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"Okay! That's a wrap! Good job everyone!" The director said standing up, the film crew immediately went to Ricky, holding an umbrella to protect him from the sun.

Once held a portable fan to his face and others were pretty much making sure he was okay. Ricky turned and bowed to everyone as they had finished an episode of his upcoming drama.

Xie Wei, the female lead of their drama walked to Ricky and handed him a cold drink. Ricky looked at the cup and shook his head.

"No thanks. I don't like sugary drinks" He muttered and Xie Wei awkwardly nodded as she brushed her hair backwards.

"Uhm, I'm going to tour Seoul right after now with some of my friends. Would you like to come?"
She said nervously smiling, hoping Ricky would accept.

Ricky sighed and brushed his long blonde locs backwards. He looked at Xie Wei and she got more nervous waiting for his answer.

"I apologize Xie Wei but I've got to read my scripts. Hope you don't mind" Ricky said and Xie Wei's smiled faltered. She nodded and turned and left.

Ricky got into his car with his manager and his driver immediately started driving towards the hotel.

Ricky plopped on the couch with his hand on his hair. He just got out of the shower and was drying his hair with a towel. He grabbed his phone and immediately saw a message from Xie Wei.

"Hope you returned safely?"

He replied with a Yes and left the messages. He thought of Hao and decided to call him and give him updates on his drama.

His eyes landed on an unsaved number. His brows furrowed as he thought about whom he called. He then remembered Tae Rae and the call.

"Oh yeah, him" Ricky muttered and began to think about Tae Rae. He clicked his tongue and went to call Hao's number.

"Life must really be tough for him" He muttered in reference to Tae Rae and then called Hao.


Ricky gulped down his sleeping pills and got on the bed. He grabbed one of his many books from the nightstand and started reading.

'Dad, I'm exhausted' A nine year old Ricky said as he was panting. His father looked at him with a grimace evident on his face.

"I want to stop today" Ricky muttered out and used his sleeves to wipe his sweats.

'Go down' His father commanded.

'Dad, I'm tired' Ricky said clenching the stairs rails for support. Ricky's father slowly crouched to his size with a frown.

'Don't you want to be a successful actor like me?"
His father said and Ricky nodded. His father then patted his shoulder before squeezing it.

'Then you'll have to get in shape. No one likes an obese actor. Right?" His father said and Ricky shook his head in disagreement.

'Mrs Xiao told me that I can be a good actor only because of my talents Dad' Ricky said and his father's brows furrowed.

'She's just as stupid as you. Aren't you disgusted by yourself?' His father said and Ricky's head slow fell down on sorrow.

'I'm..I'm sorry dad' he muttered.

His father sighed and stood up, still looking at Ricky with a grimace.

'I get so angry every time I look at you..I can't believe you're my son' His father said and Ricky's eyes were immediately filled with tears.

Ricky's eyes widened when his father kicked him making him loose his grip on the rails and fall down the stairs.

Ricky sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror, he was blow drying his hair as he just got out the shower. His hand touched a rough part of his scalp and he quickly dropped the blow dryer.

He remembered the incident and shut his eyes tight to stop the images that kept flowing. He could feel his anger rise and he tried to stop himself.

He looked at himself in the mirror and got even more angry. He clenched his fist and punched the mirror making it shatter.

He began to shake as he covered his ears. He could still hear his father's words. His hair that was neatly blond was now stained with his blood.

He began to trash everything in the penthouse trying to stop how he felt.

He fell to the ground still clutching his ears as he began to sob.

"P-Please stop..s-stop!" He kept muttering as he heard his father's voice, telling him that he was nothing, a blind future, and all sort of names he had grown accustomed to because of his father.

The words and the ringing in his ears suddenly stopped making him slowly open his eyes as he panted.

His eyes slowly moved across the room and his eyes widened as he saw the mess he had created. He staggered as he got up.

He was shocked because he just couldn't remember when he did all that. What he last remembered was dropping the blow dryer.

He slowly reached to pick up the pieces of a broken vase. A quiet gasp left his mouth when he saw his bleeding hand. It had pieces of broken glass stuck in different parts of his hand.

That was when he began to feel the excruciating pain. He was afraid of what he had become and the things he had done.

He looked at the floor as saw the trails of his blood everywhere and how trashed up the room looked.

He slowly sat back to the floor in despair, his head hung low and his body aching.

"What the hell am I turning into?"

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