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Ricky glanced at Tae Rae as he sang along to the music playing. His head swayed from left to right as he enjoyed the melody.

Ricky smiled softly and looked back to the road.
The last time Ricky visited Tae Rae, Tae Rae said something about wanting to go to the beach but he couldn't because everyone was busy to take him.

So Ricky made it a plan to take Tae Rae there. They were currently on the way to the beach.

Ricky parked his car and they got out. He slightly moved his elbow towards Tae Rae and Tae Rae gently held onto it as they walked.

Tae Rae smiled broadly when he could feel his toes get tickled by the sand. Ricky placed a mat and they sat.

Tae Rae took a deep breath and let it out smiling.
"Thank you for bringing me here. I feel so relaxed"
Tae Rae said and held Ricky's hand.

Ricky looked at their hands and looked back at
Tae Rae. "I could feel how bad you wanted to be here" Ricky said. He looked at Tae Rae for sometime before he turned at looked at the waves.

They were quiet, their eyes shut tight as they enjoyed the warm breeze and soothing sound of the waves.

Tae Rae slowly stood up, he dropped his cane and wiggled his toes in the sand. Ricky looked at him curiously. Tae Rae massaged his jaw and took a stance.

Next thing Ricky knew, he started to shout. Ricky's eyes widened as he looked around and saw other people looking at him. He quickly stood up and tried covering Tae Rae's mouth.

Tae Rae laughed when he heard Ricky whispering for him to shut up.

"Come on Ricky. Join me." Tae Rae said and started yelling at the top of his lungs. Ricky was very embarrassed and he covered his face further with his mask.

"Yah! Join me!" Tae Rae shouted and held Ricky's hand. "Trust me, It works" Tae Rae said. Ricky looked at him for some seconds before sighing.

Tae Rae started shouting again and Ricky slowly started shouting too. He was quite low at first but when he saw how Tae Rae smiled as he shouted, he joined Tae Rae in screaming crazy.

They both ended shouting and Tae Rae began to laugh crazy. Ricky watched Tae Rae laugh and couldn't help but softly laugh too. He, for the first time, actually felt what an actual laughter felt like.

"See? I told you. Don't you feel good?" Tae Rae said grinning. Ricky nodded "I feel..different. I guess you're right" Ricky muttered.

Tae Rae squeezed Ricky's hand and smiled. He started running forward as he could here the sound waves getting louder. Ricky ran with him towards the water.

"Woo!! It's so cold!!" Tae Rae flinched and tried to run out but Ricky held his waist dragging him back.

"You're not going anywhere, you dragged me here so you'll be here too" Ricky said and chuckled when he saw Tae Rae's face squeeze because of the cold.

"Ahh forget I ever did that" Tae Rae said and tried to run away but Ricky knew faster and quickly splashed him some water. Tae Rae gasped when he felt the water hit his skin.

"Yah!! You naughty–
Tae Rae couldn't finish as Ricky splashed him more water. He gasped dramatically making Ricky chuckle.

"That's it" Tae Rae muttered and splashed water towards Ricky. Ricky just chuckled and brushed his wet locs backwards.

"Take that!" Tae Rae kept shouting as he splashed water on Ricky. Ricky just kept smiling as he saw how happy Tae Rae was. He then carried Tae Rae and threw him into the water gently.

Tae Rae sat up and brushed his wet hair backwards, he wiped the water away from his face and yelled
"Yah! That's cheating!"

Ricky suddenly tickled him making him fall back into the water. "That's even worse!!" Tae Rae shouted playfully when he got out of the water.

They got out of the water and sat back down on the sand. Ricky took out his phone. He softly tapped
Tae Rae's shoulder and Tae Rae looked at his direction.

"Smile for the picture" Ricky said and Tae Rae cupped his face and smiled. Ricky looked at the picture and smiled. He then switched to a video.

"Okay, pose again" He said and smiled when
Tae Rae posed not knowing it was a video. He got into the video smiling. "Another pose" He said and Tae Rae gave a soft smile and a peace sign.

Ricky winked at the camera and ended the video.

"Wow you look so good in these" Ricky said watching the video in a low volume. Tae Rae sadly smiled as he heard Ricky.

"I'm sure you look even better" Tae Rae said and Ricky paused what he was doing. He had heard dozen times how good he looked but he just didn't believe because he thought of himself as his father always forced him to believe.

But hearing it from Tae Rae sounded different. When others told him that, he saw through their eyes and could tell they wanted something from or with him.

He looked at Tae Rae's eyes and saw how Tae Rae looked at him with admiration.

"Why do you say that?" Ricky asked and Tae Rae smiled and reached for Ricky's hand.

"Angels are pure and beautiful beings...They bring warmth and peace.. they guide you..they protect you.
Not only because of how you take care of me like how Angels do, I'm sure you're beautiful inside and out..just like angels are. You're a good person Ricky" Tae Rae finished, smiling at Ricky.

Ricky was looking at Tae Rae. He felt his heart clench. He could feel himself choke up. He looked away from Tae Rae and blinked rapidly to get rid of tears that had started to form.

He just couldn't remember when last he heard something like that. Sure, he had heard it from Hanbin and Zhanghao. But he felt different hearing it from Tae Rae.

Tae Rae squeezed his hand when he heard the silence. He gently caressed his hand with his thumb as he felt that Ricky needed it even though he didn't know why.

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