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"I'm on my way " Tae Rae heard from his phone that was on the table as he felt the leaves of his newly potted plant.He went with Ji Woong to get a new phone, over the years, Tae Rae didn't necessarily need a phone, He thought.

The only three people he spoke with; Ji Woong, Matthew and Gyuvin, practically were in every second of his life. He didn't bother wanting to have a phone, If he wanted to listen to some music, he would just tune in the radio.

That was till he met Ricky and that made him begin to think about purchasing one. He had Matthew help him transfer Ricky's number into his phone and save it.

Ricky had been contacting Tae Rae often ever since he found out about him getting his private phone. Other times he would think twice before calling because Ji Woong had picked the home call some times.

"Okay, I just finished potting my plant. Do you want to see it?" Tae Rae asked Ricky. He heard some shuffles through the phone before Ricky replied.

"Mm, When I arrive, we'll talk a lot about your plant" Ricky said and Tae Rae nodded.


It was Ricky's first time of coming into Tae Rae's house. He parked his car outside and faced the familiar house. He took out a basket and walked towards the house.

Tae Rae opened the door after recognizing Ricky's voice. "Hello" Ricky said with a polite smile.

"Come in" Tae Rae said and Ricky walked in. He looked around the house. It was very chic, the colors of the walls were mostly beige, white and black.

"I brought a basket of gifts. Just some healthcare things" Ricky said as he placed Tae Rae's hand on the basket. "Oh really? Thank you, what's in it though?"

Ricky started unpacking the items, they were mostly sachet drinks for the throat and energy boosters.

"Wow thank you, It means a lot. I've a lot of ongoing songs and Osts, this would help a lot, Thank you Ricky" Tae Rae said and smiled at Ricky.

Tae Rae took the items and walked to where he usually kept his supplements. Ricky just watched him as he did that.

Tae Rae stopped by the window that lead to where all his plants were. "Come over here let me show you the plants" Tae Rae said and Ricky walked to him.

Tae Rae felt one flower before placing Ricky's hand on it. "Flowers" Tae Rae muttered. Ricky looked at the flower and then looked at Tae Rae confused.

"This area is supposed to be a garden" Tae Rae mumbled. "Which flowers are in bloom now?" Ricky asked touching a particular flower.

"They're still only buds, but..they're growing beautifully. Do you know what they are?" Ricky asked and Tae Rae touched Ricky's hand and traced it to the flower.

He rubbed the flower softly "If I'm not mistaken..."
He started "ah this shape" He said and gave an eye smile to the flower.

"I believe this is the white Rhododendron. It's a flower that blooms in the night" Ricky nodded to
Tae Rae's words and shook his head in realization.

"I've heard of that flower. So they're just buds now?" Ricky asked and looked at the flower.

"Indeed...In the past I used to play with these flowers all the time. It would be nice if someday.."
Tae Rae paused as his voice trailed.

"If someday I could see them in bloom" he muttered and smiled. Ricky stared at Tae Rae's eyes. He saw how familiar Tae Rae's eyes were with his.

"Oh well, enough of flowers. Let's have something to snack on while I show you my progress with the OST" Tae Rae said and Ricky gulped.

He watched Tae Rae walk to the kitchen cabinet, his hands trailed over some other snacks before he stopped at a transparent container.

"My brother baked these just before he went to work. Let's have some" Tae Rae said as he started walking towards his music room.

Ricky silently followed him and got into the room, his eyes scanned the room, he could see instruments everywhere, It was more of a studio.

Ricky pulled out a seat for Tae Rae and Tae Rae muttered a thank you as he sat. Tae Rae opened the container and moaned at the aroma of the cookies.

"Ah~ This smells good" Tae Rae said and smiled.
Tae Rae heard a throwing up sound.

"Ricky? Are you okay?" Tae Rae sounded worried. Ricky wavered his hand in the air as he tried to tell Tae Rae not to worry but he just felt like puking.

He covered his nose and mouth as he wanted to throw up again. When the aroma hit his nose, his stomach churned and he immediately got nauseous.

"Are you really fine? Do you want some water?"
Tae Rae asked rubbing Ricky's back.

Ricky could still perceive the cookie smell and he shut his eyes closed and covered his nose tight as he began to sweat.

"I put you on a diet for your own good and what do you do? You go and steal Cookies?" His father asked in disbelief. His father glanced at the remaining cookies in the jar. He fisted his hand with the cookies.

"Open wide..I said Open wide!" He shouted and Ricky nervously opened his mouth as he cried. His father stuffed his mouth with the cookies.

"You want cookies? There have it! You pig, you belong in the swine. Eat it!" His father kept shouting as he kept stuffing Ricky's mouth with cookies eventually making Ricky throw up.

Ricky felt Tae Rae's soothing rubs on his back and slowly regained his conscience. "I..I just don't like cookies..I'm allergic" He muttered.

Tae Rae rubbed Ricky's back with a look of pity on his face. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. Let me put it away" He quickly closed the container and walked out of the room with it.

Ricky brushed his hair backwards and sighed.

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