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Ricky lightly smiled as he looked at Tae Rae. He looked back to the sunset. Tae Rae sighed deeply, he could feel the warmth of the sun resting on his face.

Tae Rae invited Ricky out for a picnic while they enjoy the warmth of the sun. Ricky at first didn't want to go but Tae Rae seemed to want to spend time with him so he accepted.

Tae Rae took a bite of his sandwich. He had
Ji Woong prepare meals and snacks for their picnic.

Ricky just watched Tae Rae eat, he just couldn't get hungry. He kept playing with the strawberry in his hand.

"Ricky..." Tae Rae called and Ricky looked at
Tae Rae.

"I feel so relaxed now" he said smiling. Ricky smiled back and continued looking at the sunset.

They kept quiet for sometime before Tae Rae broke the silence. "What's your favorite food? I don't remember you ever telling me" Tae Rae asked resting his head on his hand as he faced Ricky.

Ricky looked down. He genuinely tried to think but he couldn't, the thought of eating honestly made him want to throw up.

"I..I don't know" he muttered. Tae Rae nodded and then replied him "That must be because you don't eat, right?"

Ricky looked at him not saying anything. He gulped as he knew Tae Rae wasn't wrong. He used to love food as a kid, he wasn't picky but as he grew up, he became Anorexic after dwelling in his trauma.

Zhanghao tried and tried to make Ricky come out of his shell but Ricky just couldn't.

Tae Rae heard the loud silence coming from Ricky and he nodded as he knew he was right. He had noticed it, right from when he went out with Ricky and Junho.

He could feel Ricky's anxiety when he speaks about food near him. Tae Rae confirmed his suspicions and he immediately made it his goal to help him out.

"The sandwich tastes good" Tae Rae muttered and cut out a small piece. He used his other hand to touch Ricky's chin, he then softly placed the piece at his lips.

Tae Rae could still feel Ricky's lips shut.
"Please" Tae Rae whispered. Ricky looked at him and saw how sad he looked. He slowly opened his mouth.

Tae Rae fed him the piece. Ricky hesitantly began to chew. He could feel himself start to gag but he didn't as he felt Tae Rae gently rubbing his arm.

Ricky's eyes widened when he felt himself swallow. He looked at Tae Rae. He was surprised that he had actually eaten something without throwing up as he had been living off of supplements and liquid low carbs.

"It tastes good right?" Tae Rae softly asked. Ricky slowly nodded. Tae Rae took a bottled water and gave Ricky. "Have some water"

Ricky took the water and slowly drank little.

"Do you want to try again?" Tae Rae muttered after sometime. "Mm" Ricky replied.

Tae Rae picked out a berry this time. He placed it on his lips. Ricky ate the berry slowly as he looked at Tae Rae.

"Do you like it?" Ricky muttered a 'yes' to Tae Rae's question. Tae Rae smiled and leaned out of Ricky.

"I used to hate eating certain foods. Like I was really picky. But do you know what happened?" Tae Rae asked and Ricky muttered a 'what?'

"It was surprising but each time I tried eating it with someone I loved. I seemed to forget that I disliked the food. I guess I was focused on the person more than the food. And each time I ate that particular food, I remember the person" Tae Rae muttered.

Ricky looked at the meals before him. They were of different categories. He looked back at Tae Rae.

"I prepared a lot today...I would love for you to try them out. I'm here with you, so please.. let me be the one you remember each time you eat" Tae Rae said and Ricky gulped as he looked at Tae Rae.

Tae Rae softly held his hand and smiled.
"I think of you when I think of the beach, when I sing, when I do a lot of things...I want you to think of me too"

Ricky felt his heart clench. He slowly nodded. He didn't feel like one day someone would think of him, he just felt..useless.

"I feel like..." he muttered. He sighed lowly and looked at Tae Rae.

"I'm worthless to this world" he said and looked down. Tae Rae cut out a piece from his sandwich and quickly fed Ricky to shut him up.

"You have worth to me. And I have worth to you"
Tae Rae said almost getting upset that Ricky would think of himself like that.

Ricky slowly chewed as Tae Rae's words replayed in his mind. He didn't even know when he started sobbing.

Tae Rae heard Ricky's low sob and sighed. As he spent time with Ricky, he began to feel the pain Ricky felt. He understood Ricky's pain even though Ricky never opened up to him.

He knew Ricky was deeply hurting and he knew he would be the one to heal him.

Tae Rae stood up from where his sat and sat beside Ricky. He gently placed Ricky's head on his shoulder and rubbed his hair gently.

"It's okay..You're doing fine and you'll do better.
You just need more time..that's all. I'll be here with you through it all" Tae Rae muttered softly.

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