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Tae Rae sat on the ground, his back resting against the door to Ricky's room. He sighed and brushed his hair backwards. He could hear Ricky's sobs and trashing sounds coming from the room.

Ricky brought Tae Rae to his hotel room as Tae Rae wanted to come and spend time with him. All was fine till Ricky turned the television on only to see news about himself.

He saw a voice memo playing with the voice distorted. His mouth unconsciously parted in shock. The person was accusing him of raping her.

Tae Rae's eyes widened when he heard the voice memo that was playing. Ricky stood up in shock.
He couldn't understand where any of that was coming from.

Pictures were then brought to the screen. Ricky could easily recognize himself and where he was going to in those pictures, those pictures where taken on the days he went out to see Tae Rae.

The lady claimed that Ricky had been stalking her and she took the pictures each time Ricky would start leaving.

Ricky was beyond broken. He couldn't understand why someone would lie against him. His hand around tv remote clenched. He kept watching how fans were throwing insults at him, the uploaded posts already made about him on social media.

Tae Rae immediately held Ricky's hand, he could feel Ricky shake rapidly. "Turn off the television–

Tae Rae was interrupted when Ricky detached their hands and walked into the room. Tae Rae followed after him only to find the door locked.

The atmosphere was quiet for sometime making
Tae Rae more worried as he wondered what was going through Ricky's mind.

Tae Rae turned his back and sat on the ground. Soon he jolted when he heard a clashing sound. He started knocking on the door for Ricky to open the door for him but Ricky didn't.

He could hear Ricky speaking to himself as he thrashed things around. Tae Rae ruffled his hair in worry.

"Ricky, if..if you don't open this door..I swear I'm going to..I'm going to jump down from here"
Tae Rae said. He didn't mean what he said but he hoped it would work.

Some seconds after Tae Rae spoke, Ricky opened the door. Tae Rae immediately hugged him.

"Ricky..You're not alone" He said rubbing Ricky's back. "So stop acting like..." Tae Rae paused and held Ricky's hand.

"...someone who's given up on life" he muttered. Ricky quickly hugged Tae Rae and began crying again. "Why does it have to be me?" Ricky asked as he wept.

Tae Rae rubbed his back soothingly.


Tae Rae stayed with Ricky, he didn't want to leave him to face what he was facing alone. He made Ricky switch off his phone and just rest because that was all he needed.

He called Ji Woong and informed him that he would spend the night with Ricky.

Tae Rae got in bed and scooted over to Ricky. Just as he did, Ricky leaned towards him and gently wrapped his arms around Tae Rae.

They stayed in each other's embrace, no one saying a word, just them listening to each other's breath.

"If you were given a chance to see, what or who would you like to see first" Ricky whispered.
Tae Rae kept quiet for some seconds before replying.

"I'd like to see everyone all at once...I want to be mesmerized at the same time" Tae Rae said and sighed.

"After that, I'd love to go to the places we've gone together and actually recreate those moments but this time, seeing you" Tae Rae said and leaned closed to Ricky.

Ricky rubbed Tae Rae's sides gently as he hugged him tighter. "But it's too good to be true" Tae Rae said as he bitterly smiled.

Ricky fondled Tae Rae's hair. "Don't worry...I'll make sure you see" Ricky muttered and laid a peck on Tae Rae's hair.

Some minutes in, Ricky could hear Tae Rae's snores, he then knew he was asleep. He stood up from the bed and slowly detached himself from Tae Rae.

He took his bottled water and walked to his cabinet. He before he could take out his sleeping pills, he was interrupted.

"Ricky? What are you doing over there?" Tae Rae asked when he heard the sounds of the pills.

"I'm taking some drugs. I usually take them before I sleep" Ricky said and Tae Rae's brows furrowed.
"You mean sleeping pills?" Tae Rae asked in worry.

"Uh yeah" Ricky said rubbing his neck.
Tae Rae clicked his tongue. "Ricky, you know that is not good for you" he said worriedly as he got out the bed.

He carefully walked to Ricky. He grabbed his hand.
"Come on, let's sleep together" he muttered and led Ricky to the bed. Once they got in, he placed Ricky's head softly on his chest and hugged him.

"I don't want you taking that, If you ever need to sleep, call me and I'll be there for you" Tae Rae said rubbing Ricky's hair. Ricky felt himself relax in
Tae Rae's embrace.

Tae Rae began to sing lowly for him as he rubbed his hair. Ricky closed his eyes and let himself dwell in Tae Rae's comfort.

Tae Rae sang till he heard soft snores coming from Ricky. He covered the both of them and drifted to sleep.

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