Pain and Betrayal

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Jazmine POV-

"Jazz. Jazz."

"No Lauren. No." I looked at my sister over FaceTime.

"Jazz. He was wrong. Absolutely. 1 million percent. And the charity stuff that was hilarious. But this, don't do this to him."

"To him? He had a baby on me Lauren. No. Let him pay."

"Jazmine trust me when aI see him I'm going to whoop his ass myself. But you got to go to that hearing. You messing with his money. If he doesn't perform their going to fine him, and on top of that he's nominated for an award."

"I don't care!!!!! Did he care about me? I am not backing down from this."

"Going to this hearing doesn't make you weak. It doesn't mean you want anything to do with him and you were right. He broke into your house. That's wrong. All this does is just let him live his life. After this you don't have to talk to him ever again. But He almost died twice let the boy have his moment tonight. And if he does something else which I highly doubt, then yes go fully through with it. Please."

"It sounds like you're taking his side."

"I'm not. I am 100% on your side. And he's going to get is. Karma is going to slide up and bite his ass trust me, but don't do this."

"I don't have time to wait for slow ass karma. bye Lauren." I hung up and plopped back on my bed with the pillow over my face.

Kill me now. 😤😤😤😤
"Case 12479404. Palmer vs. Alsina."

I cleared my throat and came up to the podium.

They brought August from the side door in handcuffs.

We didn't look at each other. He kept his head down.

It was just us. The judge and the bailiff in the room.

"This is an emergency hearing to determine whether Mr. Alsina can leave the state. What are you leaving the state for sir?" The judge said, a black woman in her 50s said.

"an awards show." August said.

"Be more specific. We're recording and it need to be on record."

"B.e.t Awards."
August spoke up a little louder.

"And what's your business there?"

He sighed. "I'm performing and I'm nominated."

"And this is in LA correct?"


"Okay we are here to determine whether he can go to LA or whether a restraining order needs to be filed?"

"Ms. Palmer do you have an attorney or do you want to do this pro se?"

"Pro se." (Means without a lawyer)

"Now it is my understanding that on you want to press charges for Mr. Alsina breaking and entering your home is that correct?"

I really wanted to be an asshole but I just kept hearing Lauren's voice in my head. And whatever we were going through personally shouldn't affect his career.

"I want to drop the charges your honor." I said.

August still didn't look up but I could tell he was listening.

"You do know if you drop the charges you won't be able to get a restraining order?" She told me.

"I know."

"I guess this was a waste of time for us all. Case dismissed." The judge hit the gavel.

I grabbed my things and immediately rushed to my car. I just wanted to get away so I didn't have to run into him or anybody that knows him.

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