undergo an emergency surgery.

He brushed his hair back in worry hoping that it wouldn't turn into something more dangerous.


The doctor removed his mask as he sighed. He walked out of the ER removing his gloves. Zhanghao saw him and quickly went to him.

"How's my brother? Is everything under control now?" Zhanghao frantically asked. The doctor sighed.

"The infection was discovered really late and it had affected major internal areas of his eyes, as a result of that, he overbled, his white blood cells weren't immune enough to blood clot. We needed more hours to work on him which needed more doses of anesthetics but as a result of our anesthesiologist's carelessness, he got overdosed"

"Mr. Shen gave up" The doctor said and Zhanghao covered his mouth in shock.

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